Flutter vs. React Native: Which is Better in 2024?

Written by: Anshuman Singh - Co-Founder @ Scaler | Creating 1M+ world-class engineers
25 Min Read

Mobile app development is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, with new technologies and frameworks emerging regularly. Two of the most popular cross-platform frameworks vying for dominance in 2024 are Flutter and React Native. Both offer a unique set of features and advantages and choosing between them is a crucial decision for developers and businesses alike.

Choosing between these two frameworks can be crucial, as it impacts the development process, app performance, and overall user experience. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of Flutter and React Native, comparing their features, strengths, and weaknesses to help you make an informed decision for your mobile app development project.

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What is React Native?

what is react native?

React Native, launched by Facebook in 2015, is an open-source JavaScript framework that has revolutionized mobile app development. It empowers developers to build cross-platform native mobile applications for iOS and Android using a single codebase, leveraging the popular React library. This means that developers can write code in JavaScript (or TypeScript) and share a significant portion of it between platforms, reducing development time and effort.

Key Features and Use Cases

top react native features and update
  • Cross-Platform Development: React Native’s most significant advantage is its ability to create truly native apps for multiple platforms using a shared codebase. This dramatically reduces development time and resources compared to building separate native apps for each platform.
  • Native Performance: Unlike hybrid apps that run in a web view, React Native components translate directly to native UI elements, resulting in apps that feel and perform like they were built natively.
  • Hot Reloading: This feature allows developers to see changes in the app instantly without recompiling, significantly speeding up development cycles.
  • Large Community and Ecosystem: React Native boasts a thriving community and a vast ecosystem of libraries and components, offering developers a wealth of resources and support.

Useful Resources and Documentation:

What is Flutter?

Flutter, introduced by Google in 2017, is an open-source user interface software development kit (SDK) that has quickly gained traction in the mobile app development landscape. It’s designed to streamline the creation of visually appealing, high-performance applications for multiple platforms – iOS, Android, web, and even desktop – from a single codebase.

Key Features and Use Cases

primary features of developing flutter app
  • Cross-Platform Development: Flutter’s primary allure lies in its ability to build natively compiled applications for multiple platforms using a single codebase written in Dart. This not only accelerates development but also ensures a consistent user experience across different devices.
  • Hot Reload: Similar to React Native, Flutter’s hot reload feature allows developers to instantly see the effects of their code changes, boosting productivity and fostering a rapid development cycle.
  • Rich Set of Customizable Widgets: Flutter offers a comprehensive library of pre-built widgets that adhere to Material Design (for Android) and Cupertino (for iOS) guidelines. These widgets can be easily customized to create visually stunning and platform-specific interfaces.
  • Expressive UI Language: Flutter’s declarative UI language makes it easy to build complex and dynamic interfaces. Developers can easily compose widgets, manage state, and create animations and transitions.
  • High Performance: Flutter apps are compiled to native ARM code, resulting in fast and smooth performance on both iOS and Android devices.

Useful Resources and Documentation:

History of Flutter and React Native

Both Flutter and React Native have seen significant development and adoption since their inception, shaping the landscape of cross-platform mobile app development. Here’s a timeline highlighting their milestones:

React Native:

brief history of react native
  • 2013: Facebook begins internal development of React Native.
  • 2015: React Native is released as an open-source project.
  • 2018: React Native introduces Hooks, a way to use state and other React features without writing a class.
  • 2020: The New Architecture (Fabric) project is announced, aiming to improve performance and interoperability.
  • 2022: Hermes, a JavaScript engine optimized for React Native, becomes the default engine.
  • 2023: React Native continues to evolve with improvements in performance, tooling, and community support.


brief history of flutter
  • 2015: Google starts the development of Flutter, initially called “Sky.”
  • 2017: Flutter is officially released at Google I/O.
  • 2018: Flutter 1.0 is released, marking a significant milestone for production-ready apps.
  • 2021: Flutter 2.0 is announced, expanding support to web and desktop platforms.
  • 2022: Flutter 3.0 is released with improved performance, Material You support, and enhanced Firebase integration.
  • 2023: Flutter continues to gain momentum with updates focusing on performance, tooling, and platform support.

How Do Cross-Platform Development Frameworks Work?

Cross-platform development is a software development approach that allows developers to build applications that can run on multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android, from a single codebase. This approach offers significant advantages in terms of cost and time savings, as it eliminates the need to write separate code for each platform.

Flutter and React Native, two leading cross-platform frameworks, achieve this through different mechanisms:


Flutter takes a unique approach by rendering UI elements directly to the device’s canvas using its own rendering engine, Skia. This engine bypasses the need for platform-specific UI components, allowing Flutter apps to have a consistent look and feel across different platforms. Flutter apps are compiled to native ARM code, which gives them near-native performance.

React Native:

React Native, on the other hand, uses JavaScript to build the application logic and relies on “bridges” to communicate with native UI components. This means that the core of your app is written in JavaScript, but the UI elements are rendered using native components, ensuring a native-like look and feel. However, this bridge can sometimes introduce performance overhead compared to Flutter’s direct rendering.

Both frameworks have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to cross-platform development. Flutter offers a more consistent UI across platforms and potentially better performance, while React Native benefits from its JavaScript foundation and extensive community support.

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Detailed Comparison: Flutter vs React Native

detailed comparison: flutter vs react native

1. Language

  • Flutter utilizes Dart, a modern, object-oriented language developed by Google. While relatively new, Dart boasts features like hot reload and just-in-time (JIT) compilation for rapid development. Its syntax is familiar to those with experience in languages like Java or C#.
  • Conversely, React Native leverages JavaScript, a widely used language with a massive community and extensive libraries. This familiarity can expedite development for those already proficient in JavaScript.

2. User Interface

  • Flutter’s UI is built using a rich set of customizable widgets that adhere to Material Design (for Android) and Cupertino (for iOS) guidelines. This allows for the creation of visually consistent and platform-specific interfaces.
  • React Native, on the other hand, utilizes native components, ensuring that the UI feels and behaves like a standard native app on each platform. However, this can sometimes lead to inconsistencies in the UI across platforms.

3. Performance

  • Flutter is often praised for its superior performance due to its ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation and direct rendering to the device’s canvas. This eliminates the need for a JavaScript bridge, resulting in smoother animations and faster performance.
  • React Native, while generally performant, can sometimes experience overhead due to the bridge between JavaScript and native components. However, efforts like the Hermes JavaScript engine and Fabric architecture aim to improve React Native’s performance.

4. Documentation

  • Flutter’s documentation is comprehensive, well-structured, and easy to navigate. It provides detailed explanations, examples, and tutorials for various aspects of Flutter development.
  • React Native’s documentation is also extensive, but some developers find it less organized and more fragmented.

5. Popularity

  • React Native, being older and built on the popular JavaScript language, enjoys wider adoption and a larger community. It’s a common choice for companies with existing JavaScript expertise.
  • However, Flutter is rapidly gaining popularity due to its performance benefits and ease of use, attracting a growing number of developers and businesses.

6. Community Support

  • React Native has a larger and more mature community, with numerous libraries, tutorials, and online resources available.
  • However, Flutter’s community is growing rapidly, and its official documentation is comprehensive and well-maintained.

7. Industry Trends

Both Flutter and React Native are evolving rapidly, with frequent updates and improvements. The trend towards cross-platform development shows no signs of slowing down, and both frameworks are well-positioned to meet the growing demand for efficient and effective solutions.

  • React Native’s adoption in established companies remains strong.
  • While Flutter’s momentum and performance advantages are attracting increasing attention.

Pros and Cons of Flutter and React Native Apps

Choosing between Flutter and React Native requires a nuanced understanding of their strengths and weaknesses across various aspects. This side-by-side comparison sheds light on their performance, app size, SDK requirements, UI development, debugging, code reuse, and unique features.

1. Native Performance:

  • Flutter: Generally delivers superior performance due to its AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation and direct rendering to the device’s canvas. This eliminates the JavaScript bridge, resulting in smoother animations and faster execution.
  • React Native: While often performant, it can experience overhead due to the bridge between JavaScript and native components. However, efforts like Hermes and Fabric aim to enhance performance, bridging the gap with Flutter.

2. App Size:

  • Flutter: Apps tend to be larger due to the bundled runtime and widgets. However, Flutter provides tools and techniques for code size optimization.
  • React Native: Apps can be smaller if optimized, but the inclusion of native libraries and dependencies can add to the size.

3. Minimal Required SDK Version:

  • Flutter: Generally requires newer SDK versions for both iOS and Android, which might limit compatibility with older devices.
  • React Native: Offers broader compatibility with older devices due to its reliance on native components and support for older SDK versions.

4. UI Development:

  • Flutter: Provides a rich set of customizable widgets that adhere to Material Design and Cupertino guidelines, ensuring consistent UI across platforms. However, achieving highly customized designs can be more complex.
  • React Native: Leverages native UI components, resulting in a familiar look and feel for each platform. This allows for greater customization but can lead to UI inconsistencies across platforms.

5. Debugging:

  • Flutter: Offers excellent debugging tools like DevTools, which provides insights into widget trees, performance profiling, and network activity.
  • React Native: Debugging can be more challenging due to the JavaScript bridge. However, tools like Chrome DevTools and Flipper can be used for debugging React Native apps.

6. Code Reuse Between Mobile Platforms:

  • Flutter: Excels in code reuse as most of the codebase, including UI and business logic, can be shared across platforms. This reduces development time and effort significantly.
  • React Native: Offers high code reusability for business logic, but UI components often need to be tailored for each platform due to differences in native UI elements.

7. Features:

FeatureFlutterReact Native
Hot Reload✅ Supports hot reload for faster development and iteration.✅ Supports hot reload, but the process can be slower compared to Flutter.
Testing✅ Offers a robust testing framework for unit, widget, and integration tests.⚠️ Relies on third-party libraries like Jest for testing, which might require additional setup and configuration.
Community📈 Growing rapidly, with active forums and resources.✅ Larger and more mature community with a wider range of third-party libraries and plugins.
Ecosystem📈 Ecosystem is evolving but expanding quickly.✅ More mature ecosystem with a broader selection of third-party libraries and tools.
Learning Curve⚠️ Dart might pose a learning curve for those unfamiliar with it.✅ JavaScript is more familiar to many developers, easing the learning process.
Documentation✅ Comprehensive and well-structured documentation.⚠️ Documentation is extensive but can be less organized and fragmented.
Development Speed✅ Fast development cycle due to hot reload and rich widget library.⚠️ Development speed can be slower for complex UIs due to the need for platform-specific adjustments.

Which is Easier to Learn: Flutter or React Native?

The learning curve for both Flutter and React Native depends on your prior experience and familiarity with certain concepts. Let’s break down the learning experience for each:


  • Language: Flutter uses Dart, a language developed by Google. While Dart’s syntax is similar to Java or C#, it might take some time for those unfamiliar with these languages to get accustomed to it. However, Dart is designed to be easy to learn, and Flutter’s documentation provides excellent resources for beginners.
  • Framework: Flutter’s declarative UI approach might be a new concept for some developers. However, Flutter’s extensive documentation and well-structured tutorials make it easier to grasp the fundamentals and start building UIs quickly.

React Native:

  • Language: React Native uses JavaScript, a widely used language with a massive community and numerous resources. If you have prior experience with JavaScript, the learning curve will be significantly smoother. However, understanding React’s component-based architecture and JSX syntax might take some time for those new to React.
  • Framework: React Native’s structure is similar to React for web development, so if you have experience with React, you’ll find many concepts familiar. However, you’ll still need to learn how to work with native components and bridge the gap between JavaScript and native APIs.


While both frameworks have their learning curves, Flutter is often considered slightly easier to learn for beginners due to its well-structured documentation and declarative UI approach. React Native’s JavaScript foundation might be more appealing to developers already familiar with JavaScript. Ultimately, the best way to determine which framework is easier for you is to try both and see which one resonates with your learning style.

Resources for Beginners

Whether you choose Flutter or React Native, abundant resources are available to support your learning journey:

  • Official Documentation: Both Flutter and React Native have comprehensive and well-structured official documentation with tutorials, guides, and examples.
  • Online Courses and Tutorials: Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and YouTube offer a plethora of free and paid courses on Flutter and React Native.
  • Community Forums and Groups: Engaging with online communities and forums can provide valuable support, insights, and answers to your questions.

Backend for Flutter and React Native

While Flutter and React Native excel at front-end development, a robust backend is essential for handling data storage, processing, and communication with your mobile app. Both frameworks offer flexibility in choosing backend solutions, with various options available depending on your specific needs and preferences.

Backend Integration and Compatibility

Flutter: Flutter is backend agnostic, meaning it can integrate with any backend technology that supports HTTP requests and JSON data exchange. You can use popular options like Node.js, Python (with Django or Flask), Ruby on Rails, or even Firebase, a BaaS (Backend as a Service) platform. Flutter also provides libraries and packages to streamline backend integration, making it easier to communicate with APIs and manage data.

React Native: Similar to Flutter, React Native is also backend agnostic and compatible with various backend technologies. You can use the same backend options mentioned for Flutter, as well as other JavaScript-based backends like Express.js. React Native also offers libraries and tools for seamless API integration and data management.

Specific Backend Options for Each Framework

  • Flutter: For Flutter, popular backend choices include:
    • Firebase: A comprehensive BaaS platform that provides various services like authentication, real-time database, cloud storage, and hosting.
    • Node.js (with Express.js): A powerful and flexible combination for building custom APIs and handling server-side logic.
    • Django/Flask (Python): Popular frameworks for building RESTful APIs with Python.
    • Supabase: An open-source Firebase alternative that offers a similar set of features and services.
  • React Native: Common backend options for React Native include:
    • Firebase: The same benefits apply as with Flutter, making it a seamless choice for React Native developers.
    • Node.js (with Express.js): A natural fit for React Native due to their shared JavaScript foundation.
    • Ruby on Rails: A robust framework known for its convention-over-configuration approach and developer productivity.

Ultimately, the best backend choice for your Flutter or React Native app depends on factors like your project’s complexity, scalability requirements, team expertise, and budget. Consider the specific features and capabilities of each backend option, along with its compatibility with your chosen framework, before making a decision.

Is Flutter Going to Replace React Native?

The question of whether Flutter will replace React Native is a subject of ongoing debate in the mobile development community. While Flutter’s rapid rise in popularity and impressive performance have led some to believe it might eventually overtake React Native, the reality is more nuanced.

Current Trends:

Flutter is undoubtedly gaining momentum, with a growing number of developers and companies adopting it for their mobile app projects. Its strong performance, expressive UI, and hot reload features are attracting developers who prioritize speed and a seamless development experience. Recent surveys and reports also indicate that Flutter’s usage is increasing at a faster pace than React Native.

React Native’s Resilience:

However, React Native is not going away anytime soon. It boasts a larger and more mature ecosystem, with a vast array of third-party libraries and tools. Its JavaScript foundation and familiarity with web developers also contribute to its continued popularity. Many established companies have already invested heavily in React Native and are unlikely to switch to Flutter overnight.

Future Predictions:

It’s more likely that Flutter and React Native will coexist and continue to evolve alongside each other. Each framework caters to different needs and preferences, and developers will likely choose the one that best suits their specific project requirements and skills.

  • Flutter might gain more traction in projects that prioritize performance, custom UI design, and a consistent user experience across platforms.
  • React Native will likely remain popular for projects that leverage existing JavaScript expertise, require a wider range of third-party libraries, and prioritize compatibility with older devices.

When to Choose React Native and When to Choose Flutter?

Choose React Native when:

  • Your team is proficient in JavaScript and React.
  • You need a native-like user interface on both iOS and Android.
  • You prioritize a large community and a mature ecosystem with numerous third-party libraries.
  • Your project involves complex animations or 3D graphics.

Choose Flutter when:

  • You prioritize fast development and deployment.
  • You need highly customized UI elements or complex animations.
  • Performance is critical for your application.
  • Your team is comfortable learning and working with Dart.
  • You want consistent UI across platforms.


In conclusion, both Flutter and React Native offer powerful capabilities for building cross-platform mobile applications. React Native’s strength lies in its JavaScript foundation, mature ecosystem, and ease of use for those familiar with React. On the other hand, Flutter shines with its impressive performance, expressive UI, and ability to deliver consistent experiences across platforms.

Choosing the “right” framework ultimately depends on your project’s specific needs and your team’s expertise. If your project prioritizes performance, custom UI design, and a consistent cross-platform experience, Flutter might be the ideal choice. Conversely, if you have a team well-versed in JavaScript and React, or require a wide range of third-party libraries, React Native could be a better fit.

If you’re ready to take your development skills to the next level, don’t hesitate to explore the Scaler’s Software Development Course. Your journey to becoming a proficient software developer starts here.


What are the main differences between Flutter and React Native?

The primary differences lie in their programming languages (Dart for Flutter, JavaScript for React Native) and UI rendering approaches. Flutter uses its own rendering engine and widgets, while React Native utilizes native components.

Is Flutter better than React Native?

There’s no definitive answer as the “better” framework depends on your project’s specific needs. Flutter excels in performance and UI consistency across platforms, while React Native offers greater flexibility and a more mature ecosystem.

Why is React Native more popular?

React Native’s popularity stems from its longer history, larger community, and familiarity for web developers due to its JavaScript foundation. It also boasts a wider range of third-party libraries and components.

Can Flutter be used for web development?

Yes, Flutter can be used for web development. Flutter 2.0 introduced stable web support, allowing developers to build web applications using the same codebase as their mobile apps.

What are the performance differences between Flutter and React Native?

Flutter generally offers better performance due to its AOT compilation and direct rendering to the device’s canvas, eliminating the need for a JavaScript bridge. While React Native has made strides in performance, it can still experience some overhead due to the bridge. However, the actual performance difference may not be noticeable in many applications.

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By Anshuman Singh Co-Founder @ Scaler | Creating 1M+ world-class engineers
Anshuman Singh, Co-Founder of Scaler, is on a mission to forge over a million world-class engineers. With his roots in engineering, having contributed to building Facebook's chat and messages and the revamped Messenger, Anshuman is deeply committed to elevating engineering education. His vision focuses on delivering the right learning outcomes to nurture a new generation of tech leaders. Anshuman's journey is defined by his dedication to unlocking the potential of aspiring engineers, guiding them toward achieving excellence in the tech world.
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