React Native vs Kotlin: A Comprehensive Guide

Written by: Tushar Bisht - CTO at Scaler Academy & InterviewBit
19 Min Read


The process of developing software for smartphones and tablets is known as mobile app development. It is a rapidly growing field, with new apps being released every day. There are two main types of mobile app development: native and cross-platform.

Programming languages and tools specific to each platform are used to create native apps, such as Java for Android and Swift for iOS. Cross-platform apps are developed using a single codebase that can be compiled to run on multiple platforms.

When selecting a mobile app development framework, there are a number of things to take into account, including the target platforms, the features that are wanted, the expertise of the development team, and the budget. It is important to choose a framework that is well-suited to the project’s needs.

react native vs kotlin

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What is React Native?

Facebook developed the open-source JavaScript framework React Native in 2015. It allows developers to build cross-platform mobile applications using a single codebase. This means that developers can write code once and then deploy it to both Android and iOS platforms. JavaScript and React, a well-liked JavaScript UI library, are used by React Native. This allows developers with experience in web development to leverage their existing skills to build mobile apps. React Native also offers features like hot reloading, which allows developers to see changes to their code immediately without having to re-run the application. This can significantly speed up the development process.

What is Kotlin?

The modern, statically-typed programming language Kotlin, which debuted in 2011 and was adopted by Google as the recommended language for Android development in 2019, is renowned for its safety, conciseness, and compatibility with Java. Its clear syntax and null safety features aim to streamline development and reduce common errors. Kotlin also offers coroutines for efficient asynchronous programming, extension functions for adding functionality to existing classes, and data classes for concise data structures. Additionally, with Kotlin Multiplatform, developers can share code across various platforms, including Android, iOS, and the web, enhancing code reusability and efficiency.

Detailed Comparison: React Native vs Kotlin

Language and Development

  • React Native: Employs JavaScript, a versatile and widely-used language, along with the declarative UI paradigm of React. This makes it possible for developers to create mobile apps using their web development expertise, which facilitates a quicker learning curve for those who are already familiar with the React ecosystem.
  • Kotlin: Utilizes Kotlin, a modern and concise language specifically designed for Android development. It provides improved features that encourage safer and more effective code, such as coroutines and null safety. Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java, allowing developers to leverage existing Java libraries and seamlessly integrate Kotlin into their projects.


  • React Native: While React Native apps can achieve near-native performance through bridge optimization and tools like Hermes, they might experience occasional overhead due to the JavaScript bridge when interacting with native components. But Fabric, the new architecture for React Native, promises to greatly enhance this area. 
  • Kotlin: Being the native language for Android, Kotlin offers exceptional performance and responsiveness. Kotlin apps maximize efficiency by compiling directly to native code, doing away with the need for a bridge.

User Interface and Experience

  • React Native: Provides flexibility through its component-based architecture, allowing developers to create reusable UI elements. It provides cross-platform user interface components, but each platform may need to be customized in order to achieve a completely native look and feel. 
  • Kotlin: Leverages Android’s native UI toolkit and components, ensuring a seamless and consistent user experience for Android users. Additionally, Kotlin gives users access to APIs and features unique to Android, facilitating further platform integration.

System Requirements for Development

  • React Native: Requires Node.js and the React Native CLI for setup. For development, it works with Windows and macOS. 
  • Kotlin: Primarily developed using Android Studio, an IDE built on IntelliJ IDEA. The Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK) are needed for it.

Community and Ecosystem

  • React Native: Boasts a massive and active community with a vast ecosystem of libraries and resources. This means that third-party components, tutorials, and support are easily accessible for different functionalities. 
  • Kotlin: While the Kotlin community is smaller than React Native’s, it’s rapidly growing, with increasing adoption in Android development. Google’s support and investment in Kotlin contribute to its expanding ecosystem.

Tools and Libraries

  • React Native: offers a wide range of libraries for UI components (e.g., React Native Elements, NativeBase), navigation (e.g., React Navigation), state management (e.g., Redux), and networking (e.g., Axios).
  • Kotlin: Gives access to a number of Kotlin-specific libraries for serialization, coroutines, and other features, as well as the Android Jetpack libraries, which offer necessary parts and tools for developing Android apps.

Documentation and Learning Curve

  • React Native: Extensive documentation and tutorials are available, but some developers find it fragmented. For those who are not familiar with JavaScript and React concepts, the learning curve may be quite steep.
  • Kotlin: Well-structured and comprehensive documentation with examples and guides. Particularly for individuals with prior Java experience, Kotlin’s modern features and concise syntax frequently lead to a more seamless learning curve.

Development Speed

  • React Native: Known for faster development cycles due to hot reloading, code reusability, and the availability of third-party libraries. But platform-to-platform UI inconsistencies could make customization take longer.
  • Kotlin: Because of native API access and the usage of Kotlin’s condensed syntax, development times for features tailored to Android may be accelerated. However, building cross-platform apps with Kotlin Multiplatform might require more time and effort compared to React Native.

Use Cases

Both Kotlin and React Native have shown their mettle in the field of developing mobile apps, powering a wide variety of applications across various industries. Let’s explore their ideal use cases and some notable examples:

React Native

Ideal for:

  • Cross-platform applications that prioritize code reuse and are aimed at iOS and Android users.
  • Applications with content that is dynamic and updated often.
  • Startups and projects require rapid development and iteration.
  • Applications that leverage web technologies and existing JavaScript expertise.


  • Facebook: The Facebook app itself leverages React Native for its Ads Manager, Marketplace, and other components.
  • Instagram: This popular social media platform utilizes React Native for features like push notifications and post promotion.
  • Skype: Microsoft’s communication app employs React Native for its cross-platform user interface.
  • Bloomberg: The mobile experience of the renowned financial news and data platform, Bloomberg Professional, is powered by React Native.


Ideal for:

  • Apps designed specifically for Android need to be deeply integrated with the features and APIs of the platform.
  • Complex, high-performance apps that demand optimized performance and resource management.
  • Projects where security and stability are paramount.
  • Teams with strong Java or Kotlin expertise.


  • Google Home: The user interface and Google Assistant interaction of this smart home app are written in Kotlin.
  • Trello: The popular project management tool, leverages Kotlin for its Android app, offering a smooth and intuitive user experience.
  • Evernote: For its Android version, the note-taking and organization app uses Kotlin, resulting in a smooth and feature-rich experience.
  • Pinterest: The visual discovery engine utilizes Kotlin for certain components of its Android app to enhance performance and user experience.

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Market Analysis – Developer Adoption

Both React Native and Kotlin have carved out niches in the ever-changing world of mobile app development, but there are some clear trends in their adoption rates and industry preferences:

  • Current Market Trends:
    React Native has been more widely used in a variety of industries thanks to its cross-platform capabilities and JavaScript foundation. Its popularity stems from its ability to leverage web development skills, making it a preferred choice for companies with existing JavaScript expertise. However, Flutter is rapidly gaining momentum, attracting developers with its promise of high performance, expressive UI, and a unified codebase for multiple platforms.
  • Popularity and Adoption Rates:
    While React Native currently holds a larger market share, Flutter is experiencing a faster growth rate in terms of developer adoption. This spike in popularity can be ascribed to Flutter’s growing maturity, enhanced tooling, and expanding community base. Several prominent companies like Alibaba, Google, and BMW have already embraced Flutter for their mobile applications.
  • Industry Preferences:
    React Native finds favour among companies seeking rapid development cycles, cost-effectiveness, and a familiar JavaScript-based environment. It’s a popular choice for startups, e-commerce platforms, and businesses with existing web development teams. Companies that value native performance, smooth integration with Android features, and strong security, on the other hand, tend to favour Kotlin. It’s often preferred for enterprise-level applications, complex projects, and companies with a strong Java or Kotlin development background.

Pros and Cons of React Native and Kotlin

Both React Native and Kotlin offer compelling advantages for mobile app development, but they also come with their own set of trade-offs that should be carefully considered before making a decision.

React Native


  • Cross-Platform Development: Write once, run anywhere – a major advantage for businesses targeting both iOS and Android platforms with a single codebase, saving time and resources.
  • Huge Community and Ecosystem: Take advantage of a large developer community, copious documentation, and an abundance of third-party libraries and tools, which facilitate problem-solving and speed up development.
  • Faster Development: reusable components, declarative user interface design, and hot reloading expedite development and allow for more frequent iterations.


  • Performance trade-offs: React Native applications perform almost as well as native apps, but in some situations—particularly for intricate animations or computationally demanding tasks—they may not be as efficient as native apps.
  • Complex Native Modules: Integrating custom native modules or accessing platform-specific features can sometimes be challenging and require additional native development knowledge.



  • Native Performance: As the official language for Android development, Kotlin offers superior performance and responsiveness for Android apps. Its efficient execution is ensured by its direct compilation to native code, which removes the need for bridges.
  • Modern Language Features: Working with Kotlin is enjoyable and results in cleaner, safer, and more maintainable code because of its modern syntax, null safety, coroutines, and extension functions.
  • Strong Android Support: Being Google’s preferred language for Android, Kotlin enjoys excellent tooling support, documentation, and continuous updates within the Android ecosystem.


  • Limited Cross-Platform Support: Kotlin is primarily designed for Android development, and while Kotlin Multiplatform enables some cross-platform capabilities, it’s still evolving and might not offer the same level of seamlessness as React Native.
  • Smaller Community (Compared to React Native): Although the Kotlin community is expanding quickly, it is still smaller than the well-established React Native community, so there may be fewer readily available libraries and resources.

When to Choose React Native vs When to Choose Kotlin

The choice between React Native and Kotlin depends on the particular needs of your project, the experience of your team, and the results you hope to achieve. Here’s a breakdown of scenarios where each framework shines:

Choose React Native when:

  • Cross-Platform Priority: If your goal is to build an app that works seamlessly on both iOS and Android platforms with maximum code reusability, React Native is a strong contender. Because of its “learn once, write anywhere” philosophy, development time and costs can be greatly decreased.
  • JavaScript Expertise: If your team has a strong background in JavaScript and React, React Native will be a natural fit. You can make use of your prior knowledge and resources, and the learning curve will be less steep. ↵
  • Rapid Prototyping and Iterations: React Native’s hot reloading feature allows for quick iterations and real-time feedback, making it ideal for projects with tight deadlines or where rapid experimentation is crucial.
  • Community and Ecosystem: React Native boasts a vast and vibrant community, offering abundant resources, tutorials, and third-party libraries. This implies that you will have plenty of assistance and a large selection of tools.

Choose Kotlin when:

  • Native Android Focus: If your primary target is Android users and you want to leverage the full potential of the platform’s features and APIs, Kotlin is the way to go. It guarantees a genuinely native look and feel and provides deep integration with Android.
  • Performance-Critical Applications: Kotlin’s native code compilation can provide better performance and efficiency than React Native for apps that require precise calculations, complex animations, or high performance.
  • Expertise in Java/Kotlin: Selecting Kotlin development will leverage your team’s strong Java/Kotlin background, resulting in more efficient development and maintenance procedures.
  • Enhanced Security: Kotlin’s null safety features and emphasis on immutability contribute to more robust and secure applications, making it a preferred choice for projects where security is a top concern.

Decision-Making Factors:

  • Project Goals: Clearly define your project goals and target audience. Do you require an Android app that is only native or one that is cross-platform? 
  • Team Skills: Assess your team’s expertise in JavaScript (for React Native) or Kotlin (for native Android).
  • Performance Requirements: Determine the level of performance your app requires. If speed and efficiency are paramount, Kotlin might be a better choice.
  • UI/UX Customization: Flutter may provide greater flexibility if you require intricate animations or highly customized UI elements.
  • Long-Term Maintenance: Consider the long-term implications of your choice. While Kotlin’s native nature may necessitate separate codebases for different platforms, React Native’s bridge can occasionally make updates more difficult.

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To sum up, Kotlin and React Native both provide interesting options for creating mobile apps, each with unique advantages and disadvantages. React Native, with its JavaScript foundation and cross-platform capabilities, is a popular choice for rapid development and code reusability. Kotlin, on the other hand, excels in native Android development, offering superior performance, modern language features, and seamless integration with the Android ecosystem.

The decision between React Native and Kotlin boils down to your project’s specific needs and your team’s expertise. React Native might be the best option if cross-platform compatibility, quick development, and a comfortable JavaScript environment are important to you. Conversely, if your focus is on native Android performance, robust security, and leveraging Kotlin’s modern features, then Kotlin could be the better fit.


What is the main difference between React Native and Kotlin?

React Native is a cross-platform framework that uses JavaScript and React to build mobile apps for iOS and Android, while Kotlin is a programming language primarily used for native Android development.

Which offers better performance: React Native or Kotlin?

Kotlin generally offers better performance than React Native. While React Native needs a bridge to interact with native components, potentially adding overhead, Kotlin compiles directly to native code.

Which notable applications are developed with React Native and Kotlin?

React Native powers popular apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Skype. Apps like Google Home, Trello, Evernote, and Pinterest use Kotlin.

What are the pros and cons of each framework?

React Native offers cross-platform development, faster development cycles, and a large community, but it may have performance trade-offs and complex native module integration. While Kotlin boasts robust cross-platform compatibility, native performance, and contemporary language features, its community is smaller and its cross-platform capabilities are limited.

When should I choose React Native over Kotlin, and vice versa?

Choose React Native if you need to develop for both iOS and Android with a single codebase and prioritize a faster time-to-market. Choose Kotlin if you’re focused on Android development, require top-notch performance, or your team has strong Java/Kotlin expertise.

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By Tushar Bisht CTO at Scaler Academy & InterviewBit
Tushar Bisht is the tech wizard behind the curtain at Scaler, holding the fort as the Chief Technology Officer. In his realm, innovation isn't just a buzzword—it's the daily bread. Tushar doesn't just push the envelope; he redesigns it, ensuring Scaler remains at the cutting edge of the education tech world. His leadership not only powers the tech that drives Scaler but also inspires a team of bright minds to turn ambitious ideas into reality. Tushar's role as CTO is more than a title—it's a mission to redefine what's possible in tech education.
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