Top 15 Backend Developer Skills to Become One in 2024

Written by: Mayank Gupta - AVP Engineering at Scaler
20 Min Read


Backend development is the process of designing, developing, and maintaining the server-side components of a web application.  These server side components provide the application with behind the scene logic ensuring that its functionality remains intact.  In order to build and manage these systems, a variety of programming languages, frameworks, and tools are employed. 

Backend developers are essential for the success of any web application. The reliability, scalability and security of an application can only be ensured with proper backend development. They also play a critical role in developing the application’s core functionality and features.

What Does a Back-End Developer Do?

what does a back-end developer do?

Back-end developers are the backbone of web applications, working behind the scenes to ensure everything functions smoothly.  The feature and functionalities of any application is determined by the server side logic which is taken care of by backend developers.  The process includes writing code that processes user requests, interacts with databases and generates the required dynamic content. Back developers are equipped with the task of designing and managing databases, ensuring data organization, storage and effective retrieval.  They also develop APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. They are responsible for the implementation of   security measures to protect sensitive information.

Their daily tasks involve understanding project requirements, designing back-end systems, writing code in languages like Python, Java, or Ruby, testing and debugging, deploying the code to production servers, and continuously monitoring the system’s performance.

Technical Skills Required for Backend Developers

technical skills required for backend developers

Back-end developers are the architects of the server-side logic and infrastructure that power web applications. Their expertise is indispensable in ensuring the robustness, scalability, security, and performance of any application.  Here’s a breakdown of the technical skills you’ll need to excel in this role:

1. Back-End Programming Languages

Expertise in any one of the below mentioned server-side programming languages is essential for backend development. 

  • Java: Owing to its robustness and versatility, Java is extensively used for enterprise applications and large scale systems. It’s strong typing, object oriented nature, and extensive libraries make it the best choice. 
  • Python: Renowned for its simplicity and readability, Python is a popular choice for web development, data science, and machine learning. Its frameworks like Django and Flask streamline development and promote clean code.
  • Ruby: Known for its elegant syntax and focus on developer happiness, Ruby is often used with the Ruby on Rails framework for rapid web development.
  • PHP:  This scripting language is used in a significant portion of the web which includes popular content management systems like wordpress. 

2. Knowledge of Back-End Frameworks

Frameworks provide structure, libraries, and tools that simplify back-end development. They provide developers with pre-built components, conventions,and best practices that speeds up development and aids in maintaining the code. 

  • Django (Python):  Django is a high-level framework that promotes clean design and fast development. It includes features like an ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) for database interaction, an admin interface, and robust security features.
  • Spring Boot (Java): This framework simplifies the development of Java-based enterprise applications with the help of several features like auto-configuration, embedded servers, and production-ready features like health checks and metrics.
  • Ruby on Rails (Ruby): This framework is known for its convention-over-configuration approach, which means less code is needed for common tasks, making development faster.  With its intuitive design patterns and focus on clean code it greatly helps in the development process. 

3. Version Control Systems

Version control systems (VCS) like Git are crucial for tracking changes in  code over time, collaborating with teams, and managing code repositories.  Developers need to be well- versed with the various concepts of Git like branching, merging and conflict resolution to ensure effective teamwork and code management. 

4. Database Management

Back-end developers work extensively with databases, which store the data that powers web applications. Proficiency in SQL (Structured Query Language) is a must for interacting with relational databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle.  One also needs to be familiar with NoSQL databases like MogoDB and Cassandra as they provide flexibility and scalability for handling unstructured data. 

5. API Knowledge

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the messengers that enable different software applications to communicate with each other.  The understanding of designing, building and consuming APIs is important for modern day web development. REST (Representational State Transfer) is the most common architectural style for building APIs, emphasizing simplicity and scalability. GraphQL is a newer query language for APIs that provides more flexibility for clients.

6. Server Management

Back-end developers need to understand the working of the server so that they can deploy and manage their applications efficiently.  This involves configuring web servers like Apache or Nginx, managing server resources, and ensuring security and performance. As more applications move to the cloud, knowledge of cloud platforms like AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Azure is becoming increasingly important.

7. Data Structures and Algorithms

Strong knowledge of data structures (arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs) and algorithms (sorting, searching, recursion) is essential for writing efficient and optimized code. This knowledge allows back-end developers to solve complex problems, optimize performance, and design scalable solutions. 

8. Understanding of Front-End Technologies

While their primary focus is on the back end, a basic understanding of front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is beneficial for back-end developers.  This helps in better collaboration with front end developers that ensures seamless integration between frontend and backend components. 

9. Security Best Practices

Security is a critical concern in web development, and back-end developers are responsible for safeguarding applications and their data. Understanding security best practices like input validation, data encryption, authentication, and authorization is essential for preventing vulnerabilities and protecting sensitive information.  You have to stay up to date with the latest security threats and trends to ensure the security of the system. 

Soft Skills for Backend Developers

While technical expertise is crucial for back-end developers, soft skills are equally important for success in this collaborative and ever-evolving field. These interpersonal and cognitive abilities enhance communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, contributing to a productive and efficient development process.

1. Problem-Solving

You shall often encounter unexpected challenges and complex problems in the process of backend development.  With strong problem solving skills you can analyze issues critically, identify the main cause and devise an effective solution. It involves thinking outside the box, trying different approaches, and learning from failures. 

2. Communication

Clear and concise communication is essential for collaborating with team members, understanding project requirements, and explaining technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders. Back-end developers must be able to articulate their ideas effectively, both verbally and in writing, to ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal. This involves active listening, providing feedback, and translating technical jargon into understandable language.

3. Collaboration

Software development is rarely a solo task . Back-end developers work closely with front-end developers, designers, product managers, and other stakeholders to build and maintain applications. Collaboration involves sharing knowledge, brainstorming ideas, and working together to solve problems.  One also needs to be receptive to feedback and compromising when required. 

4. Time Management

Software development projects involve working with tight deadlines and simultaneous execution of multiple tasks.  Efficient time management is the key to handling all these tasks, ensuring that everything is on track and all the deadlines are met.  This involves prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and managing your workload efficiently. It also means knowing when to ask for help and delegating tasks when necessary.

5. Continuous Learning

The tech industry is constantly evolving, with new languages, frameworks, and tools emerging all the time. Back-end developers must be committed to lifelong learning, staying updated with the latest trends and best practices.  This includes reading and learning through various industrial blogs and articles, attending conferences and workshops, and experimenting with new technologies as they emerge. Continuous learning not only keeps your skills sharp but also makes you a more valuable asset to your team and organization.

By mastering these soft skills alongside their technical expertise, back-end developers can build successful careers, collaborate effectively with diverse teams, and deliver innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of the digital world.

How to Improve Your Backend Developer Skills?

Backend development is a dynamic field, with technologies and best practices constantly evolving. To stay competitive and excel in your career, it’s crucial to continuously invest in your skill development. Here are some proven strategies to level up your back-end expertise:

1. Technical Skills Required for Backend Developers

Theory is great, but nothing beats hands-on experience.  You need to build real-world projects which enhances your application of the various concepts you have learned and lets you develop practical problem-solving skills.  Start with small, manageable projects that align with your interests and gradually tackle more complex challenges. You can find project ideas on platforms like GitHub or Kaggle, or even come up with your own.

2. Learn New Languages and Frameworks:

Learning a single language or framework is not enough. Expand your skill set  by learning new languages like Go or Rust, or exploring different back-end frameworks like Django, Spring Boot, or Express.js. This not only makes you more versatile but also opens up new career opportunities.

3. Participate in Coding Challenges:

Coding challenges on platforms like HackerRank, LeetCode, or CodeWars provide an excellent way to sharpen your problem-solving skills, learn new algorithms, and test your knowledge in a competitive environment.  Participation in these challenges helps in the identification of one’s strength and weakness, allowing you to focus on the shortcomings and

4. Read Technical Books and Resources:

Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices by reading technical books, blogs, and articles. Subscribe to newsletters and follow industry experts on social media to stay informed about new developments in the field.  This shall help you in expanding your knowledge, learning from experience and staying ahead of the curve.

5. Contribute to Open Source Projects:

Contributing to open source projects is a great way to gain real-world experience, collaborate with other developers, and learn from seasoned professionals.  You will be working on real code, heed to the feedback, make changes accordingly and build a portfolio that helps you in displaying your skills to potential employers.

6. Take Online Courses or Bootcamps:

An online course or a bootcamp shall provide you with a more structured learning experience and enrich your skills. These programs often offer a comprehensive curriculum, hands-on projects, and mentorship from industry experts. Scaler’s Full Stack Development Course, for example, provides a well-rounded education in both front-end and back-end technologies, along with 1:1 mentorship, live classes by faculty, practical experience through real-life projects, and career support to help you land your dream job.

How to Highlight Backend Developer Skills?

Effectively showcasing your back-end development skills is crucial for landing your dream job. Whether it’s on your resume, your LinkedIn profile, or during a job interview, here’s how to make a lasting impression:

1. In Your CV

Your CV is your first opportunity to make a strong impression. To effectively highlight your back-end skills:

  • List Technical Skills Prominently: Create a dedicated “Technical Skills” section and list the programming languages (e.g., Python, Java, Ruby), frameworks (e.g., Django, Spring Boot, Ruby on Rails), databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB), and tools (e.g., Git, Docker) you’re proficient in. It will be the most efficient way to get a recruiter’s attention. 
  • Quantify Your Achievements: Don’t just list your responsibilities; showcase the impact of your work. Use metrics and numbers to demonstrate your contributions. For example, instead of saying “developed back-end features,” say “developed a RESTful API that reduced response time by 20%.”
  • Tailor Your CV to the Job: Customize your resume for each job application, highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the specific role.

2. In Your Profile Summary

Your LinkedIn profile gives you a great opportunity to introduce yourself and showcase your skills. To make it compelling:

  • Craft a Narrative: Briefly describe your experience, passion for back-end development, and career goals.
  • Highlight Your Expertise:  Highlight your key technical skills and all notable achievements and projects. 
  • Use Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords used in back-end job descriptions to attract recruiters and hiring managers.

3. During Interviews

The interview is where you can truly shine and demonstrate your expertise. To impress potential employers:

  • Be Prepared to Talk About Projects:  Always include a few projects you shall discuss in detail. Explain the technical challenges you encountered while handling it and how you overcame the problems and implemented the solution.
  • Show Your Problem-Solving Skills: Be ready to tackle technical questions and coding challenges that demonstrate your analytical and problem-solving abilities.
  • Be a Team Player:  You need to establish your adeptness in being a team player and highlight your experience of working in a team collaborating with other people. 
  • Ask Thoughtful Questions: Prepare questions that show your genuine interest in the company and the role, and that demonstrate your knowledge of back-end development trends and challenges.

Salary Range of a Backend Developer

Back-end development is a lucrative field in India, with salaries varying significantly based on experience level and location. Here’s a breakdown of average salaries for back-end developers, based on data from Glassdoor as of June 2024:

Average Salary Range by Experience Level

Experience LevelAverage Base Salary (Per Year)Salary Range (Per Year)
Entry-Level (0-1 years)₹5,60,000₹3,50,000 – ₹10,00,000
Mid-Level (2-5 years)₹10,25,000₹6,00,000 – ₹20,00,000
Senior-Level (6+ years)₹22,00,000₹15,00,000 – ₹45,00,000+

Average Salary Range by Location

CityAverage Base Salary (Per Year)
Delhi NCR₹7,90,000


  • Back-end developers are the driving force behind the scenes, ensuring that web applications function smoothly and efficiently. 
  • They possess a diverse range of technical skills, from mastering programming languages and frameworks to managing databases and ensuring security.  
  • They have expertise in various soft skills like problem solving, communication and collaboration which is important for your success in the field. 
  • In 2024 and beyond, the demand for skilled back-end developers will continue to rise as businesses increasingly rely on web applications to engage customers, streamline operations, and drive innovation. 
  • By honing your technical expertise, embracing continuous learning, and fostering your soft skills, you can position yourself for a rewarding and lucrative career in back-end development. 


What is the most important skill for a back-end developer?

Proficiency in a server-side programming language like Python, Java, or Ruby is crucial. Understanding core web development concepts, databases, and APIs is also essential. You also need to have strong problem solving and communication skills to ensure yor success. 

How can I get started with back-end development?

Begin by learning a popular back-end language like Python or Java. Familiarize yourself with web development fundamentals (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and databases (SQL). Practice building small projects and explore online courses or bootcamps to gain structured learning and mentorship.

What are the best resources to learn back-end development?

Online platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and freeCodeCamp offer comprehensive courses and tutorials. Consider bootcamps for intensive, hands-on learning. Additionally, books, blogs, and online communities can provide valuable resources and support. For a structured and immersive learning experience, you should enroll yourself in Scaler’s Full Stack Development Course. 

How important is it to learn multiple programming languages?

While mastering one language is essential, learning multiple languages broadens your skillset and opens up more career opportunities. Different languages excel in different domains, so knowing multiple languages makes you a more versatile and adaptable developer.

What certifications can help in becoming a back-end developer?

Certifications like AWS Certified Developer – Associate, Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Associate, or language-specific certifications (e.g., Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE Programmer) can validate your expertise and boost your career prospects.

What are the future trends in back-end development?

The future of back-end development will be shaped by trends like serverless computing (where cloud providers manage servers), the rise of GraphQL for flexible APIs, increased focus on security and privacy, and the growing adoption of containerization and microservices architectures.

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By Mayank Gupta AVP Engineering at Scaler
Mayank Gupta is a trailblazing AVP of Engineering at Scaler, with roots in BITS Pilani and seasoned experience from OYO and Samsung. With over nine years in the tech arena, he's a beacon for engineering leadership, adept in guiding both people and products. Mayank's expertise spans developing scalable microservices, machine learning platforms, and spearheading cost-efficiency and stability enhancements. A mentor at heart, he excels in recruitment, mentorship, and navigating the complexities of stakeholder management.
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