25 Best Programming Languages to Learn for Jobs in 2024

Written by: Sai Movva - Director of Engineering & Staff Software Engineer @ Scaler & InterviewBit
35 Min Read


Choosing the right programming language can lead to new opportunities, accelerate your professional development, and even increase your earning potential. However, with a vast array of languages available, each with its own strengths and applications, making the right choice can be overwhelming.

Certain programming languages are expected to be in high demand by 2024 due to their versatility, ease of use, and relevance to emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cloud computing. This guide will take you on a tour of the 25 best programming languages to learn that are poised to dominate the tech landscape in 2024 and beyond. We will look at their advantages, real-world applications, and why they are important for anyone looking to build a rewarding and profitable career in software development.

What are Programming Languages?

Programming languages serve as a bridge between humans and computers. They are the tools that software developers use to write code that tells computers what to do, much like a recipe tells a chef how to prepare a dish. In essence, programming languages are the way we translate our ideas into a language that computers can understand and execute.

Types and Classifications

Programming languages come in many different flavors, each with its own syntax, structure, and approach to problem solving. They can be broadly classified into several categories:

  • Procedural Languages: These languages use a step-by-step approach, with instructions executed sequentially. Popular examples include C, Fortran, and Pascal.
  • Object-Oriented Languages: These languages organize code around objects, which are self-contained units that combine data and functions. Example:Java, Python, C++, and C#.
  • Functional Languages: These languages view computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions rather than changing state or manipulating data. Examples include Haskell, Lisp, and Scala.
  • Scripting Languages: These languages are often used for automating tasks, writing scripts for system administration, or building dynamic web pages. Python, Perl, and Ruby are some of the available examples.
  • Markup Languages: These languages define the structure and presentation of documents, primarily used for web development (HTML and CSS).

Each programming language has unique strengths and weaknesses that make it better suited for specific tasks or projects. Choosing the right language depends on your specific needs, the type of application you’re building, and your personal preferences.

Top 25 Programming Languages to Learn in 2024

top 25 programming languages to learn in 2024

1. JavaScript

  • Benefits: JavaScript is the undisputed king of web development, renowned for its versatility and ubiquity. It enables developers to create interactive web pages, dynamic user interfaces, and server-side applications (using Node.js). JavaScript’s vast ecosystem, including popular frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js, provides a wealth of tools and resources for building modern web experiences.
  • Current Usage: JavaScript is the foundation of front-end web development, and its popularity extends to the back-end with Node.js. It is used to create everything from simple websites to sophisticated single-page applications (SPAs) and real-time applications.
  • Future Potential: As the web continues to evolve, JavaScript’s importance is only expected to grow. Its versatility, coupled with the rise of progressive web apps (PWAs) and serverless architectures, positions JavaScript as a key player in the future of web development.

2. Python

  • Benefits: Python is a beginner-friendly language known for its clean and readable syntax, making it easy to learn and understand. The extensive standard library and rich ecosystem of third-party libraries provide powerful tools for web development, data analysis, machine learning, and automation.
  • Current Usage: Python is a popular choice for back-end web development, thanks to its robust frameworks like Django and Flask. It’s also the language of choice for data science and machine learning, with libraries like pandas, NumPy, and scikit-learn providing a comprehensive toolkit for data analysis and modeling.
  • Future Potential: Python’s versatility and ease of use make it a language with a bright future. Its strong presence in data science and machine learning, coupled with its growing adoption in web development, positions Python as a language that will continue to be in high demand.

3. Java

  • Benefits: A mature and robust language, Java is known for its platform independence (“write once, run anywhere”) and strong performance. It is commonly used to develop enterprise applications, Android apps, and large-scale systems. Java’s static typing and object-oriented nature promote code reliability and maintainability.
  • Current Usage: Java is a cornerstone of enterprise software development, powering countless business applications and web services. It is also the official language for Android development, making it an essential skill for mobile app developers. 
  • Future Potential: Despite the rise of newer languages, Java’s strong foothold in enterprise development and its continued evolution ensure its relevance in the future. The addition of new features, such as lambdas and streams, modernized the language, making it more appealing to modern development paradigms.

4. SQL (Structured Query Language)

  • Benefits: SQL is the standard language for managing and querying relational databases. This skill is crucial for data analysts, data scientists, and back-end developers as it allows for retrieval, updating, and manipulation of database data.
  • Current Usage: SQL is ubiquitous in the data world, used to interact with databases in various industries and applications. It is an essential skill for anyone working with structured data.
  • Future Potential: With the ever-increasing volume of data being generated and stored in databases, the importance of SQL is only expected to grow. Its ability to efficiently query and manage data makes it an essential tool for data-driven businesses and organizations.

5. TypeScript

  • Benefits: TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing and other features to improve code maintainability and catch errors early on. It is built for large-scale applications and has better tooling and IDE support than plain JavaScript. 
  • Current Usage: TypeScript is rapidly gaining popularity, especially in the Angular framework and for building large front-end applications. Its ability to catch errors during development and improve code quality makes it attractive for complex projects.
  • Future Potential: As web applications become more sophisticated, TypeScript’s popularity is expected to continue rising. Its strong typing and tooling support make it a compelling choice for ensuring code quality and maintainability in large-scale projects.

6. C++

  • Benefits: A high-performance language known for its speed and control. It’s the backbone of many resource-intensive applications, from operating systems and game engines to high-frequency trading systems. C++ offers direct memory manipulation and a vast library ecosystem, making it a versatile tool for building complex and demanding software.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: C++ continues to be a popular choice for building performance-critical applications. It’s widely used in game development, embedded systems, and financial modeling. With the growing demand for real-time applications, high-performance computing, and the rise of areas like robotics and virtual reality, C++ is expected to remain relevant and in demand in the years to come.

7. C#

  • Benefits: Developed by Microsoft, C# is a versatile object-oriented language widely used for building a variety of applications, including Windows desktop applications, web applications with ASP.NET, and games with Unity. Its strong typing and robust framework (.NET) make it a reliable choice for enterprise-level development. It also offers a rich set of features, like LINQ (Language Integrated Query) for working with data and asynchronous programming for building responsive applications.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: C# is a popular choice for building business applications, web services, and games. Its integration with the .NET ecosystem and Microsoft’s cloud platform, Azure, make it a valuable asset for companies invested in the Microsoft technology stack. With the continued growth of cloud computing and the demand for enterprise-grade applications, C# is expected to remain a relevant and in-demand language.

8. Golang (Go)

  • Benefits: Created by Google, Go is a modern language designed for building scalable and efficient back-end systems. It’s known for its simplicity, strong concurrency support, and fast performance. Go’s built-in features for handling concurrency make it ideal for building distributed systems, cloud-based applications, and network services. It’s also a popular choice for building command-line tools and DevOps tooling.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: Go is rapidly gaining popularity in the back-end development community due to its performance, simplicity, and suitability for modern cloud-native architectures. Its adoption is growing in areas like cloud infrastructure, network services, and microservices. As businesses increasingly embrace cloud-native technologies, Go is poised to become a key player in the back-end development landscape.

9. Dart

  • Benefits: Dart, developed by Google, is gaining traction for its performance and flexibility in building user interfaces. It’s the language behind the Flutter framework, which enables the creation of cross-platform mobile and web applications with a single codebase. Dart’s “hot reload” feature speeds up development by allowing you to see changes instantly without restarting the app.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: Dart is increasingly popular for mobile app development, thanks to Flutter’s growing adoption. Its ability to create high-performance apps that run on both Android and iOS, with a smooth and responsive UI, makes it an attractive option for developers. While relatively new, Dart’s potential in the web development space is also growing, making it a language to watch in the coming years.

10. Kotlin

  • Benefits: Kotlin is a modern, statically typed language designed to interoperate seamlessly with Java. It offers a concise and expressive syntax, improved type safety, and enhanced null safety features. Kotlin is the preferred language for Android development, but its potential extends beyond mobile apps. With the introduction of Kotlin Multiplatform, it’s now possible to write code that can be shared across multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, and the web.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: Kotlin is the official language for Android development, and its adoption is rapidly increasing. It’s also gaining traction in web development, particularly for building back-end services and server-side applications. With its growing community, comprehensive tooling support, and multi-platform capabilities, Kotlin’s future in both mobile and web development looks promising.

11. Swift

  • Benefits: Born in Apple’s innovation labs, Swift is a powerful and intuitive language designed for building apps across all Apple platforms. Its clean syntax, modern features, and emphasis on safety make it a joy for developers to work with. Swift’s strong typing and error-handling capabilities contribute to building more reliable and crash-resistant applications, a major plus for users and developers alike.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: Currently the preferred language for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS development, Swift’s popularity is surging within the Apple ecosystem. As Apple devices continue to dominate the market, the demand for skilled Swift developers remains high. Additionally, with ongoing efforts to expand Swift’s capabilities beyond Apple platforms, it could potentially find its way into server-side and web development in the future.

12. Rust

  • Benefits: Rust is a systems programming language that champions performance, reliability, and safety. Its distinct ownership model and borrow checker help to prevent common programming errors such as null pointer dereferences and data races, making it a solid choice for developing mission-critical applications. Rust’s speed rivals that of C++, making it a compelling alternative for performance-intensive applications, while its focus on safety makes it an attractive option for secure systems development.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: Rust is already gaining traction in areas like systems programming, web development (with frameworks like Rocket and Actix Web), and embedded systems. As the demand for secure, high-performance software grows, Rust adoption is expected to accelerate, particularly in fields such as web assembly, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

13. Perl

  • Benefits: While often associated with the early days of the web, Perl remains a versatile scripting language known for its powerful text-processing capabilities and regular expressions. It is a language that prioritizes productivity, with flexibility and a large collection of modules for a variety of tasks.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: Perl is still used for system administration, network programming, web development, and text processing. However, its popularity has declined in recent years as newer languages, such as Python and JavaScript, have gained traction. While Perl may not be the first choice for new projects, its extensive libraries and existing codebase ensure its continued relevance in legacy systems and specific niches.

14. R

  • Benefits: R is a statistical programming language tailored for data analysis and visualization. It has a large number of packages for statistical modeling, data manipulation, and producing publication-quality graphics. R’s strength lies in its ability to handle complex statistical analyses and produce insightful visualizations, making it a favourite among statisticians, data analysts, and researchers.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: R is widely used in academia, research, and industries that rely heavily on data analysis, such as finance, healthcare, and social sciences. Its specialized nature and powerful statistical capabilities ensure its long-term relevance. However, its complex syntax and domain-specific focus might limit its appeal to a broader audience of developers.

15. Scala

  • Benefits: Scala is a hybrid language that seamlessly blends object-oriented and functional programming paradigms. It runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), allowing it to tap into the vast Java ecosystem while providing a more concise and expressive syntax. Scala’s scalability and concurrency features make it well-suited for building large-scale distributed systems and data processing pipelines.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: Scala is widely used in big data processing, thanks to its association with Apache Spark. It is also used to develop web applications, backend services, and machine learning systems. As the demand for scalable and efficient data processing continues to grow, Scala’s popularity is expected to rise, particularly in the enterprise and big data domains.


  • Benefits: MATLAB’s strength lies in its focus on mathematical and technical computing. It offers an extensive range of tools and libraries for numerical analysis, matrix manipulation, signal processing, image processing, and optimization. Its user-friendly interface and built-in visualization tools make it simple to develop algorithms and analyze data.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: MATLAB is a well-established language used in academia, research, and industries like engineering, finance, and healthcare. Its strong scientific computing foundation and the availability of specialized toolboxes make it ideal for tasks such as modeling physical systems, analyzing experimental data, and developing algorithms for a variety of applications. As data-driven approaches continue to permeate these fields, MATLAB’s relevance is expected to endure.


  • Benefits: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are the foundational languages of the web. HTML defines the structure and content of web pages, whereas CSS determines their visual presentation and layout. Together, they enable the creation of engaging and user-friendly web experiences.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: HTML and CSS are essential skills for any web developer, and their usage is ubiquitous across the internet. As the web evolves, HTML and CSS standards are updated to support new features such as interactive elements, responsive design, and accessibility. These languages will remain indispensable for building and maintaining websites and web applications.

18. NoSQL Databases

  • Benefits: NoSQL databases offer a flexible alternative to traditional relational databases. They are built to handle massive amounts of unstructured or semi-structured data, making them ideal for modern applications such as social networks, e-commerce platforms, and real-time analytics. NoSQL databases are scalable, distributed, and easy to manage, providing a cost-effective solution for storing and retrieving diverse data.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: NoSQL databases have gained significant popularity in recent years, especially in cloud-based applications and big data environments. NoSQL databases are expected to grow in popularity as cloud computing adoption increases, as does the volume and variety of data. Their flexibility and scalability make them well-suited for handling the challenges of modern data management.

19. Shell Scripting

  • Benefits: Shell scripting is a powerful tool for automating tasks and managing systems. It lets you create scripts that run commands, manipulate files, and communicate with other programs. Shell scripting is widely used in system administration, DevOps, and data science for automating repetitive tasks, managing infrastructure, and building custom tools.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: Shell scripting remains a valuable skill for system administrators and DevOps engineers. As IT environments become more complex, automation and efficient system management become increasingly important. Shell scripting is expected to remain relevant for automating tasks, managing infrastructure, and ensuring smooth operations.

20. Haskell

  • Benefits: Haskell is a purely functional programming language renowned for its strong type system, lazy evaluation, and emphasis on correctness. It is a language that prioritizes safety, dependability, and maintainability, making it ideal for developing complex systems where mistakes can have serious consequences. Haskell’s pure functions and immutable data structures make it easier to reason about code, leading to fewer bugs and more reliable software.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: Haskell is widely used in academia and research, and it’s also gaining traction in industries that require high levels of correctness and reliability, such as finance and aerospace. While its steep learning curve may be a deterrent for some, its advantages in terms of safety, dependability, and maintainability make it a language to watch in the coming years.

21. Elixir

  • Benefits: Built on the Erlang virtual machine (BEAM), Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and fault-tolerant applications. It excels at concurrency, handling a large number of concurrent processes without difficulty. Elixir’s pattern matching, lightweight processes (actors), and emphasis on immutability make it ideal for building distributed systems and real-time applications.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: Elixir is currently gaining popularity in web development, particularly for building scalable and fault-tolerant backend systems. Its ability to handle high traffic and strong fault tolerance make it ideal for use in chat servers, real-time dashboards, and online gaming platforms. As the demand for scalable and reliable real-time applications continues to grow, Elixir’s future looks bright.

22. F#

  • Benefits: F# is a functional-first programming language that runs on the .NET platform. It has a concise and expressive syntax, strong type inference, and advanced features for data analysis, machine learning, and concurrent programming. F# also emphasizes immutability and type safety, making it a reliable choice for building robust and maintainable software.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: While not as widely adopted as C# or Java, F# is gaining traction in domains like finance, data science, and scientific computing due to its functional programming capabilities and performance. Its strong type system and emphasis on correctness make it ideal for developing reliable and error-free software, which will be increasingly important in the future as systems become more complex.

23. V

  • Benefits: V aims to be a simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. It is intended for use in a variety of applications, including systems programming and web development. V boasts a C-like syntax, making it relatively easy for developers to pick up, and offers impressive compilation speeds.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: As a relatively new language (released in 2019), V is still in its early stages of development and adoption. However, its emphasis on simplicity, performance, and safety, combined with promising early results, indicate that it has the potential to gain traction in the coming years, particularly for projects that value speed and efficiency.

24. Zig

  • Benefits: Zig is a general-purpose programming language designed for robustness, optimality, and clarity. It aims to provide a simpler and safer alternative to C, including compile-time code execution and manual memory management. Zig’s explicit error handling and focus on performance make it suitable for systems programming, embedded systems, and other applications where resource constraints are a concern.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: Zig is also a relatively new language, but it’s gaining popularity among developers who value performance and control. Its ability to compile to efficient machine code and emphasis on safety make it a strong candidate for a wide range of applications, including game development, networking, and systems programming.

25. Nim

  • Benefits: Nim is a statically typed, compiled language that aims to be efficient, expressive, and elegant. It combines successful concepts from established programming languages such as Python, Ada, and Modula. Nim’s metaprogramming capabilities and powerful macro system allow for extensive customization and code generation. It’s suitable for a wide range of applications, from web development to scientific computing.
  • Current Usage and Future Potential: Nim is already being used for web development, scripting, and systems programming. Its unique blend of efficiency, expressiveness, and metaprogramming capabilities makes it a versatile tool that could see increased adoption in the future.

Best Programming Languages for Specific Career Goals

best programming languages for specific career goals

The “best” programming language to learn depends on your intended career path. Each language excels in different domains, offering unique advantages and career opportunities. Let’s explore some popular paths and the languages that will set you up for success:

1. Web Development

  • Front-End: JavaScript is the undisputed king of the front end, essential for building interactive and dynamic web pages. Frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue.js are in high demand.
  • Back-End: Python, with its Django and Flask frameworks, offers a streamlined and scalable approach to back-end development. PHP, with its large user base and widespread use in content management systems, is another popular option.
  • Full-Stack: If you want to master both front-end and back-end, JavaScript (with Node.js) or Python are excellent choices, offering the flexibility to work on all aspects of web development.
  • TypeScript: For larger, more complex web applications, TypeScript adds an extra layer of type safety and structure to JavaScript, making it a valuable asset for ensuring code quality and maintainability.

2. Data Science and AI

  • Python: Python’s rich ecosystem of libraries, including Pandas for data manipulation, NumPy for numerical operations, and scikit-learn and TensorFlow for machine learning, makes it the go-to language for data scientists and AI engineers.
  • R: A powerful statistical programming language, R is popular among statisticians and data analysts due to its extensive set of statistical and graphical tools.

3. Mobile Development

  • Swift: Apple’s language for building iOS and macOS apps, Swift is known for its speed, safety, and modern syntax. It’s the go-to choice for anyone aspiring to develop native applications for Apple devices.
  • Kotlin: The official language for Android development, Kotlin offers modern features, concise syntax, and seamless interoperability with Java. Its growing popularity in the Android community makes it a necessary skill for mobile developers.

4. Systems Programming

  • C++: A high-performance language with low-level control, C++ is ideal for building operating systems, game engines, and other performance-critical applications.
  • Rust: A newer systems programming language, Rust prioritizes memory safety and concurrency, making it a reliable choice for building robust and efficient systems.

5. Enterprise Solutions

  • Java: A mature and scalable language, Java is widely used for building large-scale enterprise applications, web services, and Android apps.
  • C#: Microsoft’s object-oriented programming language is a popular choice for developing Windows desktop applications, enterprise systems, and games with the Unity engine.

Criteria for Selecting a Programming Language

With a vast array of programming languages available, choosing the right one can be a daunting task for aspiring developers. Several factors come into play, each influencing your learning journey and future career prospects. Let’s explore the key criteria you should consider:

  • Job Market Demand: The demand for specific programming languages fluctuates based on industry trends and the needs of employers. Researching job boards and employment websites can give you insights into the languages that are currently in high demand. While some languages, like Python and JavaScript, consistently rank high in demand, others might be more niche-specific or emerging. Choosing a language with a strong job market can increase your chances of landing a well-paying job and open doors to diverse career opportunities.
  • Ease of Learning: The learning curve of a programming language is a crucial factor, especially for beginners. Some languages, like Python, are known for their simple syntax and readability, making them easier to learn compared to more complex languages like C++ or Haskell. If you’re starting your coding journey, opting for a beginner-friendly language can accelerate your learning process and build confidence.
  • Versatility and Applicability: Consider the range of applications for each language. Some languages are more versatile than others, suitable for a wide range of tasks and projects. Python, for example, is used in web development, data science, machine learning, and automation. JavaScript is required for web development and is increasingly used in back-end and mobile development. Choosing a versatile language can open doors to diverse career paths and opportunities.
  • Community Support: A strong and active community is invaluable for any programming language. A large community means you will have access to forums, tutorials, documentation, and support from other developers when you run into problems. Popular languages like JavaScript and Python have thriving communities that offer ample support and resources, making it easier to learn and troubleshoot problems.

By carefully considering these factors, you can select a programming language that matches your career objectives, learning style, and interests. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, and the best language for you will depend on your unique aspirations and the specific needs of your projects.

Scale Your Programming Career with SCALER

If you’re looking to accelerate your learning journey and build a fulfilling career in software development, consider exploring Scaler Academy’s programs. Scaler provides you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in the competitive tech industry, including expert-led instruction, real-world projects, and personalized mentorship.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, Scaler’s programs can help you learn in-demand languages, gain practical experience, and connect with top companies.


Choosing the right programming language is like choosing the right tool for the job. The language you master can influence your career path, project types, and even your earning potential. In the ever-evolving tech landscape of 2024 and beyond, languages like Python, JavaScript, Java, and emerging contenders like Rust and Go offer a wealth of opportunities.

When making your decision, think about your career goals, interests, and the industry’s demands. Are you passionate about web development, data science, mobile apps, or system-level programming? Each field has its preferred languages, and by focusing on the right ones, you can maximize your chances of success.


Which is the best programming language to get a job?

The “best” language depends on your career goals. JavaScript is essential for web development, Python is popular for data science and automation, and Java is a strong choice for enterprise applications. Research the job market and see what skills are in demand for your desired role.

Which language should I learn for an IT job?

Python is a great starting point due to its versatility and ease of use. It’s widely applicable in various IT fields like web development, data science, and automation, making it a valuable skill for many roles.

Should I learn Java or Python?

Both Java and Python are valuable languages with a wide range of applications. Java is often preferred for enterprise-level development, while Python is more popular in data science and machine learning. Choose the language that aligns with your career goals and interests.

 Which programming language is highest paid?

Salaries vary by experience, location, and company, but some of the highest-paid languages include Go, Scala, and Ruby. However, focusing on niche skills within any language, such as cloud expertise or machine learning, can also command high salaries.

Is Python enough to get a job?

While Python is a valuable skill, it’s rarely the only requirement for a job. You’ll also need to demonstrate proficiency in relevant frameworks, tools, and soft skills like problem-solving and communication. Building a portfolio of projects showcasing your Python skills is also crucial.

Which pays more, Java or Python?

Salaries for both Java and Python developers are competitive and depend on factors like experience and expertise. In some cases, Java developers might earn slightly more due to its prevalence in enterprise applications, but Python’s demand in data science and machine learning is rapidly growing.

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By Sai Movva Director of Engineering & Staff Software Engineer @ Scaler & InterviewBit
Sai Movva is a tech maestro and visionary, currently weaving magic as the Director of Engineering & Staff Software Engineer at Scaler & InterviewBit. Not one to rest on his laurels, Sai is the mastermind behind the Innovation Labs at Scaler School of Technology (SST), where the future of tech is being written. With a knack for solving complex puzzles, he has played a pivotal role in shaping the curriculum and products across Software Engineering, Data Science, Machine Learning, and Data Analytics courses at Scaler Academy and SST. Sai's journey is a testament to the power of innovation and dedication in the tech landscape.

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