How to Land a Data Science Internship [Guide 2024]

Written by: Mohit Uniyal - Lead Data Scientist & Instructor at Scaler | Co-Creator at Coding Minutes
33 Min Read

Data science internships are in high demand, offering aspiring data scientists a valuable opportunity to gain hands-on experience and enhance their employability. These internships help you close the knowledge gap between the classroom and the workplace by fostering the development of critical skills, expanding your professional network, and giving you an advantage over other candidates in the job market.

If you’re passionate about data science and eager to launch your career, securing an internship is a crucial step. Scaler’s Data Science Course can be your gateway to success, providing the comprehensive training and industry insights needed to stand out in the competitive internship landscape.

Why Pursue a Data Science Internship?

Internships in data science are more than just ways to strengthen your CV; they open doors to a world of real-world experience and career advancement. Let’s delve into the key reasons why pursuing a data science internship can be a transformative step in your career journey:

Gain Practical Experience:

Although classroom instruction provides a solid theoretical basis, internships allow you to gain practical experience that really solidifies your understanding of data science concepts. Internships provide a platform to apply your knowledge to real-world projects, grapple with real data challenges, and witness the tangible impact of your work. This practical exposure is invaluable in developing your problem-solving skills, honing your technical expertise, and building confidence in your abilities.

Networking Opportunities:

Internships open doors to a world of professional connections. You’ll have the chance to interact with experienced data scientists, mentors, and industry leaders, gaining insights into the field and building relationships that can last a lifetime. Making connections while completing your internship can open doors to future employment, teamwork, and insightful advice as you pursue your career.

Enhance Employability:

In the competitive data science job market, experience is king. An internship offers you a big advantage over other applicants, displays your dedication to the field, and displays your practical skills. Employers value candidates with real-world experience, and internships provide a platform to prove your capabilities and passion for data science.

Understanding the Requirements for a Data Science Internship

A combination of technical expertise, academic credentials, and real-world experience that highlights your enthusiasm and aptitude for the field is needed to land a data science internship. Let’s break down the key requirements that can set you apart in the competitive internship landscape:

Educational Background:

Most data science internships seek candidates with a strong academic foundation in quantitative fields. It is usually preferred to have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science, statistics, data science, engineering, mathematics, or a related field. However, don’t be discouraged if your background is in a different area; many successful data scientists have transitioned from diverse fields, demonstrating the value of transferable skills and a passion for data.

Skills Needed:

Beyond academic qualifications, specific skills are crucial for success in a data science internship:

  • Programming: Proficiency in Python or R, the two dominant languages in data science, is essential for data manipulation, analysis, and modeling.
  • SQL: Knowledge of SQL (Structured Query Language) is crucial for interacting with databases and extracting data for analysis.
  • Data Analysis and Visualization: Proficiency with data analysis methods and the capacity to use programs like Matplotlib, Seaborn, or Tableau to produce intelligent visualizations are highly appreciated.
  • Machine Learning: Understanding basic machine learning concepts and algorithms, such as linear regression, logistic regression, and decision trees, is important for building predictive models.
  • Statistics: Understanding statistical concepts such as distributions, probability, and hypothesis testing is essential for interpreting data and coming to relevant conclusions.

Portfolio Development:

A well-curated portfolio showcasing your data science projects is a powerful asset in your internship application. It demonstrates your practical skills, problem-solving abilities, and passion for data. Add assignments that demonstrate your mastery of machine learning, data visualization, exploratory data analysis, and data cleaning. Clearly articulate your methodology, insights, and conclusions to showcase your analytical thinking and communication skills.

How to Build a Strong Data Science Portfolio

A well-crafted portfolio is your key to unlocking doors in the competitive data science internship landscape. It’s a tangible demonstration of your skills, problem-solving abilities, and passion for data. Here’s how to create a portfolio that stands out:

Choose Relevant Projects:

Select projects that showcase a diverse range of data science skills, including data cleaning, exploratory data analysis (EDA), machine learning, and data visualization. Aim for a balance of projects that address different types of problems (e.g., classification, regression, clustering) and utilize various techniques and algorithms. Consider projects that align with your interests and potential career paths, demonstrating your passion for specific domains like healthcare, finance, or marketing.

Document Your Work:

Clear and comprehensive documentation is essential for showcasing your thought process and analytical skills. For each project, provide a detailed explanation of the problem you addressed, the data sources you used, your methodology, and the results you achieved. Include code snippets, visualizations, and any relevant insights or conclusions. Ensure that your documentation is simple to read and comprehend, even for non-technical individuals.

Use GitHub and Other Platforms:

Hosting your projects on platforms like GitHub or Kaggle makes them easily accessible to recruiters and potential employers. These platforms also demonstrate your capacity for teamwork, code repository management, and community involvement. Additionally, consider creating a personal website to present your portfolio in a more professional and visually appealing manner.

Beyond Projects:

Although projects are the main focus of your portfolio, you should also think about adding other components that demonstrate your enthusiasm and abilities:

  • Kaggle Competitions: Participation in Kaggle competitions demonstrates your ability to compete and collaborate with other data scientists. Highlight your achievements and rankings.
  • Blog Posts or Articles: Writing about your data science projects or sharing your insights on relevant topics can demonstrate your communication and thought leadership skills.
  • Open Source Contributions: Contributing to open-source projects showcases your collaborative skills and passion for the community.
  • Certifications: Include any relevant data science certifications to validate your expertise and demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning.

Keep in mind that your portfolio should change as you acquire more knowledge and experience because it is a living document. Continuously update it with your latest projects and accomplishments to showcase your growth and dedication to the field.

Where to Find Data Science Internships

The quest for a data science internship can be both exciting and challenging. Fortunately, various avenues exist to connect you with potential opportunities. Here are some of the most effective ways to discover and secure data science internships:

Online Job Portals:

Numerous online platforms serve as a gateway to a wide array of internship listings.

  • LinkedIn: This professional networking platform is a goldmine for internship opportunities. You can create job alerts, follow companies of interest, and filter specifically for internships in data science using its search function.
  • Indeed & Glassdoor: These popular job boards feature a broad range of internship listings, including those in data science. Adjust your search parameters to focus on pertinent opportunities, and make sure to frequently check for fresh listings.
  • Internshala: This niche website is a great resource for students and recent graduates looking for internships in data science because it only handles internships and entry-level jobs.

University Career Services:

Your university’s career centre can be a valuable ally in your internship search. They frequently keep in touch with businesses that provide internships and can offer advice on networking, interview techniques, and resume writing.

Networking and Referrals:

Use the connections you have both personally and professionally to find undiscovered internship opportunities. Attend industry events, connect with professionals on LinkedIn, and reach out to alumni or faculty members in the data science field. Your chances of being noticed can be greatly increased by a recommendation from someone in the company.

Company Websites:

Many businesses advertise internship opportunities directly on their career pages, particularly those in the tech and data-driven industries. Identify companies that align with your interests and career goals, and regularly visit their websites to check for available internships.

Proactive Search:

Don’t limit yourself to passive job searching. Even if an organization has not posted any specific internship openings, take the initiative to get in touch with them personally. Express your interest in their work and inquire about potential opportunities.

How to Prepare for Data Science Internship Applications

Being well-presented to potential employers is just as important as possessing the necessary skills to land a data science internship. Here’s how to ensure your application stands out:

Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter

Don’t underestimate the power of customization. Make sure your cover letter and resume are specifically tailored to each internship application, emphasizing your experiences and talents that are most pertinent to the role. Thoroughly review the job description, noting the keywords and requirements, and incorporate them into your application materials.

  • Resume: Ensure your resume is clear, concise, and error-free. Put an emphasis on measurable accomplishments, emphasizing tasks or encounters that highlight your aptitude for data analysis and problem-solving.
  • Cover Letter: Your cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your passion for data science and explain why you’re the ideal candidate for the internship. Express your excitement for the organization and the position while making a connection between your qualifications and experiences and the job’s particular requirements.

Prepare a Professional Portfolio

Your portfolio is a tangible demonstration of your data science skills. Clearly and easily accessiblely arrange your projects, emphasizing your approach, discoveries, and outcomes. Include a variety of projects that showcase your proficiency in different areas of data science, such as data cleaning, exploratory data analysis, machine learning, and data visualization. To make your portfolio easily accessible to recruiters, think about hosting it on GitHub or setting up a personal website.

Get Ready for Assessments and Interviews

Many data science internships involve assessments and interviews to evaluate your technical skills and cultural fit.

  • Technical Assessments: These may include coding tests, data analysis exercises, or machine learning challenges. Revise your Python or R programming skills and practice common data science interview questions.
  • Case Studies: Be prepared to analyze and solve real-world data problems, demonstrating your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Behavioural Interviews: Research the company culture and be prepared to answer questions about your teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills.

Tips for Finding Your Data Science Internship Job

Taking a proactive and calculated approach is necessary to land a data science internship. Here are some tips to boost your chances of success:

1. Leverage Multiple Platforms:

Cast a wide net in your search. Make use of specialized platforms like Internshala as well as job portals such as Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn. Explore social media platforms for relevant groups and discussions where internship opportunities might be shared. Remember to use the career services at your university; they frequently have connections with businesses looking for interns.

2. Apply In Advance:

It is important to start looking for an internship well in advance because many companies start their hiring process early. Applying early can give you a competitive edge as internship positions often fill up quickly. To prevent last-minute rushes, keep track of application deadlines and prepare all required materials, including your portfolio, cover letter, and resume, in advance.

3. Build Your Portfolio:

A strong portfolio is a testament to your data science skills and experience. Continue to add new projects to your portfolio, polish the ones you already have, and make sure all of your work is readily available and well-documented. Consider hosting your portfolio on platforms like GitHub or Kaggle to showcase your capabilities to potential employers.

4. Use Your Network:

Networking can be a powerful tool for uncovering hidden internship opportunities. To grow your network, connect with people in your industry, go to events, and participate in online forums. Informational interviews with professionals in the data science field can provide valuable insights and potential referrals.

5. Prepare A Letter Of Recommendation:

A solid recommendation letter from an instructor, mentor, or prior employer can make a big difference in your application. Approach someone who can speak to your skills, work ethic, and potential, providing them with ample information about the internship and your qualifications.

6. Improve Your Cover Letter And Resume:

Tailor your resume and cover letter for each specific internship application. Emphasize your accomplishments, experiences, and relevant skills that meet the requirements for the internship. Ensure your documents are well-formatted, and error-free, and include relevant keywords to optimize them for applicant tracking systems.

7. Customize Applications:

Don’t send generic applications. Spend some time personalizing each application to show that you are genuinely interested in the organization and the particular internship position. Research the company’s mission, values, and projects, and tailor your application to showcase how your skills and interests align with their goals.

8. Follow Industry Leaders:

By following important data science professionals and organizations on LinkedIn and Twitter, you can stay informed about industry trends and internship opportunities.

9. Join Data Science Communities:

Engage with online communities and forums dedicated to data science. These platforms frequently offer internship opportunities, insightful content, and a place to network with other prospective data scientists.

10. Build Your Digital Presence:

Boost your reputation and visibility online by:

  • Writing blog posts: Share your knowledge, insights, and projects on your own blog or through guest posts on other platforms.
  • Improving your LinkedIn profile: Ensure that your profile is current and effectively highlights your qualifications.
  • Creating projects on GitHub: Host your code and projects on GitHub to demonstrate your coding skills and collaborative abilities.

11. Be Persistent and Proactive:

The job search can be a marathon, not a sprint. Stay persistent, even if you face rejections. Even if a company does not have any positions listed, get in touch with them personally to show your interest and learn more about possible prospects.

12. Consider a Data Science Course:

Consider registering for a thorough data science course to increase your chances of obtaining a desired internship. Scaler’s Data Science Course, for instance, offers a rigorous curriculum, expert guidance, and hands-on projects to equip you with the practical skills and knowledge that employers seek. Additionally, it offers career support services like interview coaching, resume building, and help finding a job, which will give you an advantage over other applicants for internships.

You can improve your chances of securing a data science internship that puts you on the road to a lucrative career in this fascinating field by paying attention to these pointers and taking a proactive, persistent approach.

Best Practices for Data Science Internship Interviews

Your opportunity to shine and leave a lasting impression on prospective employers is during the interview stage. Here are some best practices to help you ace your data science internship interviews:

Technical Questions

  • Know Your Fundamentals: Be prepared to answer questions about core machine learning algorithms (regression, classification, clustering), data structures (arrays, linked lists, trees), and statistical concepts (probability, hypothesis testing). Refresh your memory and be able to articulate these ideas simply.
  • Practice Coding and Problem-Solving: Many interviews include coding challenges or data analysis exercises. Work on your problem-solving skills using R or Python, emphasizing tasks involving data analysis, visualization, and manipulation. Familiarize yourself with common libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and Scikit-learn.
  • Review Your Projects: Be ready to discuss your portfolio projects in detail, highlighting the challenges you faced, the solutions you implemented, and the results you achieved. Show that you can use your theoretical knowledge to solve real-world issues.

Behavioural Questions

  • Focus on Teamwork and Collaboration: Data scientists often work in teams, so highlight your ability to collaborate effectively, communicate clearly, and contribute to a positive team environment.
  • Showcase Problem-Solving Skills: Use examples from your past experiences to illustrate your problem-solving skills. Talk about your problem-solving, situation analysis, and approach to challenges.
  • Demonstrate Adaptability: Data science is a rapidly evolving field, so show your willingness to learn new technologies and adapt to changing environments. Showcase your best moments when you overcame change or accepted new challenges.

Showcasing Projects and Experiences

  • Highlight Impact: When discussing your projects, focus on the impact of your work. When feasible, quantify your findings and describe how your solutions handled issues or challenges that arose in the real world.
  • Communicate Clearly: Explain your thought process and methodology clearly, demonstrating your analytical skills and ability to communicate technical concepts in an understandable way.
  • Be Passionate: Show your enthusiasm for data science and your eagerness to learn and contribute to the team.

Asking the Right Questions

Prepare thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer. This shows that you are interested in both the company and the internship.

  • About the Internship Role: Inquire about the specific tasks and responsibilities, the technologies you’ll be using, and the opportunities for learning and growth.
  • Concerning Company Culture: Inquire about the company’s principles, the nature of the workplace, and the prospects for growth and advancement.
  • About Potential Career Paths: Express your long-term career goals and inquire about potential career paths within the company for data science interns.

You can make a great impression during your data science internship interviews and raise your chances of getting the opportunity you have been dreaming of by adhering to these best practices, being well-prepared, and using your skills and passion.

How to Stand Out in a Competitive Market

There is intense competition in the data science field, with many skilled people fighting for the same opportunities. To stand out, you need to go beyond the basics and showcase your unique skills and passion.

Build a Unique Portfolio:

Don’t just replicate common projects. Rather, look for original and creative projects that showcase your imagination and ability to think beyond the box. Explore niche areas of data science, tackle unconventional problems, or develop novel solutions to existing challenges. Your portfolio should tell a story about your unique strengths and interests.

Continuous Learning:

The discipline of data science is continually developing, with new methods, instruments, and algorithms appearing on a regular basis. Embrace a lifelong learning mindset and invest time in expanding your skillset. Stay abreast of the latest trends by reading blogs, following industry leaders, and taking online courses or certifications.

Engage with the Data Science Community:

Engage in active participation in open-source projects, webinars, and workshops to expand your network and establish connections with other data scientists. Sharing your knowledge and collaborating with others not only enhances your learning but also demonstrates your passion and commitment to the field.

Showcase Your Passion:

Let your passion for data science shine through in your application materials and interviews. Discuss your most satisfying projects, the issues you can not wait to tackle, and the contributions you want to make to the field. Your enthusiasm and genuine interest will leave a lasting impression on potential employers.

Maximizing Your Data Science Internship Experience

Getting an internship in data science is a big deal, but once you start working there, the real work starts. To make the most of your internship and set yourself up for future success, consider these best practices:

Set Clear Goals:

Start your internship with a clear vision of what you want to achieve. Establish SMART goals—specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound—that correspond with your hobbies and professional objectives.

  • Technical Skills: Identify the specific skills you want to acquire or improve, such as proficiency in a particular programming language or machine learning technique.
  • Project Contributions: Describe your desired projects and the kind of impact you hope to achieve.
  • Networking: Set a goal for expanding your professional network by connecting with colleagues, mentors, and industry professionals.

Seek Feedback and Mentorship:

Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from your supervisor and colleagues. Make a conscious effort to find a mentor who is an experienced data scientist who can help you and offer advice. Embrace constructive criticism as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Document Your Learning:

Keep a journal or blog to reflect on your internship experiences, challenges, and achievements. Keep a record of the tasks you complete, the abilities you gain, and the knowledge you gain. This not only helps you solidify your understanding but also creates a valuable record of your growth and progress.

Network within the Company:

Take advantage of the opportunity to build relationships with colleagues and supervisors. Participate in team-building exercises, go to company events, and have discussions about data science and the sector. These connections can lead to future job opportunities, collaborations, and valuable insights into the professional world.

Beyond these pointers, keep in mind:

  • Show initiative and proactivity.
  • Ask questions and seek clarification when needed.
  • Show your passion and enthusiasm for data science.
  • Go the extra mile and exceed expectations.

You can use your internship as a launching pad for a fruitful and satisfying career in data science if you actively participate in it, look for opportunities for learning and development, and form deep connections.

Intern Salary and Outlook In Data Science

While developing your skills and gaining experience are the main goals of a data science internship, pay is also a crucial factor to take into account. Data science intern salaries in India vary based on factors such as company size, location, and the intern’s qualifications. But according to Glassdoor, an intern in data science in India typically receives a monthly stipend of between ₹15,000 and ₹30,000.

Remember, the value of an internship extends beyond the stipend. It is an investment in your future that can have a big impact on your career path by providing you with networking opportunities and priceless experience.


The future for data science interns in India looks bright. As the need for data science expertise grows, there are many chances for prospective interns to obtain practical experience. Companies across industries, from tech giants to startups, are actively seeking talented interns to contribute to their data-driven initiatives.

Furthermore, after graduation, the experience you obtain from an internship can greatly improve your chances of landing a full-time data science job. Many companies offer pre-placement offers to their top-performing interns, providing a seamless transition from intern to employee.

Click here to know about the salary of a full-time data scientist.

Transitioning from Internship to Full-Time Role

A fruitful internship may serve as a springboard for a full-time position in data science. Here are some tips to increase your chances of transitioning smoothly from intern to employee:

Prove Your Value

  • Take Initiative: Actively seek out opportunities to contribute and make a tangible impact. Look beyond the responsibilities you have been given and find ways you can benefit the team.
  • Showcase Your Skills: Demonstrate your technical proficiency and problem-solving abilities. Own the projects you work on, communicate your results effectively, and remain receptive to criticism.
  • Be a Team Player: Collaborate effectively with your colleagues, contribute to a positive team environment, and show your willingness to learn and adapt.
  • Exceed Expectations: Go the extra mile by completing tasks ahead of schedule, taking on additional responsibilities, and demonstrating a strong work ethic.

Express Interest in Long-Term Opportunities

When your internship is coming to an end, let the company know that you would like to learn more about any full-time job opportunities. Talk about your career goals and find out about any open positions or upcoming hiring plans with your supervisor or other relevant team members.

Prepare for Post-Internship Job Applications

  • Update Your Resume: Update your resume with your internship experience, highlighting your accomplishments, skills, and projects.
  • Seek References: Request letters of recommendation from your supervisor or other colleagues who can speak to your performance and potential.
  • Network: Leverage your connections made during the internship to explore job opportunities within the company or other organizations.

Enhance Your Skills for the Transition

Even though an internship offers priceless experience, success in the data science industry requires ongoing education. Consider enrolling in a comprehensive data science course like Scaler’s Data Science Course to deepen your understanding of machine learning, data analysis, and visualization. The program’s hands-on projects, knowledgeable faculty, and industry-relevant curriculum can give you the advanced skills you need to succeed in a full-time data science position.


What qualifications do I need for a Data Science internship?

While requirements vary, most companies prefer candidates pursuing or holding a degree in a quantitative field like Data Science, Computer Science, Statistics, or Mathematics. However, relevant skills and a strong portfolio can also compensate for a non-traditional educational background.

What technical skills are essential for landing a Data Science internship?

Proficiency in Python or R, along with SQL, data analysis, machine learning fundamentals, and data visualization tools is typically expected.

How do I build a portfolio for a Data Science internship?

Showcase a range of projects on sites like GitHub or Kaggle that highlight your abilities in data analysis, cleaning, and visualization. Clearly document your methodology and insights for each project.

Where can I find Data Science internships?

You can look through company websites, college career services, and online job portals like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Internshala. Networking and referrals can also uncover hidden opportunities.

What should I expect during a Data Science internship interview?

Expect a mix of technical and behavioural questions. Prepare to talk about your work, show off your problem-solving abilities, and share your enthusiasm for data science.

How do I stand out when applying for a Data Science internship?

Customize your application for every position, create a distinctive and eye-catching portfolio, interact with the data science community, and show off your enthusiasm for the subject.

How can I maximize my learning during a Data Science internship?

To acquire knowledge and develop connections, set specific objectives, look for mentorship and feedback, record your learning, and connect with people in the organization.

Can a Data Science internship lead to a full-time job?

Yes, a lot of businesses give their best interns full-time jobs. Proving your value, expressing interest, and continuously developing your skills can increase your chances of securing a full-time offer.

What skills are most valued in Data Science internships?

Technical proficiency in SQL, data analysis, machine learning, and Python or R programming is required. Additionally, soft skills like problem-solving, communication, and teamwork are highly valued.

How important is networking during a Data Science internship?

Networking is crucial. Developing connections with coworkers and industry experts can result in future employment prospects, joint ventures, and beneficial mentoring.

What challenges might I face during a Data Science internship?

Working with huge datasets, picking up new technologies, and adjusting to a fast-paced workplace are some of the difficulties you might encounter. Overcoming these challenges demonstrates your resilience and adaptability.

What non-technical skills are valuable for a successful Data Science internship?

Strong communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and a willingness to learn are essential non-technical skills for a successful internship.

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By Mohit Uniyal Lead Data Scientist & Instructor at Scaler | Co-Creator at Coding Minutes
Meet Mohit Uniyal, the wizard behind the data science curtain! 🧙‍♂️ As the Lead Data Scientist & Instructor at Scaler and Co-Creator at Coding Minutes, Mohit's on a mission to demystify the world of data science and machine learning. Mohit's like a master storyteller, turning the intricate tapestry of data into captivating tales that even beginners can understand. 📊📚 With a knack for simplifying complex concepts, he's your go-to guru for navigating the ever-changing seas of data science. When Mohit isn't busy unlocking the secrets of algorithms, you'll find him wielding his expertise as a Data Scientist. He's all about using advanced analytics and machine learning techniques to uncover those golden nuggets of insight that drive businesses forward. 💡
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