20 Machine Learning Tools to Try in 2024

Written by: Mohit Uniyal - Lead Data Scientist & Instructor at Scaler | Co-Creator at Coding Minutes
18 Min Read


Machine learning is the engine of today’s technological breakthroughs; it is no longer a futuristic idea. As we step into 2024, the demand for intelligent solutions continues to surge, making effective machine-learning tools indispensable. These tools let everyone, from novices to experts, realize the full potential of machine learning while streamlining workflows and speeding up development.

Whether you’re taking your first steps or looking to refine your skills, consider enrolling in the comprehensive machine learning course offered by Scaler

We will reveal 20 machine learning tools in this guide that are a must-have and will be huge in 2024. From versatile frameworks to cutting-edge platforms, these tools empower you to extract valuable insights from data and drive innovation.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence, empowers systems to learn from data and improve their performance on specific tasks without being explicitly programmed. Computers can now recognize patterns, anticipate outcomes, and unearth insights thanks to this revolutionary technology, which is revolutionizing a number of industries, including finance and healthcare.

Selecting the right tools is crucial in navigating the complexities of machine learning. They improve productivity, simplify the development process, and let practitioners—regardless of experience level—extract the most value from their data.

Why are Machine Learning Tools Important in 2024?

In 2024, machine learning tools will be more and more crucial for a number of reasons.

  • Enhanced Productivity: Machine learning tools automate and streamline various tasks, significantly boosting productivity. These tools manage the tedious work, freeing up practitioners to concentrate on more creative and higher-level tasks. They handle everything from feature engineering and data preprocessing to model selection and deployment.
  • Democratization of AI/ML: User-friendly machine learning tools with intuitive interfaces and drag-and-drop functionalities have made AI and ML accessible to a broader audience. These days, anyone with a minimal amount of coding knowledge can use machine learning to solve issues and gain insights.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Modern applications demand scalability and flexibility to adapt to ever-changing data and user requirements. The infrastructure and capabilities needed to manage massive datasets, implement models in a variety of settings, and expand solutions without interruption as requirements change are made possible by machine learning tools.

Top 20 Machine Learning Tools to Try in 2024

top machine learning tools to try in 2024

The machine learning landscape is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, offering a wide array of tools catering to diverse needs and skill levels. Here’s a list of 20 indispensable machine learning tools, along with their salient characteristics, that are expected to have a big influence in 2024:

1. TensorFlow

TensorFlow is an extremely versatile and potent open-source platform created by Google that facilitates the creation and implementation of a broad range of machine learning models, from straightforward linear regression to intricate deep neural networks.

  • Key Features:
    • Adaptable architecture that allows for the creation and testing of multiple model architectures
    • Scalable for handling large datasets and complex computations across multiple devices
    • Extensive community support and a vast library of resources for learning and troubleshooting

2. PyTorch

PyTorch is a dynamic and user-friendly open-source deep learning framework that has become incredibly popular due to its simple method of creating and refining neural networks.

  • Key Features:
    • Dynamic computation graphs for flexible model building and experimentation
    • Strong backing for the development and research of deep learning
    • Efficient for prototyping and deploying models in production environments

3. Google Cloud AI Platform

A thorough cloud-based platform that, within the Google Cloud ecosystem, simplifies the whole machine learning workflow, from data preparation and model building to deployment and monitoring.

  • Key Features:
    • End-to-end machine learning development environment with integrated tools and services
    • Easy integration for data processing, deployment, and storage with other Google Cloud services
    • Scalability for handling large-scale projects and datasets

4. Amazon SageMaker

SageMaker is a fully managed service provided by Amazon Web Services that streamlines the creation, training, and implementation of machine learning models at any size.

  • Key Features:
    • Built-in algorithms and frameworks for various machine-learning tasks
    • Scalability for handling enterprise-level deployments and large datasets
    • Workflows for deployment and data management are made seamless by integration with additional AWS services.

5. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning

Azure Machine Learning is a cloud-based platform with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy for users of all skill levels to create, train, and implement machine learning models.

  • Key Features:
    • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface for visual model building and experimentation
    • Supports various programming languages and frameworks, offering flexibility and choice
    • Integrates with other Azure services for comprehensive data management and deployment solutions

6. Scikit-learn

A rich collection of algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, and other crucial machine learning tasks is provided by this adaptable and user-friendly Python library.

  • Key Features:
    • Simple and efficient, making it ideal for both beginners and experienced practitioners
    • Extensive selection of algorithms for various machine learning applications
    • Robust documentation and active community support to facilitate troubleshooting and learning

7. Keras

With its intuitive and user-friendly interface, Keras, a high-level neural networks API written in Python, makes the process of creating and training deep learning models easier.

  • Key Features:
    • User-friendly interface for rapid prototyping and experimentation
    • Modular and extensible design for customization and flexibility
    • Utilizes well-known deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and Theano

8. IBM Watson

IBM Watson is a potent set of AI tools and services that includes pre-trained models and APIs for computer vision, natural language processing, and other machine learning applications. This gives businesses the ability to create intelligent solutions.

  • Key Features:
    • Pre-trained models for various use cases, accelerating development and deployment
    • Enterprise-level compliance and security when managing sensitive data
    • Easy integration with existing applications and workflows

9. Apache Spark MLlib

A scalable and distributed machine learning library built on Apache Spark, MLlib is designed to handle large datasets and complex machine learning tasks in big data environments.

  • Key Features:
    • Distributed algorithms for efficient processing of massive datasets
    • Facilitates a variety of machine learning tasks, such as clustering, regression, and classification.
    • Seamless integration with the Spark ecosystem for comprehensive data processing and analysis

10. BigML

An easy-to-use cloud-based platform that makes machine learning accessible to users of different skill levels by streamlining processes through automation and providing an intuitive user interface.

  • Key Features:
    • Easy-to-use interface for building and deploying models without extensive coding knowledge
    • Automated machine learning features for more efficient processes and quicker model creation
    • Focus on accessibility and explainability of models, promoting transparency and understanding

11. H2O.ai

An open-source platform that offers scalable machine learning capabilities, making it possible for users to effectively create and implement models on big datasets.

  • Key Features:
    • Distributed in-memory processing for high performance and scalability
    • Supports a wide range of machine learning algorithms and frameworks
    • AutoML capabilities for automated model building and hyperparameter tuning


A drag-and-drop interface visual data science platform that enables users to create and implement machine learning workflows, encouraging experimentation and teamwork.

  • Key Features:
    • Visual workflow environment for intuitive model building and data exploration
    • Offers flexibility and customization by supporting a broad variety of data sources and algorithms.
    • Open-source with an active community and extensive extensions for enhanced functionality

13. RapidMiner

A complete data science platform offering a visual work environment for creating, implementing, and overseeing machine learning models at every stage of their development.

  • Key Features:
    • Automated machine learning capabilities for faster model development and optimization
    • End-to-end machine learning lifecycle support, from data preparation to deployment and monitoring
    • Visual workflow designer for easy experimentation and collaboration

14. DataRobot

A platform for automated machine learning that simplifies the process of creating models, freeing up users to concentrate on drawing conclusions and making data-driven choices.

  • Key Features:
    • Automated feature engineering and model selection, reducing manual effort and accelerating development
    • Accelerates the process of building and deploying high-performing models, leading to faster time-to-insights
    • Model monitoring and management tools for ongoing optimization and performance tracking

15. Weka

A popular open-source machine learning program for research and teaching that provides a range of algorithms for data preprocessing, classification, regression, clustering, and association rule mining.

  • Key Features:
    • Graphical user interface for easy access and experimentation, suitable for beginners
    • Supports a variety of machine learning tasks and algorithms for diverse applications
    • Widely adopted in research and educational settings for its versatility and ease of use

16. Alteryx

A platform for self-service data analytics that enables users to prepare, combine, and analyze data through a drag-and-drop interface, enabling data-driven decision-making in a variety of fields.

  • Key Features:
    • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface for data preparation and blending, simplifying complex data workflows
    • The ability to forecast, analyze trends, and produce insights that can be put into practice using predictive analytics
    • Integration with various data sources, enabling comprehensive data analysis and visualization

17. Google Colab

A cloud-based environment that provides free access to powerful hardware accelerators like GPUs and TPUs, enabling users to run computationally intensive machine learning experiments and prototype models interactively.

  • Key Features:
    • Free use of GPUs and TPUs to speed up model training and machine learning calculations
    • Supports Python and other programming languages, offering flexibility for different workflows
    • Easy sharing and collaboration on notebooks, facilitating teamwork and knowledge sharing

18. OpenNN

OpenNN is an open-source C++ neural network library that caters to researchers and advanced users by offering excellent performance and flexibility for creating and training intricate neural network models.

  • Key Features:
    • High performance and efficiency for handling demanding computations and large datasets
    • Flexible architecture for designing and implementing custom neural network architectures
    • Suitable for advanced users and researchers seeking fine-grained control and optimization

19. Shogun

An open-source machine learning toolbox that supports several programming languages and offers a uniform interface for accessing and using a large variety of machine learning algorithms and data representations.

  • Key Features:
    • Unified interface for seamless interaction with various machine learning algorithms
    • Supports a variety of programming languages, providing versatility for various development environments, such as Python, R, Java, and C++.
    • Efficient and versatile for handling various machine learning tasks and data formats

20. Vertex AI

The next-generation unified machine learning platform from Google Cloud provides a full range of tools and services to streamline the entire machine learning workflow, from data preparation to model deployment and monitoring.

  • Key Features:
    • End-to-end machine learning development environment with integrated tools and services
    • Easily integrates with a range of Google Cloud services for deployment, processing, and management of data.
    • Supports both AutoML for automated model building and custom model development for advanced users

Choosing the Right Tool for Your Needs

The ideal machine learning tool depends on your specific needs. Think about things like the complexity of the project, the need for scalability, and financial limitations.

  • For simpler projects or rapid prototyping, opt for user-friendly tools like Scikit-learn, Keras, or BigML.
  • If scalability is a priority, cloud-based platforms like Google Cloud AI Platform, Amazon SageMaker, or Microsoft Azure Machine Learning offer flexibility.
  • Budget-conscious projects can benefit from open-source options like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Scikit-learn.
  • Match the tool to your specific requirements. NLP is IBM Watson’s strong suit, and big data is best served by Apache Spark MLlib.
  • Consider your team’s skill level. OpenNN serves more experienced users, while Keras is more user-friendly for novices.

If you’re unsure where to start, the comprehensive machine learning course offered by Scaler can provide guidance and hands-on experience with various tools.

Future Trends in Machine Learning Tools

The field of machine learning is constantly evolving, and the tools that power it are no exception. The following are some significant trends that we should watch out for soon:

  • Deeper Integration of AI: Machine learning tools will increasingly incorporate advanced artificial intelligence capabilities, such as natural language processing, computer vision, and reinforcement learning. The creation of increasingly complex and intelligent applications that can comprehend and interact with the environment in more human-like ways will be made possible by this integration.
  • Advancements in AutoML: Automated machine learning (AutoML) will continue to mature, making machine learning more accessible to non-experts. By automating processes like feature engineering, model selection, data preprocessing, and hyperparameter tuning, autoML tools streamline the development process and enable users to create high-performing models without requiring a lot of specialized knowledge.
  • Growing Focus on Ethical and Responsible AI: As machine learning becomes more pervasive, the importance of ethical and responsible AI practices will become paramount. Fairness, accountability, and transparency will be more and more emphasized in machine learning tools, ensuring that AI systems are applied morally and for the good of society.


In the ever-evolving world of machine learning, staying updated with the latest tools is crucial for success. The 20 tools this blog post highlights give practitioners an idea of the wide range and potent options they will have in 2024. By exploring and mastering these tools, you can enhance your machine-learning capabilities, streamline your workflows, and unlock new possibilities for innovation and discovery.

As machine learning continues to advance and new tools emerge, it’s essential to remain adaptable and embrace lifelong learning. Utilizing the newest tools for ongoing research and experimentation will enable you to stay ahead of the curve, fully utilize machine learning, and leave a lasting impression in this rapidly evolving field.

Accelerate Your Machine Learning Career with Scaler!
Master key ML skills like algorithms, Python, and model building with real-world projects and expert mentorship. Join Scaler’s Machine Learning Program today and unlock new opportunities in AI, data science, and automation.


What is a machine learning tool?

A machine learning tool is a software or a platform that aids in the development, deployment, and management of machine learning models. These tools can encompass a wide array of functionalities, from data preparation and model building to evaluation and deployment.

What is the best tool for machine learning?

The “best” tool depends on your specific needs and expertise. TensorFlow and PyTorch are popular for deep learning, while Scikit-learn is excellent for general machine learning tasks. Consider factors like project complexity, scalability, and your team’s skills when choosing.

Which machine learning tool is best for beginners?

Scikit-learn, Keras, and BigML are generally considered beginner-friendly due to their intuitive interfaces and ease of use. They offer a gentler learning curve for those new to machine learning.

What is the future of machine learning tools?

The future of machine learning tools will likely involve deeper AI integration, advancements in AutoML, and a stronger focus on ethical and responsible AI practices. It is reasonable to anticipate that these instruments will continue to grow in strength, usability, and ethical consciousness.

 How do these tools help with AI development?

Machine learning tools accelerate and simplify the AI development process by automating tasks, providing pre-built algorithms, and offering scalable infrastructure. They free developers from the technical complexities of AI development so they can concentrate on creativity and problem-solving.

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By Mohit Uniyal Lead Data Scientist & Instructor at Scaler | Co-Creator at Coding Minutes
Meet Mohit Uniyal, the wizard behind the data science curtain! 🧙‍♂️ As the Lead Data Scientist & Instructor at Scaler and Co-Creator at Coding Minutes, Mohit's on a mission to demystify the world of data science and machine learning. Mohit's like a master storyteller, turning the intricate tapestry of data into captivating tales that even beginners can understand. 📊📚 With a knack for simplifying complex concepts, he's your go-to guru for navigating the ever-changing seas of data science. When Mohit isn't busy unlocking the secrets of algorithms, you'll find him wielding his expertise as a Data Scientist. He's all about using advanced analytics and machine learning techniques to uncover those golden nuggets of insight that drive businesses forward. 💡
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