Add CSS File to Django Project

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CSS can be added to the Django project by creating a static files directory and inside that directory make the styling file and define the styling for elements to make your page look beautiful.

The Project

Let us assume we have created a project named myProj1 by writing the command given below inside the folder in which we want to create the project.

Inside that project, we are creating an app named members. Type the command given below inside the project folder.

Change the settings to add the members app in INSTALLED_APPS. Now run the py migrate command. Inside the file of the members app write a code given below to create a member.

After this inside the myProj1 folder, run the command py makemigrations members. Now insert some data inside this model. Inside the members folder create a file named and type the content given that file.

And then update the file of myProj1.

After that, we created a template named member.html inside the exampleProj\members\templates.

Now change the file.

Now run the command py runserver in the terminal, and after running the project type in the browser. Then the below page will appear in your browser with the information of the members we have inserted.

information of the members

To add a CSS file to Django create a mystaticfiles folder inside the myProj1 folder and add the file named style.css inside that folder, inside that file write the code given below:

Modify the Master Template

Create a master.html file inside the templates folder of the members folder. Add the below code inside that file.

Modify the member.html file accordingly to the master html file. Write the below code in the member.html file.

Check Settings

To add a CSS file to the Django project go to the file of myProj1 and add a static CSS file inside the settings file by writing the below code.

Collect Static Files

Run py collectstatic to collect the static files and then it will ask for confirmation type yes for that.

After collecting static run the project by writing the command py runserver. You can see that the background of the file is changed.

background of the file

Work on the Style

Now change the code inside the style.css to make your page look more beautiful.

Modify Templates


Modify the master.html to make appear THE MEMBERS DETAILS on all the pages of the project.


Modify and change the content of the file member.html to apply more styling to it.


We can modify the other files like details in the same way as we have modified the above files to see our styling effect.


We can modify the other files like main in the same way as we have modified the above files to see our styling effect.

Collect Static Files

As we have performed some modifications in our style.css, we again need to run the command collectstatic so that the modifications we have done in styling will turn into effect. Run the command given below:

Now type the command py runserver to run the project, And the below output will appear. run the project


  • CSS can be added to the Django project by creating a static files directory and inside that directory make the styling file and define the styling for elements to make your page look beautiful.
  • To add a CSS file to Django create a mystaticfiles folder inside the myProj1 folder and add the file named style.css inside that folder, inside that file write the code for styling.
  • Add a static CSS file inside the settings file.