What are the Advantages of Function in C?

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by Prateek Narang
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In this article, we will discuss the advantages of function in C. There are many advantages of function in C.

  • Functions make a program more readable. Large programs are frequently difficult to read. Breaking the code into smaller functions keeps the program structured, understandable, and reusable.
  • The function can be reused countless times after it is defined.
  • A function can be used to reduce the size of a program by being called and used at different places in the program.
  • Functions help in code modularity, which means that the entire code is divided into separate blocks, each self-contained and performing a different task. This makes each block implementation and debugging much more accessible.
  • In top-down structured programming, dividing a program into functions is more efficient and easy to understand.
  • If you just use the function in your program, you don’t have to worry about how it works inside.
    Example: printf()

Introduction to Functions in C

  • A function is a set of statements or a block of code that takes inputs, performs operations and produces the results.
  • Before calling a function, it's preferable to declare it first.
  • We could call the function multiple times.

Note: Providing inputs to the function is not mandatory. Without input, it can perform some computation, and it can return some output as well.


Function aspectsDiscriptionSyntax
Return typeReturn type indicates the type of output returned by the functionreturn_type
Function nameFunction name indicates the name of the function which we use to call the functionfunction_name
Set of inputsSet of inputs indicates inputs provided to the functionset_of_inputs
BodyBody contain set of instructions function will perform on callingBody_of_function

Two Types of Functions

In C programming, functions are divided into two categories: library functions and user-defined functions. The malloc() and calloc() function is an example of a library function, and any function defined by the user is a user-defined function. The primary distinction between these two functions is that library functions do not require programmers to author them. Still, the programmer must develop a user-defined function while creating the program.

Types of Functions

Built-in Functions/library Functions:

These are the pre-defined functions. As the name implies, these functions are pre-defined in the standard libraries. The header files can be used to include these libraries, and then we can call these pre-defined functions to do specified tasks.

Built-in Functions/library FunctionsUse
strcat()Appends string2 to string1 and ends the resulting with the null character.
gets()It's used to read keyboard string input.
puts()It is used to display only the string.
malloc()It is used to dynamically allocate a memory block.
calloc()It's used to allocate memory blocks of the specified type dynamically.
pow()It is used to get the power of a number.
sqrt()It's used to calculate a number's square root.

User-defined Functions:

We'll have to declare and create our functions for case-specific functions that aren't defined in any header files. This can be achieved by using the syntax mentioned in previous sections. User-defined functions can be used to implement program-specific code.

User-defined FunctionUse
main()At runtime, it calls the programming code.

There are 3 Aspects of Each C Function

Function aspectsDescriptionSyntax
function definitionFunction definition consists of a block of code which is capable of performing some specific well-defined task.return_type function_name(set_of_inputs){function body};
function callTo call a function, we always write its arguments in brackets with the name of that function.function_name(set_of_inputs);
function declarationDeclaration is used to tell the compiler about the function and its returning type, name, and parameters.return_type function_name(set_of_inputs);

Example of a Function

Below is the program for Area of Square:


In the above code, we defined a function square() to calculate the area of the square, which takes an integer as a parameter and returns an integer value.

Learn More

You may read functions in C resource to learn more about C Functions.


  • A function has four parts: a return type, a function name, a set of parameters, and a function body.
  • The function does not need inputs; it can still execute calculations and produce results without them.
  • A function is an independently coded subprogram that performs a specific task, and it can be called anywhere in the program.
  • In C, we looked at two different sorts of functions:
    • Built-in Functions/library Functions
    • User-Defined Functions
  • function prototype always ends with the semicolon (;)
  • It is not mandatory to put the name of the parameters in the function prototype.