Case-Based Reasoning in Machine Learning

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Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is a popular artificial intelligence (AI) technique that utilizes previous experiences to solve new problems. It is a type of machine learning that relies on analogical Reasoning, which is the process of finding similarities between past situations and new ones. CBR works by retrieving similar past cases and adapting them to the current situation to make a decision or solve a problem. In this article, we will discuss what Case-Based Reasoning is, its process, how it compares with other methods, its advantages and challenges, and its applications.


Case-Based Reasoning in machine learning is an AI technique that is used to solve problems based on past experiences. The technique is derived from human problem-solving approaches, where people often rely on their past experiences to make decisions in new situations. CBR is a type of machine learning that utilizes a database of previously solved problems or cases to solve new problems. CBR is based on the idea that similar problems can have similar solutions, and it uses this similarity to find solutions to new problems.

What is Case-Based Reasoning?

In Case-Based Reasoning in machine learning, a problem is solved by retrieving similar past cases and adapting them to the current situation. The key terms present in CBR are:

  • Case: A case is a problem that has been previously solved and stored in the database.
  • Similarity: The similarity measure is used to determine the degree of resemblance between past cases and the current situation.
  • Adaptation: Adaptation is the process of modifying a retrieved past case to fit the current situation.

Process in Case-Based Reasoning

The CBR process typically involves four main steps: retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain.

  • Retrieve: The first step in the CBR process is to retrieve relevant cases from a case library. This involves searching through the library to find cases that are similar to the current problem. The goal is to identify cases that are as close to the current problem as possible, as these are the most likely to provide useful information. In some cases, the retrieval step may involve the use of keyword searches or other forms of data mining to identify relevant cases.
  • Reuse: Once relevant cases have been retrieved, the next step is to reuse them to solve the current problem. This involves adapting the solutions used in past cases to fit the current problem. The goal is to find a solution that is similar enough to the past cases to be effective, but also different enough to address the unique aspects of the current problem. This step may involve selecting one or more past cases to use as a starting point for the solution, or it may involve combining elements from multiple past cases to create a new solution.

process in case based reasoning

  • Revise: After a solution has been developed using past cases, the next step is to revise it to better fit the current problem. This may involve modifying the solution based on feedback from the user or on new information that has become available. The goal is to refine the solution to make it as effective as possible for the current problem. In some cases, the revision step may involve the use of machine learning algorithms to optimize the solution.

  • Retain: The final step in the CBR process is to retain the newly developed solution for future use. This involves adding the new case to the case library so that it can be used in the retrieval step for future problems. The goal is to continually improve the quality of the case library and the effectiveness of the CBR process over time. The retention step may also involve the use of knowledge management tools to help organize and maintain the case library.

Comparison with Other Methods

Case-Based Reasoning in machine learning can be compared to other problem-solving methods as follows:

  • Rule-based systems: Rule-based systems are a popular method for solving problems in artificial intelligence. Unlike CBR, rule-based systems rely on a set of pre-defined rules to solve problems. The rules are typically created by human experts and may not be able to handle new or unexpected situations. CBR, on the other hand, can adapt to new situations by reusing past solutions.

  • Decision trees: Decision trees are a type of algorithm used in machine learning and data mining to solve classification problems. Decision trees work by recursively splitting the data based on different criteria until a final decision is reached. CBR, on the other hand, relies on past cases to solve problems rather than creating a decision tree based on data.

  • Neural networks: Neural networks are a type of machine learning algorithm that can learn from past data and make predictions based on that data. Neural networks are well-suited to tasks such as image recognition and natural language processing. CBR, on the other hand, is better suited for tasks that require adapting to new situations based on experience.

Advantages & Challenges in Case-Based Reasoning

Advantages of Case-Based Reasoning in machine learning:

  • Reusability: CBR systems can reuse past solutions to similar problems, which can save time and effort compared to developing a solution from scratch.
  • Adaptability: CBR systems can adapt to changing situations or contexts by selecting and modifying relevant cases.
  • Explanation: CBR systems can provide explanations for their solutions based on the similar cases they retrieved.
  • Learning: CBR systems can learn from new cases and refine their knowledge base over time.

Challenges of Case-Based Reasoning in machine learning:

  • Case Representation: The quality of CBR depends on the accuracy and completeness of the cases used to solve a problem. If the cases are not well represented, it may lead to incorrect solutions.
  • Case Retrieval: The success of CBR systems depends on the ability to retrieve relevant cases from the case base. If the retrieval process is not efficient or effective, it may lead to a poor solution.
  • Adaptation: Adapting a retrieved case to a new problem domain can be difficult, as the retrieved case may not perfectly match the new problem.
  • Scalability: As the size of the case base grows, the time required to retrieve and adapt cases can become significant, which can impact the efficiency of the system.

Applications of Case-Based Reasoning

It has been applied in various fields, including:

  • Financial Decision Making: CBR systems can be used in financial institutions to help make decisions on loan approvals, risk assessments, and investment strategies by comparing past cases with current situations.
  • Legal Reasoning: Case-Based Reasoning in machine learning systems can be used in the legal field to assist with case law research and the preparation of legal arguments by retrieving and adapting cases with similar legal issues.
  • Transportation and Logistics: CBR systems can be used in transportation and logistics to optimize routing, scheduling, and resource allocation by learning from past cases.


  • Case-Based Reasoning in machine learning is an AI technique that uses past experiences to solve new problems.
  • CBR works by retrieving similar past cases and adapting them to the current situation to make a decision or solve a problem.
  • The CBR process involves four main steps: retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain.
  • It can adapt to changing situations or contexts by selecting and modifying relevant cases.
  • The advantages of CBR include reusability, adaptability, explanation, and learning.
  • The challenges of CBR include case representation and knowledge acquisition.
  • CBR can be compared to other problem-solving methods, such as rule-based systems, decision trees, and neural networks.
  • CBR has applications in a wide range of fields, including medicine, engineering, and finance.