First-Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence

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First Order Logic in AI is a technique for knowledge representation and is robust enough to represent any natural language sentence. This article covers the details about the syntax of First Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence and its basic components. Further, this article also illustrates the types and properties of quantifiers. Lastly, we present the concept of free and bound variables.


  1. Propositional Logic

Introduction to First-Order Logic in AI

First Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence is a technique used for knowledge representation. It is an extension of propositional logic and unlike propositional logic, it is sufficiently expressive in representing any natural language construct. First Order Logic in AI is also known as Predicate Logic or First Order Predicate Logic. It is a robust technique to represent objects as well as their relationships. Unlike propositional logic, First Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence doesn't only include facts but also different other entities as listed below.

  1. Objects:
    Objects can denote any real-world entity or any variable. E.g., A, B, colours, theories, circles etc.
  2. Relations:
    Relations represent the links between different objects. Relations can be unary(relations defined for a single term) and n-ary(relations defined for n terms). E.g., blue, round (unary); friends, siblings (binary); etc.
  3. Functions:
    Functions map their input object to the output object using their underlying relation. Eg: father_of(), mother_of() etc.

In the subsequent sections, we present the parts of First Order Logic in AI, i.e., the syntax and the semantics.

Parts of First Order Logic

First-order logic in Artificial Intelligence comprises two main components, which are as follows.

  1. Syntax:
    Syntax represents the rules to write expressions in First Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence.
  2. Semantics:
    Semantics refers to the techniques that we use to evaluate an expression of First Order Logic in AI. These techniques use various known relations and facts of the respective environment to deduce the boolean value of the given First Order Logic expression.

We elaborate on the syntax of First Order Logic in AI in the following sections.

Syntax of First Order Logic

Syntax of First Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence represents the rules of representing any natural language construct in terms of First Order Logic in AI. This involves the rules to describe any object and the relationships between different objects. These rules comprise rules for writing constants, variables, predicates, quantifiers, etc. In the following sections, we present various examples of the syntax of first-order logic in AI. These rules are further illustrated in the following sections.

Basic Elements of First-Order Logic

The following table furnishes the basic elements of First Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence.

Constant1, 2, A, John, Mumbai, cat, ....Values that can not be changed
Variablesx, y, z, a, b, ....Can take up any value and can also change
PredicatesBrother, Father, >, ....Defines a relationship between its input terms
Functionsqrt, LeftLegOf, ....Computes a defined relation of input term
Connectives∧, ∨, ¬, ⇒, ⇔Used to form complex sentences using atomic sentences
Equality==Relational operator that checks equality
Quantifier∀, ∃Imposes a quantity on the respective variable

Atomic Sentences

Atomic sentences are the most basic expressions of First Order Logic in AI. These sentences comprise a predicate followed by a set of terms inside a parenthesis. Formally stating, the structure of an atomic sentence looks like the following.

 Predicate ( term 1, term 2, term 3,...)\text { Predicate } ( \text { term }_1 , \text { term }_2 , \text{ term }_3 , ... )

One example of an atomic sentence in First Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence can be  Sisters ( Geeta , Seeta )\text { Sisters } ( \text { Geeta } , \text { Seeta } ). Another example involving a unary predicate can be  Polygon ( Rectangle )\text { Polygon } ( \text { Rectangle } ).

Complex Sentences

Complex sentences can be constructed by combining atomic sentences using connectives like AND (∧), OR (∨), NOT (¬), IMPLIES (⇒), IF AND ONLY IF (⇔) etc. Formally stating, if c1,c2,...c_1, c_2, ... represent connectives, a complex sentence in First Order Logic in AI can be defined as follows.

 Predicate 1( term 1, term 2,...)c1 Predicate 2( term 1, term 2,...)c2...\text { Predicate }_1 ( \text { term }_1 , \text { term }_2 , ... ) \quad c_1 \quad \text { Predicate }_2 ( \text { term }_1 , \text { term }_2 , ... ) \quad c_2 \quad ...

An example of a complex sentence in First Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence can be SistersSisters ( Geeta,SeetaGeeta, Seeta) Sisters∧ Sisters ( Geeta,LeelaGeeta , Leela ). Another example using just one predicate can be ¬Sisters(Geeta,Seeta)Sisters (Geeta , Seeta )

Any expression of First Order Logic in AI can be broken into two main components, namely subject and predicate. The subject is the main entity about which the expression describes. Predicate depicts the relation between different subjects. For example, in the expression, Polygon(Rectangle)Polygon (Rectangle), which is a translation of "Rectangle is a polygon." in First Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence, "Rectangle" is the subject, and "Polygon" represents a predicate.

Quantifiers in First-Order Logic

Quantifiers in First Order Logic in AI, as the name suggests, are used to quantify any entity in a given environment. Quantification refers to the identification of the total number of an entity that is present in the environment and satisfies a given expression in First Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence. Quantifiers enable us to determine the range and scope of a variable in a logical expression. Two types of quantifiers are stated as follows.

  1. Universal Quantifier
  2. Existential Quantifier

Universal Quantifier

Universal Quantifier in First Order Logic in AI is a symbol in a logical expression that signifies that the given expression is true in its range for all instances of the concerned entity. It is represented by the symbol \forall (an inverted A). If xx is a variable, then x\forall x is read as "For all x" or "For every x" or "For each x".

For example, let us take the sentence, "All cats like fish". Let us take a variable xx which can take the value of "cat". Let us take a predicate  cat (x)\text { cat } ( x ) which is true if xx is a cat. Similarly, let us take another predicate  likes (x,y)\text { likes } ( x, y ) which is true if xx likes yy. Therefore, using the universal quantifier \forall, we can write

x cat (x) likes (x, fish ).\forall x \quad \text { cat } ( x ) \implies \text { likes } ( x, \text { fish } ).

This expression is read as "For all xx, if xx is a cat, then xx likes to fish".

Existential Quantifier

An existential Quantifier in First Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence is a symbol in a logical expression that signifies that the given expression is true in its range for at least one of the instances of the concerned entity. It is represented by the symbol \exists (an inverted E). If xx is a variable, then x\exists x is read as "There exists x" or "For some x" or "For at least one x".

For example, let us take the sentence, "Some students like ice cream". Let us take a variable xx which can take the value of "student". Let us take a predicate  student (x)\text { student } ( x ), which is true if xx is a student. Similarly, let us take another predicate  likes (x,y)\text { likes } ( x, y ), which is true if xx likes yy. Therefore, using the existential quantifier \exists, we can write

x student (x) likes (x, ice-cream )\exists x \quad \text { student } ( x ) ∧ \text { likes } ( x , \text { ice-cream } )

This expression reads, "There exists some xx such that xx is a student and also likes ice cream".

Properties of Quantifiers

Quantifiers in First Order Logic in AI follow some properties as stated below.

  1. In the universal quantifier, xy\forall x \forall y is equivalent to yx\forall y \forall x.
  2. In the existential quantifier, xy\exists x \exists y is equivalent to yx\exists y \exists x.
  3. xy\exists x \forall y is not equivalent to yx\forall y \exists x.
  4. Quantifier Duality:
    Each quantifier can be expressed using the other. E.g., \forall x \quad Predicate( x ) \quad is same as \quad ¬ \exists x \quad ¬ Predicate(x).

Points to Remember About Quantifiers in First-Order Logic

While using quantifiers in writing expressions for First Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence, we need to keep the following points in mind.

  1. The main connective for the universal quantifier \forall is the implication (\implies).
  2. The main connective for existential quantifier \exists is and (∧).

Free and Bound Variables

There are two types of variables based upon their interaction with the quantifiers in a First Order Logic in AI, namely free and bound variables.

  1. Free Variables:
    Free variables are those variables that do not come under the scope of the quantifier. For instance, in an expression xyP(x,y,z)\forall x \exists y P ( x, y, z ), zz is a free variable because it doesn't come under the scope of any quantifier.
  2. Bound Variables:
    Bound variables are those variables that occur inside the scope of the quantifier. For instance, in an expression xyP(x,y,z)\forall x \exists y P ( x, y, z ), x and yx \text { and } y are bound variables because they occur inside the scope of the quantifiers.


In this article, we illustrated the following points about First Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence.

  1. First Order Logic in AI as a knowledge representation technique in AI that can handle any natural language construct
  2. Syntax and Semantics as parts of First Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence
  3. Syntax of First Order Logic in AI and its basic components like constants, variables, quantifiers, and many more
  4. Atomic and Complex sentences
  5. Universal and Existential Quantifiers in First Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence along with their properties
  6. Free and Bound variables in First Order Logic in AI that depend upon the scope of quantifiers