What is the Explicit keyword in C++?

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C++ Course: Learn the Essentials
by Prateek Narang
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In C++, the explicit keyword is used with a constructor to prevent it from performing implicit conversions. A C++ explicit constructor is marked to not convert types implicitly. This is extremely important as implicit conversions often lead to unexpected results. If we have a class that has a constructor with a single argument, the constructor converts the single argument to the class being constructed and thus becomes a conversion constructor. To avoid implicit conversions like these, we use the explicit keyword in C++.

Working of C++ Explicit

Let us first understand what are constructors in C++. In C++, constructors are special methods. They are called automatically whenever we have to create an object of a class. We initialize the data members of the new object with the help of constructors.

Now we shall see the concept of implicit conversions, and how they are avoided with the help of C++ explicit keywords. Implicit means are automatic. It happens without us explicitly specifying the compiler what to do. Casting refers to converting one data type to another. Without the C++ explicit compiler, the compiler can implicitly perform the conversion without us having to cast it.

By adding the keyword explicit before a constructor, we specify the compiler not to perform any implicit conversions on it. We want those constructors to be explicitly called, instead of the compiler performing unwanted type operations. This will get more clear as we see some examples in the next section.

Examples of C++ Explicit

In the below example, we shall see how implicit conversion takes place and how we can avoid it using the C++ explicit keyword.

We create a class demo. The constructor for Demo takes in an integer and assigns it to demo1. There is a get demo() function that returns the value of this integer. We also create another function outside this class which takes in a parameter, an object of the class demo, and prints the value returned by the member function getDemo on that object.



We see that the getDemoExternally function takes in an object of the class demo as a parameter. However we pass an integer to it from our driver code, and it still works fine. This is because the compiler has implicitly converted the integer to the demo class since the demo class has a constructor that takes in an integer. Thus, our program runs successfully.

Let us now see how to prevent the above implicit conversion with the help of the C++ explicit constructor.

To achieve this, we add the C++ explicit keyword before the constructor.



By specifying the C++ explicit keyword before the constructor, we are telling the class to not perform any implicit operations. Thus, the integer 10 is not getting converted to the type Demo class anymore. This is why the compiler throws an error.

Explicit keyword Changes Made in C++ 20

Since C++ 20, the explicit specifier can be used with constant expressions that evaluate to true.


Q. What do you mean by implicit conversions?

A. Implicit conversions are automatic conversions that the compiler performs without us having to cast them.

Q. What is the purpose of C++ explicit keyword?

A. The purpose of the C++ explicit keyword is to mark the constructor as not performing types implicitly.

Here are some related articles to go through:


  • If we have a class that has a constructor with a single argument, the constructor converts the single argument to the class being constructed.
  • Implicit conversions take place without us explicitly specifying the compiler what to do.
  • C++ explicit keyword is used with a constructor to prevent it from performing implicit conversions.
  • Since C++ 20, the explicit specifier can be used with constant expressions that evaluate to true.