Identifiers in C#

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An identifier is a user-defined term in C# that is used to represent variables, methods, classes, and other programming features. They are used to give meaningful names to these elements, making the code more readable and maintainable. It must begin with a letter or underscore and continue with letters, numbers, and underscores. Identifiers are case-sensitive, can be up to 512 characters long, and cannot contain a reserved term.

What are Identifiers in C#?

In C#, every variable must have a unique name, and these names are called identifiers. Identifiers can be simple like a or b, or they can be more descriptive like total. It's better to use descriptive names to make your code easy to understand and maintain. Identifiers are similar to the names you give to distinct items in your code. Just like you have names to call your friends, your dog, or your favourite toy, identifiers give a name to things in your computer program. These things can be numbers, words, actions, or even groups of actions. By giving them names, you can easily use and work with them in your program.

Rules for Naming Identifiers

The rules for naming identifiers in C# are as follows:

  • Start with a letter or underscore:
    Identifiers must begin with either a letter (a-z or A-Z) or an underscore (_).
  • Followed by letters, digits, or underscores:
    After the first character, identifiers can have any combination of letters, digits (0-9), or underscores.
  • No spaces or special characters:
    Spaces and special characters (e.g., @, #, $, %) are not allowed in identifiers.
  • Case-sensitive:
    Identifiers are case-sensitive, meaning "myVariable" and "MyVariable" are considered different names.
  • Cannot be a C# keyword:
    Identifiers cannot be a reserved keyword used by the C# language, such as "if," "while," "int," etc.
  • No maximum length:
    While there is no specific limit on the length of an identifier, it's recommended to keep them reasonably short and meaningful for better code readability.
    • Examples of valid identifiers:
      myVariable, _count, numberOfApples, TotalSum.
    • Examples of invalid identifiers:
      123abc (starts with a digit), my variable (contains a space), if (reserved keyword)


Here's a C# code with various identifiers and explaining their usage:


In this code, you can see various identifiers such as "age," "name," "Pi," "CalculateSum," "myCar," and "Drive," used for variables, constants, methods, classes, and namespaces. Comments have been added to explain the purpose of each identifier. Identifiers help make the code more organized and readable, providing meaningful names to different elements in the program.

Let's see another example of C# code featuring different types of identifiers along with their expected outputs.


Let's understand the code step by step:

  • Namespace and Class Declarations:
    The code is organized into a namespace called IdentifierExample. Within this namespace, there are two classes: Program and AnotherClass.
  • Main Method:
    The Program class contains a Main method. This method serves as the entry point of the application and is executed when the program starts running.
  • Variable Declarations:
    Inside the Main method, three variables are declared and initialized.
  • Console Output:
    The Console.WriteLine statements are used to print the values of the variables to the console.
  • Object Creation and Method Call:
    An instance of the AnotherClass class is created using AnotherClass anotherInstance = new AnotherClass();. Then, the PrintField method of this instance is called using anotherInstance.PrintField();.
  • AnotherClass Definition:
    The AnotherClass class defines two members.
  • PrintField Method:
    The PrintField method within the AnotherClass class is responsible for printing the values of _privateField and Multiplier to the console.


  • Identifiers in C# are user-defined names used to identify variables, methods, classes, namespaces, and other programming elements within the code.
  • They must start with a letter or underscore, followed by letters, digits, or underscores. Spaces and special characters are not allowed.
  • Identifiers are case-sensitive, so "myVariable" and "MyVariable" are treated as different names.
  • It is recommended to use descriptive and meaningful names for identifiers to improve code readability and maintainability.
  • Identifiers cannot be C# keywords, and there is no specific limit on their length, though shorter and clearer names are preferred.
  • By using appropriate identifiers, developers can make their code more organized, easy to understand, and less prone to errors.