Reflection in C# with Examples

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Reflection is a powerful feature in C# that allows the inspection and manipulation of code at runtime. It enables you to obtain information about types, classes, methods, and properties, even if they are not known at compile time. By utilizing reflection, developers can create more flexible and dynamic applications. It serves as a bridge between compiled code and the runtime environment, offering insights into metadata and facilitating the development of various advanced functionalities. In this article, we explore the concepts, examples, and applications of reflection in C#.

What is Reflection in C#?

Reflection in C# is a mechanism that provides access to type information at runtime. It allows developers to examine, query, and modify elements in an assembly, such as classes, methods, fields, and properties, without having prior knowledge of their existence. The System.Reflection namespace in C# contains classes that facilitate reflection operations. Developers can use reflection to dynamically create objects, invoke methods, and access properties, making it particularly useful in scenarios where the structure of types may vary during runtime. Here's a table outlining some important classes in the System.Reflection namespace:

AssemblyRepresents an assembly; provides information about it.
ModuleRepresents a module within an assembly.
TypeRepresents a class, interface, structure, enumeration, or delegate; used to access metadata.
MethodInfoRepresents a method; used to inspect and invoke methods.
PropertyInfoRepresents a property; used to get or set property values.
FieldInfoRepresents a field; used to read and write field values.
ConstructorInfoRepresents a constructor; used to create objects.
EventInfoRepresents an event; used to add or remove event handlers.
ParameterInfoRepresents a parameter; used to obtain parameter information of methods or constructors.
DelegateRepresents a delegate; used to refer to a method with a particular signature.


Let's explore some practical examples to understand how reflection works in C#.

Example 1: Accessing Type Information


In this example, we define a class MyClass with a property MyProperty and a method MyMethod. In the Main method, we use reflection to obtain type information of MyClass. We then retrieve and print the names of properties and methods available in the class.

Example 2: Creating an Object Using Reflection


In this example, we define a class Person with properties Name and Age, as well as a method Greet(). In the Main method, we use reflection to create an instance of the Person class. We set the Name and Age properties using reflection. Finally, we invoke the Greet() method, and it prints the greeting with the name and age we set dynamically.

Applications of Reflection in C#:

Reflection is a powerful feature in C# that opens up a wide array of applications, enabling developers to create dynamic, flexible, and extensible software. Let's explore some key applications of reflection:

  • Dependency Injection (DI): Reflection is fundamental to implementing Dependency Injection frameworks and containers. DI involves providing the required objects (dependencies) to a class rather than the class creating them itself. Reflection allows DI containers to identify the dependencies required by a class, instantiate them, and inject them into the class at runtime, promoting loose coupling and easier maintenance.
  • Unit Testing: Reflection facilitates automated unit testing by providing the ability to access private and internal members of classes for testing purposes. Testing frameworks often use reflection to inspect and invoke private methods, set private fields, or access internal properties, helping to create comprehensive test suites.
  • Plugin Architecture: Reflection is essential in developing plugin-based architectures, where new functionality can be added to an application without modifying its core code. Reflection enables applications to discover and load external plugins dynamically at runtime, allowing developers to extend applications seamlessly.
  • Serialization and Deserialization: Serialization is the process of converting an object into a format suitable for storage or transmission, and deserialization is the reverse process. Reflection is used to inspect the structure of objects during serialization and deserialization, making it possible to serialize/deserialize objects of varying types and structures.
  • Object Mapping: Object mapping libraries, like AutoMapper, use reflection to map data between objects with different structures. By analyzing object properties at runtime, these libraries automatically map corresponding properties between objects, reducing manual mapping code and improving code maintainability.
  • User Interface (UI) Generation: Reflection can be employed to automatically generate user interfaces for data objects or entities. By analyzing object properties, developers can dynamically generate UI elements like forms and data grids, saving development time and effort.

Viewing Metadata with C# Reflection

C# Reflection not only allows dynamic access to types and members but also grants access to valuable metadata associated with them. Through reflection, developers can:

  • Inspect type information, including names, base types, and interfaces.
  • Retrieve method signatures, return types, and parameter information.
  • Access and analyze attributes attached to types and members.
  • Examine assembly details such as version numbers and authors.
  • Discover custom types dynamically, aiding extensibility and modularity.
  • Instantiate types dynamically by reflecting on constructors.
  • Work with generic types and their parameters.

Reflection empowers developers to leverage metadata at runtime, enabling the creation of flexible and adaptable C# applications. However, cautious use is advised due to potential performance implications.


Q. What is the purpose of Reflection in C#?

A. Reflection allows developers to access, inspect, and manipulate types and members dynamically at runtime, promoting flexibility and adaptability in applications.

Q. When should we use Reflection in C#?

A. Reflection is useful for scenarios like dependency injection, unit testing, plugin architectures, and dynamically accessing metadata, where compile-time knowledge of types is limited.

Q. Is Reflection in C# performance-intensive?

A. Yes, Reflection can have performance overhead due to its dynamic nature, so it's essential to use it judiciously and consider caching and optimization techniques.


  • Reflection in C# is a powerful feature that enables dynamic access and manipulation of types and members at runtime.
  • It offers a wide range of applications, such as Dependency Injection, Unit Testing, Plugin Architecture, and Aspect-Oriented Programming.
  • Developers can utilize reflection to view metadata, discover types, access private members for testing, and implement advanced functionalities.
  • Careful use of reflection is essential to mitigate performance overhead.
  • When used judiciously, reflection empowers developers to create flexible, adaptable, and extensible C# applications.
  • By harnessing the capabilities of reflection, developers can build sophisticated solutions to meet evolving software development needs.