What is the CUI Operating System?

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CUI is a short form for character user interface also known as a command-line user interface. It is a precursor of GUI and was mostly used in early computers. It is preferred for more advanced users because it provides more advanced features and controls to the end user over an operating system.

What is the CUI Operating System?

CUI also known as a character user interface or command-line user interface is a way in which the user can interact with the computer program. It allows users to issue a command of more than a line of text, also known as command lines, to the program which can be anything like opening a file or directory, etc. It provides an easy way to implement scripts in any programming language by writing a specific command for it.

It acts as a user interface wherein the user interacts with the computer, purely through a keyboard. For performing any tasks, a command is to be written on the interface which gets executed and does the necessary operation. For example, in Windows, the cd filename command is used for going over to that directory.


Here are a few key points that make CUI more feasible:

  • For performing any task, commands are used instead of manually doing it.
  • Operating CUI is easy because of one linear command.
  • Only one task is performed at a time and is efficient.
  • Uses less memory when compared to GUI since there are commands that are to be written on the command line.
  • Less expensive to use since the commands are not updated frequently.


Here are a few reasons all users do not widely use its users:

  • A user must memorize all the necessary commands to operate the CUI.
  • One task is done at a time which means to do multiple tasks, we have to wait for the command to be executed.
  • The interface of CUI is less appealing and supports only the usage of a keyboard.

Example of CUI Operating System

CUI is becoming prominent day to day, here are a few examples where the CUI operating system is mostly used.

  • MS-DOS and the window command prompt
  • Terminal
  • Linux command line

How is the CUI Operating System Different from a GUI Operating System?

Following are the reasons why the CUI operating system is different from that of the GUI operating system:

Difference parametersCUIGUI
Full formIt stands for character user interfaceIt stands for the graphical user interface
UsageIt is easy to operateIt is difficult to operate because of icons and sub-icons that the GUI has built into the window or the user interface.
Memory requirementThe memory requirement is low because there is nothing to be installed.The memory requirement is high since it needs to be installed on the computer.
Interaction with userThe user can interact with a computer by using commands like textThe user interacts with the computer by using graphical formats like icons and images, etc
SpeedIt has high speed since commands are typed and executed.It has low speed since the user needs to click an icon which will then load the necessary output.
Customizable featureIt is not customizable because it is strictly based on commands.It is customizable since the graphical interface has many options for UI.
NavigationIt is not easy to navigate in CUI OS since it executes tasks based on the command provided.Navigation is easy in GUI with the help of the keyboard or mouse of the computer.
Use of peripheralsThe interaction between the user and the computer system is done by using the keyboardThe user interacts with the computer system by using the mouse of the computer, clicking on icons, etc
FlexibilityIt is a little flexible to use especially for advanced users since the only command is to be written for executing a task.It is highly flexible because a graphical interface is provided for executing a task.


  • CUI is a short form for character user interface also known as a command-line user interface.
  • It is preferred for more advanced users because it provides more advanced features and controls to the end user over an operating system.
  • It provides an easy way to implement scripts in any programming language.
  • It acts as a user interface wherein the user interacts with the computer, purely through a keyboard.
  • Examples of CUI operating systems are MS-DOS and Windows command prompt, Terminal, and Linux command line.
  • For performing any tasks, a command is to be written on the interface.