Scanning Networks with Airodump-ng

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Scanning networks with Airodump-ng is an essential skill for both network administrators and ethical hackers. This versatile tool allows you to monitor and analyze Wi-Fi networks, providing valuable insights into the surrounding wireless landscape. Whether you want to troubleshoot network issues, improve your security, or simply understand the wireless environment better, Airodump-ng is a powerful and indispensable ally. In this article, we will take you through the process of scanning networks with Airodump-ng, from installation to advanced features.

Introduction to Airodump-ng

Airodump-ng is a popular open-source wireless packet capture and analysis tool that is part of the Aircrack-ng suite. Developed for Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, Airodump-ng is capable of capturing Wi-Fi data packets from wireless networks within its range. It can gather information such as SSID (Service Set Identifier), BSSID (Basic Service Set Identifier), channel, encryption type, and connected devices. This wealth of data is invaluable when it comes to assessing the security of a wireless network and optimizing its performance.

Installing Airodump-ng

airodump logo Before you can begin scanning networks with Airodump-ng, you need to install it on your system. The process may vary depending on your operating system, but we will focus on how to install it on a Linux distribution, which is a common platform for penetration testing and network analysis.

To install Airodump-ng on a Linux system, you can use the package manager specific to your distribution. Here's how to install it on Debian-based systems like Ubuntu:

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Update your package list to ensure you have the latest information about available packages:

  3. Install Aircrack-ng, which includes Airodump-ng:

  4. Once the installation is complete, you can verify that Airodump-ng is installed by running:

This will display the version of Airodump-ng, confirming a successful installation.

How to Scan Networks with Airodump-ng?

Now that you have Airodump-ng installed, it's time to start scanning networks. Airodump-ng is a command-line tool, and to use it effectively, you need to open a terminal window.

To perform a basic scan, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Enter the following command to start scanning networks with Airodump-ng:

    Replace "wlan0" with the name of your wireless network interface. You can find the interface name using the ifconfig command. Airodump-ng will start scanning and display a list of nearby Wi-Fi networks along with information such as their SSID, BSSID, channel, signal strength, encryption type, and more.

  3. Let Airodump-ng run for a while to collect data about the networks in your vicinity. To stop the scan, press Ctrl + C.

  4. Once you have gathered sufficient data, you can review the information in the terminal window. This information is crucial for various purposes, including network monitoring, troubleshooting, and security assessment.

Filtering and Sorting Results

Scanning networks with Airodump-ng can provide you with a wealth of data, but you might not need all of it. To make the information more manageable and useful, you can apply filters and sorting options.

Here are some common filtering options:

  • Filter by BSSID:
    To focus on a specific network, you can filter results by BSSID (Basic Service Set Identifier). BSSID is a unique identifier assigned to a wireless access point (WAP) or a wireless router in a Wi-Fi network. It is used to distinguish one wireless network from others in the vicinity that may be operating on the same channel. For example, if you want to monitor a network with a BSSID of "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE," you can run:

  • Filter by Channel:
    If you want to monitor networks on a specific channel, you can specify the channel number:

  • Filter by Encryption:
    To target networks with specific encryption types, you can use the --encrypt option. For example, to focus on open networks, use:

  • Filter by SSID:
    You can filter by SSID to focus on a particular network's data. For example, if you want to monitor a network with the SSID "MyNetwork," you can run:

Sorting the results is also essential for a better understanding of the network landscape. You can sort the results based on various criteria such as signal strength, data packets, or client count.

To sort by signal strength, add the --sort option with "signal" as the parameter:

To sort by data packets received, use "data" as the parameter:

To sort by the number of associated clients, use "clients" as the parameter:

By combining filtering and sorting options, you can tailor your scan to specific needs and make the most of Airodump-ng's capabilities.

Cracking Wi-Fi Passwords

wifi aircrack logo

While scanning networks with Airodump-ng is primarily used for legitimate purposes like network administration and security testing, it's essential to be aware of its potential for misuse. Airodump-ng can be used as part of the process for cracking Wi-Fi passwords, but such actions can be illegal and unethical if not done with proper authorization.

Cracking Wi-Fi passwords typically involves capturing a sufficient number of data packets from a network and using tools like Aircrack-ng to attempt to decrypt the network's security key. To ensure you are using these techniques ethically and responsibly, always obtain proper authorization and adhere to the law.

Fundamental Guidelines

Scanning networks with Airodump-ng is a powerful capability, but it comes with great responsibility. Here are some fundamental guidelines to follow:

  1. Obtain Authorization:
    Never use Airodump-ng to scan or access networks without proper authorization. Always seek permission from the network owner or administrator before conducting any network assessments.

  2. Respect Privacy:
    Avoid collecting unnecessary data about private or personal networks. Focus on your target network and avoid capturing data from unrelated or private sources.

  3. Use for Ethical Purposes:
    Airodump-ng should be used for legitimate purposes such as network administration, troubleshooting, or security assessments. Misusing it for unauthorized access is illegal and unethical.

  4. Stay Informed:
    Keep yourself updated on the laws and regulations regarding network scanning and security testing in your jurisdiction. Be aware of the legal and ethical implications of your actions.


  1. Scanning networks with Airodump-ng is a valuable skill for network administrators, security professionals, and ethical hackers.
  2. Airodump-ng allows you to monitor and analyze Wi-Fi networks, providing valuable insights into the wireless environment.
  3. Follow proper guidelines and obtain authorization for the ethical and responsible use of Airodump-ng.