Frequent Pattern Mining in Data Mining

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Mining frequent patterns in data entails discovering item sets that frequently co-occur in a dataset. These frequent item sets are identified based on a minimum support threshold, and from them, association rules can be generated. Popular algorithms for this task include Apriori, FP-growth, and Eclat. This technique finds applications in market basket analysis, product recommendations, and network traffic analysis, providing valuable insights from large datasets.

For example, market basket analysis helps identify commonly purchased items, enabling stores to optimize product placement and make relevant product suggestions. This data mining approach plays a crucial role in uncovering relationships within datasets and enhancing decision-making in various domains.

Algorithms Used For Frequent Pattern Mining

A few of the commonly used algorithms for mining frequent patterns include the following -

  • Apriori - Apriori is a classic algorithm for mining frequent patterns in large datasets. It works by iteratively generating candidate itemsets of increasing size and pruning those that do not meet the minimum support threshold. This approach significantly reduces the search space and makes it possible to handle datasets with a large number of items. However, Apriori can be computationally expensive for datasets with many infrequent itemsets.

  • FP-growth -FP-growth is an algorithm for mining frequent patterns that uses a divide-and-conquer approach. It constructs a tree-like data structure called the frequent pattern (FP) tree, where each node represents an item in a frequent pattern, and its children represent its immediate sub-patterns. By scanning the dataset only twice, FP-growth can efficiently mine all frequent itemsets without generating candidate itemsets explicitly. It is particularly suitable for datasets with long patterns and relatively low support thresholds.

  • Eclat - Eclat is a depth-first search algorithm for mining frequent itemsets similar to Apriori. However, instead of generating candidate itemsets of increasing size, Eclat uses a vertical representation of the dataset to identify frequent itemsets recursively. It exploits the overlap among the itemsets in different transactions to reduce the search space and is efficient for datasets with many short and frequent itemsets. However, Eclat may perform poorly for datasets with long itemsets or low support thresholds.

In the subsequent sections, let’s understand various terminologies used in mining frequent patterns.


In data mining, support is a measure used to identify frequent patterns in a dataset. It is the proportion of transactions or records in the dataset that contain a given set of items or attributes. The support value is typically expressed as a percentage or decimal value between 0 and 1.

For example, consider a dataset of customer transactions at a grocery store that contains the following items - milk, bread, cheese, eggs, butter, and yogurt. Suppose we want to find frequent itemsets of products commonly purchased together. If we set a minimum support threshold of 30%, we would only consider itemsets that appear in at least 30% of the transactions in the dataset. To calculate the support of an itemset, we count the number of transactions in which it appears and divide it by the total number of transactions in the dataset. For instance, if the itemset {bread, eggs} appears in 5 out of 10 transactions in the dataset, then its support is 5/10=0.55/10 = 0.5, or 50%. As support for the {bread, eggs} is higher than the defined threshold of 30%, it will be considered a frequent itemset.

Support(A)=Number of Transactions in which A occursNumber of all TransactionsSupport(A) = \frac{Number\ of\ Transactions\ in\ which\ A\ occurs}{Number\ of\ all\ Transactions}


In data mining, confidence is a measure used to determine the strength of association between two items in a frequent pattern. It is the conditional probability that item Y appears in a transaction, given that item X also appears in the same transaction.

For example, suppose we have a dataset of customer transactions at a grocery store. We can calculate the confidence of an association rule, such as {bread, milk} -> {eggs}, which means that customers who buy bread and milk are likely to also buy eggs.

The confidence of an association rule is calculated as the support of the combined itemset divided by the support of the antecedent (left-hand side) itemset. In other words, it measures the proportion of transactions that contain both the antecedent and consequent itemsets out of the transactions that contain the antecedent itemset. The formula for calculating support is shown below -

confidence(AB)=P(B/A)=sup(AB)sup(A)confidence(A \Rightarrow B) = P(B/A) = \frac{sup(A \cup B)}{sup(A)}

For instance, if the confidence of the association between {bread, milk} and {eggs} is 0.8, it means that when a customer buys bread and milk, there is an 80% chance that they will also buy eggs.


Lift is a measure used in data mining to evaluate the strength of association between two items in a frequent pattern. It compares the actual occurrence of the two items together in the same transaction to the expected occurrence of the items if they were independent of each other.

The lift value is calculated as the ratio of the observed support of the combined itemset to the expected support of the itemset if the items were independent. A lift value greater than 1 indicates a positive association between the items, meaning the two items are more likely to be bought together. A lift value less than 1 indicates a negative association, meaning that two items are more likely to be bought separately. A lift value equal to 1 indicates independence, meaning there is no association between the two items.

Lift(AB)=Support(A and B)Support(A)Support(B)Lift(A \rightarrow B) = \frac {Support(A\ and\ B)}{Support(A) * Support(B)}

Association Rule Mining

Association rule mining is a technique in data mining that aims to discover interesting patterns and relationships among items in a dataset. It involves identifying frequent itemsets and generating association rules describing the relationship between them.

An association rule is an implication of the form X>YX -> Y, where XX and YY are itemsets. The rule indicates that if a transaction contains all the items in XX, it is likely to also contain all the items in YY.

For example, consider a dataset of customer transactions at a grocery store. We can use association rule mining to generate rules describing the relationship between the items. For example, association rule {bread, milk} -> {eggs} with support of 50% and confidence of 75% indicates that customers who purchase bread and milk are also likely to buy eggs with a probability of 0.75. Association rule mining can be used in various applications, such as market basket analysis, cross-selling, and recommendation systems. Identifying patterns and relationships among items, can provide insights into customer behavior and help businesses make data-driven decisions.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Here are a few of the advantages of mining frequent patterns -

  • Frequent pattern mining helps identify correlations between different items in a dataset, which can be helpful in various applications, such as market basket analysis, recommendation systems, and cross-selling.
  • Frequent pattern mining can help businesses make data-driven decisions by identifying patterns in data, such as optimizing marketing strategies, identifying trends, and improving customer satisfaction.
  • Frequent pattern mining provides insights into customer behavior, which can be useful for businesses to improve the consumer experience.

Below are a few of the disadvantages of mining frequent patterns -

  • Frequent pattern mining can be computationally expensive, especially for large datasets or complex patterns.
  • Frequent pattern mining can sometimes produce patterns that are not relevant or useful, leading to noise and decreased accuracy.
  • Interpreting frequent patterns can be challenging, as it requires domain knowledge and an understanding of the underlying data.

Applications of Frequent Pattern Mining

Here are some applications of frequent pattern mining in bullet points -

  • Market basket analysis - Identifying frequently co-occurring products in a customer's basket or transaction history.
  • Recommendation systems - Generating recommendations based on patterns of behavior or purchases.
  • Cross-selling and up-selling - Identifying related products to recommend or suggest to customers.
  • Fraud detection - Identifying patterns of fraudulent behavior or transactions.
  • Web usage mining - Analyzing user behavior and navigation patterns on a website.
  • Social network analysis - Identifying common patterns of connections and relationships between individuals or groups.
  • Healthcare - Analyzing patient data and identifying common patterns or risk factors.
  • Quality control - Analyzing production data and identifying patterns of defects or errors.


  • Mining frequent patterns is a useful technique in data mining that can help identify common relationships and correlations between items in a dataset.
  • Several algorithms are available for frequent pattern mining, including Apriori, FP-growth, and Eclat.
  • Frequent pattern mining has numerous applications, including market basket analysis, recommendation systems, fraud detection, and healthcare.
  • By leveraging frequent pattern mining, businesses can gain insights into customer behavior, optimize their operations, and make data-driven decisions.