HTML datalist Tag

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A <datalist> in HTML serves as a dynamic and user-friendly input assistance feature within web forms. It is utilized to provide users with a predefined set of options that can be selected as they type into an input field. This enhances user experience by reducing typing efforts and minimizing errors. The <datalist> element is typically used in conjunction with the <input> element, where the list of options is associated using the list attribute. As users start typing in the input field, a dropdown menu appears, presenting them with relevant suggestions based on the provided predefined options.

<datalist> in HTML Syntax

The syntax for using the <datalist> element in HTML is as follows:

Example of <datalist> in HTML

Here's an example of how you can use the <datalist> element in HTML:


In this example:

  • We have an <input> element with the type attribute set to text. It's associated with the <datalist> using the list attribute, where the list attribute value (fruit-options) matches the id of the <datalist>.
  • The <datalist> contains several <option> elements, each with a value attribute specifying different fruit names.
  • When you load this HTML in a browser and type into the input field, a dropdown will appear with the suggested fruit options from the <datalist>. As you type, the dropdown will filter the options based on the entered characters.

For instance, if you start typing B, the dropdown should show Banana and Blueberry. This dynamic feature makes data entry easier and helps users quickly select from a list of common choices.

Attributes of <datalist> Tag

The <datalist> tag in HTML has the following attribute:

id: This attribute specifies a unique identifier for the <datalist> element, which is used to associate it with an <input> element's list attribute.

Here's how the attribute is used:

The <datalist> element itself doesn't have many attributes since Its function is to establish a range of choices that appear as suggestions or options when someone uses an <input> box. The options are defined using <option> elements within the <datalist> element, and these <option> elements have the value attribute to specify the text that appears in the suggestions.

How to Use <datalist> Tag in HTML?

Using the <datalist> tag in HTML is a simple task, but there are a few important usage notes to keep in mind:

Associating with an Input Element:

The primary purpose of the <datalist> element is to provide suggestions or options for an <input> element. To achieve this, you need to use the list attribute of the <input> element and set it to the id of the <datalist> you want to associate it with.

Options Inside the Datalist:

The actual options or suggestions you want to provide are defined within the <datalist> using <option> elements. Each <option> should have a value attribute to specify the text that appears as an option.

Dynamic Suggestions:

As users type into the associated <input> field, the browser's built-in autocomplete mechanism will display relevant suggestions from the <datalist>. The suggestions are filtered based on the characters typed by the user.

User Input Not Limited:

Unlike a traditional <select> element, the suggestions provided by the <datalist> are just options for convenience. Users are not restricted to selecting only from the provided options. They can type any value they want, even if it's not part of the <datalist>.


The appearance of the suggestions dropdown can vary between browsers. You can apply CSS to style the <input> field and the dropdown to match your website's design.

Use Cases:

<datalist> is ideal for scenarios where you want to provide users with a set of common options as they type. It's commonly used for search bars, input fields with predefined choices, or any situation where offering suggestions can enhance user experience.

Remember that while the <datalist> element is useful for providing suggestions, more complex interactions or custom behaviors might require additional scripting. Let's look at an example of that:


In this example, the <datalist> element provides a list of country options, and as the user types in the input box, it suggests matching countries. Additionally, some custom behavior is implemented using JavaScript:

  • When the user types, the text content of the <p> element with the id selectedCountry is updated to show the selected country.
  • When the input box loses focus (blur event), the script checks if the entered value is a valid option in the <datalist>. If not, it updates the <p> element to indicate that the input is invalid.

More Examples

Here are the examples of using different input types along with the <datalist> element in HTML:

Textual Types with <datalist>:

Date and Time Types with <datalist>:

Range Type with <datalist>:

Color Type with <datalist>:

Password Type with <datalist>:

In these examples, the <datalist> element is used to provide suggestions for certain input types. Users will see suggested options as they type into the input fields. Keep in mind that while <datalist> enhances user experience by providing suggestions, the input values are not limited to the provided options. Users can still input values that are not part of the suggestions.

Styling the <datalist> Tag

The <datalist> element itself doesn't offer extensive styling options, as its appearance is largely controlled by the browser. However, you can style the associated <input> field and make use of some CSS to influence how the suggestions are displayed in the dropdown. Here's an explanation and example of how to style the <datalist> tag:

Styling the Input Field:

You can apply CSS styles to the <input> element to control its appearance. This includes properties like width, height, border, padding, and more.

Styling the Datalist Dropdown:

While you can't directly style the appearance of the suggestions in the dropdown, you can use CSS to target the <datalist> suggestions through the associated <input> element's pseudo-elements, like ::-webkit-datetime-edit for Webkit browsers. However, this approach might not work consistently across all browsers.

Here's the complete example HTML and CSS code:

Keep in mind that due to browser inconsistencies and limitations, achieving a highly customized appearance for the <datalist> dropdown might not always be possible.

Accessibility Concerns

Here are some accessibility concerns and considerations related to the <datalist> element:

1. Keyboard Navigation and Focus:

Ensure that keyboard users can easily navigate through and interact with the <datalist> and associated <input> elements.

2. Screen Reader Compatibility:

Screen readers should announce the presence of the <datalist> and its suggestions to users who rely on screen readers.

Browser Support

here is the browser support status for the <datalist> element:

Supported Browsers:

  1. Chrome
  2. Firefox
  3. Safari
  4. Edge
  5. Opera

Partial Support:

Internet Explorer(IE) does not fully support the <datalist> element. While the input element will still be displayed, the dropdown of suggestions from the <datalist> will not appear in Internet Explorer.

Learn More

If you're looking to learn more about the <datalist> element in HTML and related topics, here are some resources and topics you might find useful:

MDN Web Docs - <datalist>:

The MDN Web Docs provide detailed information about the <datalist> element, its attributes, and usage examples. It's a great place to start: MDN Web Docs - <datalist>

Browser Compatibility:

Keep track of the most up-to-date browser compatibility information on sites like Can I use: Can I use - <datalist>

HTML and Web Development Courses:

Consider enrolling in online courses or tutorials on platforms like Udemy, Coursera, or Codecademy to learn HTML and web development concepts in-depth.


  • The <datalist> element is used in HTML forms to provide auto-completion and suggestion functionality for input fields.
  • It allows developers to define a list of options that users can choose from as they type.
  • The <datalist> element is associated with an <input> element using the list attribute.
  • Suggestions are presented as a dropdown while users type into the input field.
  • It enhances user experience by reducing typing effort and minimizing errors.
  • The suggestions are not limiting; users can input values that aren't part of the list.

I suggest you go through the below tags to enhance your learning of the HTML tags.