Difference Between C++ and Java

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What is C++?

C++ is a versatile general-purpose programming language that enhances C with object-oriented programming features, including classes. As an extension of C, it facilitates both system-level and low-level memory programming, allowing direct manipulation of memory through pointers. Popular in competitive programming, C++ is known for its Standard Template Library (STL), which offers a range of ready-to-use templates for various data structures and algorithms. It strikes a balance between low-level system programming capabilities and high-level object-oriented paradigms, making it an intermediate-level language suitable for developing operating system kernels and complex software. Learn more about C++ here.

Overview of C++



What is Java?

Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language known for its simplicity, robustness, and portability. Java applications are compiled to bytecode, which can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM) regardless of the underlying hardware and operating system. This makes Java a highly portable language, adhering to the principle of "write once, run anywhere" (WORA). Java's extensive library provides a high level of abstraction, making it a popular choice for wide range of applications, from mobile & web applications to enterprise-level systems. Today, Java is utilized by over 95% of enterprise companies, showcasing its wide acceptance and reliability.

Overview of Java



C++ Vs Java

Let us explore the differences between c++ vs java by taking these inner functionality details one by one :

Interpreted Language vs Compiled LanguageC++ is a compiled language i.e. a language whose code is converted to machine code in one go and then that machine code is run by the machine. C++ code is compiled on a particular operating system and the code could be run on only that machine.Java is a hybrid of compiled and interpreted language i.e its bytecode is first compiled to bytecode, then that bytecode is interpreted i.e. the code is converted to machine code line by line on the Java Virtual machine.
Memory managementIn C++, the programmer has to manage the memory manually with the use of designated operators like delete. There might be instances where the memory is not freed which could lead to a memory leak problem in C++.Java supports garbage collection. Its memory management is automatic. That means it can automatically free the memory of the objects that are no longer in use.
PlatformC++ is platform-dependent as its code is compiled for a targeted machine.Java is platform-independent as the bytecode created after compiling the Java code can be run on a Java Virtual Machine installed on a machine of any architecture.
Performance & Speed in java c++C++ is faster than Java.In Java, the binary code is generated during the runtime, which takes extra time.
Use of PointersC++ allows the user to use pointers to access the memory locations.Java does not allow the use of pointers.
Multi-threadingC++ doesn’t have any built-in support for threads and has to depend on third-party libraries for the same.Java supports all the major multithreading facilities using its built-in Thread class. It provides a high level of abstraction for the developers to use the threading facilities easily.
Compatibility with Other Programming LanguagesC++ is a low-level compiled language and it is compatible with most of the current high-level languages.Java is not compatible with other languages in the programming realm.
Popularity in IndustryC++ is widely used in the game-making industry. Many operating systems that we use today are written using C++ as a major language.Java is said to be more popular in the industry than C++ for e.g. Android and many other business applications are based on Java.
Programming ModelC++ supports procedural programming along with high-level concepts of the Object-Oriented Paradigm.Java only supports the Object-Oriented programming model.
Multiple InheritanceC++ supports multiple inheritances.Java doesn’t support multiple inheritances.
Call by Value & Call by ReferenceC++ support both call by value & call by reference.Java supports only call by value.
OverloadingC++ supports both method overloading as well as operator overloading.Java supports method overloading only.
Structures and UnionsC++ supports structures and unions.Java doesn’t support structures and unions.
CompilationCompiled.Compiled to bytecode.
ExecutionNative Code.Java Virtual Machine.

Key Difference Between C++ and Java

  • C++ is a statically typed language, while Java is a dynamically typed language.
  • C++ supports multiple inheritance, while Java only supports single inheritance.
  • C++ supports operator overloading, while Java does not.
  • C++ allows for explicit memory management through pointers, while Java has automatic garbage collection.
  • C++ does not have built-in support for threads, while Java does.
  • One difference between Java and C++ is that C++ allows for direct hardware access, while Java runs in a virtual machine and does not have direct hardware access.
  • One of the java and c++ difference is, C++ is typically faster than Java, but Java has better security and portability.

Similarities Between C++ and Java

Execution Similarities:

  • Java: Code is compiled, then it is converted into bytecode and run on the JVM, making it both compiled and interpreted, which ensures platform independence but with potentially slower execution.
  • C++: Code is compiled first then it is directly converted into machine code, offering faster execution but at the cost of platform dependency.

OOP Features Comparison in C++ vs java:

FeatureC++ SupportJava Support
Single InheritanceYesYes
Multiple InheritanceYesNo
Static BindingYesYes
Dynamic BindingYesYes
Operator OverloadingYesNo
Header FilesYesNo
Global VariablesYesNo
Template ClassYesNo
Interfaces & PackagesNoYes


  • C++ and Java are both powerful programming languages with a wide range of applications. The best language for a project will highly depend on the requirements of that project.
  • In Java vs C++, If performance is critical, or if you need to develop a low-level application, then C++ is a good choice. If portability and security are important, or if you are developing a web or enterprise application, then Java is a good choice.
  • For android development, Java will be best choice.
  • For system development and competitive programming, C++ will be best choice.
  • Here is a great resource to practice the C++ as well as Java language basic syntax and concepts.