Difference Between Process and Program

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A program is a passive entity that contains the set of codes required to perform a certain task. A process is an active instance of the program which is started when the program is executed. Once a program is executed, a process is started by the program. The process executes the instructions written in the program.

What is Process in OS?

When we execute a program, it is known as a process. The process executes all the lines of code in the program. A process can create another process, delete another process or it can schedule another process as per the codes written in the program.

When a program is executed, a process is started and it needs memory address, CPU, and I/O devices while it is running. A process is responsible for performing specified tasks written in the program. For example when we double click on Edge.exe, this will execute an instance of the program and the Edge browser will start running, this is a process.

Features of Process

  • A process is started when a program is executed.
  • A process is an active entity and has a limited lifetime i.e, the process is active only when the program is executed.
  • A process uses CPU, I/O devices, and memory address during its working.
  • A process may start another process (also known as the child process), kill another process, or maybe be killed by another process.

What is a Program in OS?

When we write and compile the code, we get an executable file. The executable file which gets created is known as a program. The executable file created has all the instructions or the code within it. The file will be inactive unless we execute it that's why a program is a passive entity.

A program is a system activity that has a set of instructions and it performs a specific task. In batch processing systems it is known as executing jobs and in the real-time operating system, it is known as a program. A user can run many programs simultaneously. Edge.exe, notepad.exe, or any executable files are examples of programs.

Features of the Program

  • A program is a type of system activity that follows a set of instructions to complete a specific task.
  • A program contains a set of instructions.
  • A program is a passive entity i.e, a program will be inactive until it is executed.
  • A program will be stored in secondary memory like a hard disk and have a longer life span.
  • A single program can be responsible for more than one process.

Key Difference Between Process and Program

The main difference between a Process and a Program is that a process cannot exist without a program, whereas a program can exist independently. A process is an active entity, representing an instance of a program in execution. It is a dynamic entity that occupies system resources such as memory, CPU time, and input/output devices while executing. On the other hand, a program is a static entity, comprising a set of instructions stored in a file. It serves as a passive entity until it is loaded into memory for execution. Furthermore, a program has a longer lifespan compared to a process, as it persists on storage even when not actively running.

Difference Between Process and Program

The difference between process and program can be easily understood from the table below.

DefinitionA process is a program being executed..A program is a set of instructions that are used to perform a certain task.
LifespanA process is active until the program is executed and has a short lifespan as compared to a program.A program is stored in the secondary memory and has a higher lifespan when compared with the process.
NatureA process gets activated when a program is executed therefore it is an active entity.A program will be inactive unless it is being used hence it is considered as a passive entity.
Overhead (processing time required by system software)A process has considerable overhead.A program does not have a significant overhead.
Computation TimeA process consumes significant computational time to execute.A program does not have computational time and cost.
Resource UsageA process needs high resources as compared to a program, it requires CPU, disk, Input/Output, memory address, etc.A program does not have resource requirements. A program only needs memory space to store all the instructions.
InteractivityProcesses can be interactive and may interact with users or other processes.Programs, in themselves, are not interactive. They need to be executed as a process to interact with users or other processes.
CommunicationProcesses can communicate with each other using inter-process communication mechanisms.Programs do not have the capability to communicate directly. This is done through processes.


  • Understanding the distinction between a program and a process is crucial for a deeper comprehension of operating system functionality.
  • Processes are active entities, utilizing system resources during execution, whereas programs remain inert until activated.
  • Processes demand significant resources like memory and CPU time, while programs are stored passively in secondary memory.
  • Programs enjoy a longer lifespan, persisting in storage even when not actively running. Processes can be interactive and communicate with each other.
  • These disparities are foundational to comprehending how an operating system efficiently manages tasks, allocates resources, and ensures smooth application execution.