Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement

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A Statement in Java is used for executing SQL queries directly, which can be vulnerable to SQL injection if not handled carefully. On the other hand, a PreparedStatement is a precompiled SQL statement with placeholders, offering better security and performance as it can be reused with different parameter values, preventing SQL injection attacks.


In SQL, a "statement" is a single line or a group of lines representing a specific action or operation performed on a database. SQL statements are used to interact with the database, retrieve data, modify data, create or alter database structures, and more. There are different types of SQL statements, including SELECT (used to retrieve data), INSERT (used to add new data), UPDATE (used to modify existing data), DELETE (used to remove data), and DDL (Data Definition Language) statements like CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE (used to define or modify the database structure). SQL statements are essential for managing and querying relational databases effectively.



A PreparedStatement in SQL is a precompiled SQL statement that allows you to execute the same SQL query with different parameter values repeatedly. It is a feature provided by database APIs like JDBC, which improves performance and security by separating the SQL query from the user-supplied parameters. PreparedStatement helps prevent SQL injection attacks and enhances database query execution efficiency by reducing the need for query recompilation, making it a valuable tool for database interactions in applications.


Difference between Statement and Preparedstatement

PurposeUsed when executing a SQL query only onceUsed when executing a SQL query multiple times
ParameterizationCannot pass parameters at runtimeCan pass parameters at runtime
Statement TypeUsed for CREATE, ALTER, DROP statementsUsed for queries executed multiple times
PerformanceTypically has lower performanceGenerally offers better performance
Interface HierarchyBase interfaceExtends Statement interface
Query TypeUsed to execute normal SQL queriesUsed to execute dynamic SQL queries
Binary Data ReadingCannot use for reading binary dataCan use for reading binary data
Usage for DDL StatementsTypically not used for DDL statementsCan be used for any SQL Query
Binary Data WritingCannot use for writing binary dataCan use for writing binary data
Communication ProtocolNo binary protocol used for communicationBinary protocol is used for communication


In conclusion, here are five key difference between a statement and preparedstatement:

  1. Execution Efficiency: PreparedStatement is generally more efficient than Statement for executing SQL queries multiple times. This is because PreparedStatement compiles the SQL query once and can reuse the compiled statement with different parameters, reducing the overhead of query compilation and optimization.
  2. Parameterization: PreparedStatement allows you to pass parameters at runtime, which enhances security by preventing SQL injection attacks and makes it more flexible for dynamic queries. Statement, on the other hand, does not support parameterization.
  3. Performance: PreparedStatement typically offers better performance due to its ability to cache query plans and reuse them with different parameter values. Statement usually has lower performance since it lacks this optimization.
  4. Binary Data Handling: PreparedStatement can be used to read and write binary data, making it suitable for scenarios where binary data (e.g., images or files) needs to be stored or retrieved. Statement is not well-suited for such tasks.
  5. Interface Hierarchy: PreparedStatement extends the Statement interface, indicating that it inherits the functionality of Statement while adding features like parameterization. This hierarchy reflects their relationship in JDBC (Java Database Connectivity).

These are the difference between statement and preparedstatement, particularly when dealing with frequently executed queries, dynamic SQL generation, or scenarios involving binary data.