Difference Between Top Down and Bottom Down Parsing

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The parsing techniques used by an operating system tell us more about the way of interpretation of a program. There are two techniques that shall be discussed here. Top-down parsing begins at the top of a grammar and recursively expands non-terminals to match the input. In contrast, bottom-up parsing starts from input terminals and gradually reduces them to non-terminals using production rules.

Types of Parsing in OS

Top-down and bottom-up parsing techniques in the context of operating systems play crucial roles in the interpretation and execution of programming languages. These parsing methods are essential for various tasks such as compiling source code, interpreting scripts, and handling user inputs.

Here's an overview of each technique:

Top Down Parsing

Top-down parsing is a parsing technique used in operating systems and compiler design to analyze and understand the structure of a programming language's source code. It starts from the highest-level structure of the language (usually the start symbol of the grammar) and gradually breaks it down into smaller components until the entire input is parsed. Here's how top-down parsing works:

  1. Grammar Representation: The first step is to have a formal grammar that defines the syntax rules of the programming language. This grammar is typically represented in Backus-Naur Form (BNF) or Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF).

  2. Start Symbol: The parsing process begins with the start symbol of the grammar. This symbol represents the highest-level construct in the language, such as a program or a statement.

  3. Matching and Expansion: The parser tries to match the input code against the production rules associated with the current non-terminal symbol. A non-terminal symbol is a placeholder for a sequence of other symbols.

  4. Recursive Descent: In top-down parsing, a recursive descent approach is commonly used. For each non-terminal symbol encountered, a corresponding parsing function is called. These parsing functions correspond to the production rules of the grammar and help in expanding non-terminals into smaller components.

  5. Backtracking: If the parser encounters a choice between multiple production rules for a given non-terminal symbol, it might need to use backtracking to explore different possibilities until a match is found. This can lead to inefficiencies in parsing, as excessive backtracking can slow down the process.

  6. Tokenization: Before parsing, the input source code is often tokenized into individual tokens (lexemes) such as identifiers, keywords, operators, and literals. These tokens are then used during parsing to match against the grammar rules.

  7. Error Handling: If the parser encounters an inconsistency between the input code and the grammar rules, it can identify errors and provide error messages indicating the location and nature of the issue.

  8. Building Parse Trees: As the parsing progresses, a parse tree or an abstract syntax tree (AST) is constructed. These trees represent the hierarchical structure of the input code according to the grammar rules.

  9. Semantic Analysis: After constructing the parse tree, subsequent phases of a compiler or interpreter can perform semantic analysis, type checking, and other operations to understand the meaning of the code.

Top-down parsing has various variations, such as LL (Left-to-right, Leftmost derivation) parsing, where the parser chooses productions based on the leftmost non-terminal and input symbol. LL parsers are commonly implemented for programming languages due to their ease of implementation and clear error reporting.

It's important to note that while top-down parsing is conceptually straightforward, practical implementations often involve optimizations and techniques to improve efficiency and error recovery.

Bottom Down Parsing

Bottom-up parsing is a technique used in the field of formal language theory and compiler design to analyze and understand the syntax of programming languages or other formal languages. It's a strategy for building a parse tree or abstract syntax tree from a given input string based on a specified grammar.

In bottom-up parsing, the parser starts from the individual tokens (usually characters or words) of the input string and tries to identify the higher-level syntactic structures by repeatedly applying production rules from a grammar. This approach involves using a stack to keep track of the tokens and intermediate constructs being built.

The process generally involves two main actions:

  1. Shift: The parser shifts (moves) the next input token onto the stack.

  2. Reduce: When a certain sequence of tokens on the stack matches the right-hand side of a production rule, the parser reduces (replaces) them with the corresponding nonterminal on the left-hand side of the rule. This process continues until the entire input is reduced to the start symbol of the grammar, forming the parse tree or abstract syntax tree.

Popular bottom-up parsing algorithms include LR (Left-to-right, Rightmost derivation) parsers and their variants, such as LR(0), SLR(1), LALR(1), and LR(1) parsers. These algorithms are employed in compiler construction to transform source code into intermediate representations that can be further optimized and translated into machine code.

Bottom-up parsing is known for its efficiency and its ability to handle a wide range of grammars, making it a common choice for practical compiler implementations. However, it's also more complex to implement than top-down parsing due to the need for conflict resolution and lookahead token analysis.

Difference Between Top Down and Bottom Up Parsing

AspectTop-Down ParsingBottom-Up Parsing
ApproachStarts from the top (start symbol) of the grammar and tries to match it to the input string.Starts from the input tokens and works upwards to construct the parse tree.
ProcessRecursive descent parsing is a common approach, where each nonterminal in the grammar has a corresponding parsing function.Shift-reduce parsing is a common approach, where tokens are shifted onto a stack and then reduced according to grammar rules.
Grammar RestrictionsOften used for LL(k) grammars, where k is the lookahead size.Used for a broader range of grammars, including LR(k) grammars, where k is the lookahead size.
PredictabilitySometimes limited due to the need for lookahead and potential left recursion.Generally more predictable and can handle a wider range of grammars.
Error HandlingTypically offers better error messages, as parsing functions are closely tied to grammar rules.Error messages might be less descriptive, as errors are detected during the reduction phase.
Constructed TreeConstructs a parse tree from top to bottom, which can closely resemble the input structure.Constructs a parse tree from bottom to top, which might differ from the input's visual structure.
ExamplesRecursive descent parsing, LL(k) parsers.LR(0), SLR(1), LALR(1), LR(1) parsers.
ComplexityCan be simpler to implement for certain grammars but might be less efficient.Often more complex to implement but tends to be more efficient for larger grammars.


Q. What is top-down parsing?

A. Top-down parsing starts from the start symbol and attempts to match the input string by recursively expanding nonterminals.

Q. What is bottom-up parsing?

A. Bottom-up parsing starts from input tokens and constructs the parse tree by reducing them according to grammar rules.

Q. What's the primary difference between the two?

A. Top-down starts from the top (start symbol), while bottom-up starts from input tokens.

Q. Which grammars are typically suited for top-down parsing?

A. LL(k) grammars, where k is the lookahead size.

Q. Which grammars are suited for bottom-up parsing?

A. LR(k) grammars, where k is the lookahead size.


  • Top-down parsing starts from the top (start symbol) of the grammar and works down to match input, often used for LL(k) grammars, and can involve predictive backtracking.

  • Bottom-up parsing starts from input tokens and constructs the parse tree by reducing them according to grammar rules, typically used for a broader range of grammars, including LR(k).

  • Top-down parsing is predictable, has good error reporting, and is easier to implement but limited for complex grammar.

  • Bottom-up parsing handles broader grammar, is less predictable, is more complex to implement, and involves challenging error recovery.

  • Top-down parsing begins at the grammar's start symbol, while bottom-up parsing starts from input terminals.