Creating and Executing Tasks Using Message Broker in Django

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In a Django application, a message broker can be used to handle tasks such as sending and receiving messages, processing background jobs, and managing asynchronous processes. Using a message broker with Django will typically involve installing the message broker software, configuring the settings in Django, and using the appropriate libraries or packages to interact with the broker from within the application. It's worth noting that Django is a web framework and doesn't provide any built-in messaging functionality. To use a message broker, you will need to integrate it with your Django application using a third-party library.

What is a Message Broker?

A message broker can be used to handle communication between a Django web application and a background worker process. The web application can send a message to the message broker, and the worker process can receive the message and perform tasks. The worker process can then send a response back to the web application via the message broker. This allows the web application to continue handling web requests while the worker process is working on the task, without having to wait for a response.

In Django, a message broker is used to facilitate communication between different components of an application, such as between a web server and a task queue. The message broker acts as a buffer, temporarily holding messages that are sent by clients until they can be delivered to their intended recipients. The size of the buffer and the number of messages it can store will depend on the specific message broker implementation and configuration.

For example, the Django message broker, Celery, uses a task queue to store messages, and the number of messages that can be stored in the queue is defined by the queue's maximum size. This helps to ensure that messages are processed reliably and efficiently.

In Django, there are several models for message brokers:

  • Django Database backend:
    This backend uses the database as a message store and is the default backend for Django.
  • Django Cache backend:
    The cache backend is the component responsible for storing and retrieving cached data. This backend uses the cache as a message store.
  • Django Email backend:
    This backend uses email as a message store.
  • Django File backend:
    This backend uses files as a message store. The file backend refers to a cache backend that stores cached data in the file system and is useful for caching large amounts of data that change less frequently.
  • Django Memory backend:
    This backend uses memory as a message store.
  • Django AMQP backend:
    This backend uses AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) as a message store.
  • Django Redis backend:
    This backend uses Redis as a message store.
  • Django SQS backend:
    This backend uses Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) as a message store.
  • Django Kombu backend:
    This backend uses the Kombu library as a message store, which supports multiple message means of transport, including RabbitMQ, Redis, and Amazon SQS.
  • Django Celery backend:
    This backend uses the Celery task queue library as a message store, which supports multiple message means of transport, including RabbitMQ, Redis, and Amazon SQS.

Basic Concepts of Message Brokers

In Django, message brokers are used to handling communication between different parts of the application, such as sending messages between different services or handling asynchronous tasks (the ability to schedule and run a task asynchronously in a single line of code). Some basic concepts related to message brokers in Django include:


  • Tasks:
    A task is a unit of work that needs to be performed asynchronously. Tasks can be defined in Django using the Celery library, which can be integrated with message brokers like RabbitMQ or Redis to handle the actual messaging.
  • Workers:
    Worker refers to a process that is responsible for taking tasks from the message broker's queue and executing them. When a task is sent to the message broker, it is placed in a queue to be processed by one of the worker processes. Workers are crucial in the message broker system as they are responsible for performing the task that has been requested, without them, tasks would be sent to the message broker but would not be executed, and the system would be stuck. In Django, worker processes can be started using the celery command, which connects to the message broker and listens for tasks to be performed.
  • Brokers:
    A broker is a message queue service that stores messages until they can be processed. The broker's main role is to ensure that messages are delivered to the right recipients reliably and efficiently. It is responsible for maintaining the message queue, which is where messages are temporarily stored before they are delivered to the intended recipients. In Django, popular message brokers include RabbitMQ and Redis. These brokers can be integrated with Celery to handle the messaging between different parts of the application.
  • Results:
    Results are the outcome of a task after it has been performed by a worker. Results can be stored in the message broker or a separate database and can be retrieved by the application to check the status of a task or to retrieve the output.
  • Periodic Tasks:
    Periodic tasks are tasks that need to be run at regular intervals. Celery provides a built-in mechanism for scheduling periodic tasks which can be defined in Django and executed by the worker processes.

What are the Models of Message Brokers?

In Django, several models or patterns can be used to implement message brokers:

  • Task Queue:
    A task queue is a buffer that stores tasks in the form of messages until they can be processed. These messages contain information about the task that needs to be executed, such as the task's name, arguments, and any other necessary data. Tasks can be defined using the Celery library in Django, and they can be sent to the queue using the Celery API. The tasks are then processed by worker processes that listen for tasks on the queue.
  • Publish-Subscribe:
    The publish-subscribe model allows for messages to be sent to multiple subscribers. This type of messaging model is also known as one-to-many or many-to-many messaging. The key concept in this model is that a sender (publisher) sends a message to a topic, and all subscribers to that topic will receive the message. In Django, this pattern can be implemented using the Celery library and a message broker like RabbitMQ or Redis. Producers can send messages to a topic, and subscribers can listen for messages on that topic.
  • Point-to-Point:
    The point-to-point model allows for messages to be sent from a sender to a specific receiver. A P2P messaging system is considered a single-point communication, as it allows direct communication between two entities without the need for an intermediary. In Django, this pattern can be implemented using the Celery library and a message broker like RabbitMQ or Redis. Producers can send messages to a specific queue, and consumers can listen for messages in that queue.
  • Routing:
    Routing in message brokers refers to the process of determining the destination of a message and forwarding it to the appropriate recipient. The routing process is typically handled by the message broker, which acts as an intermediary between the sender and receiver of a message. In Django, this pattern can be implemented using the Celery library and a message broker like RabbitMQ or Redis. Producers can send messages to an exchange, and consumers can listen for messages on specific queues or topics that are bound to the exchange.
  • Remote Procedure Call (RPC):
    The Remote Procedure Call model allows for a client to call a function on a server, passing arguments and receiving a response. This pattern can be implemented using Celery's built-in support for RPC calls and a message broker like RabbitMQ or Redis.

Point-to-Point Messaging

Point-to-point messaging in Django refers to a messaging pattern where messages are sent from a single sender to a single receiver. This is in contrast to the publish/subscribe pattern, where messages are sent from a single sender to multiple receivers. Django provides built-in support for point-to-point messaging through the django.core.mail module, which allows you to send email messages to a single recipient. You can also use a message broker to implement point-to-point messaging in Django.

Here is an example of how you could set up point-to-point messaging in a Django application:

  • Create a new Django app called "messaging"

  • In the file, create two models: "Message" and "Thread".

  • In the file, create views for creating new threads and sending new messages.

  • In the file, add URLs for the new_thread and new_message views.

  • Create a template for the thread and message.

  • Finally, Create a User model and add a foreign key to the Thread and Message Model and also add the functionality of sending and receiving the messages.

This is just one way to set up point-to-point messaging in a Django application.

Publish/Subscribe to Messaging

Publish/subscribe messaging in Django refers to a messaging pattern where messages are sent from a single sender (the publisher) to multiple receivers (the subscribers). This allows for the decoupling of the sender and receiver and allows for multiple subscribers to receive the same message. Django does not provide built-in support for publish/subscribe messaging, but it can be implemented using a message broker. The publisher sends messages to an exchange, which then routes the message to one or more queues based on routing rules. Consumers can then subscribe to the queues they are interested in and receive the messages.

Here is an example of how you can implement the publish/subscribe messaging pattern in Django:

  • Create a new Django app called "messaging" and add it to the INSTALLED_APPS list in your file.
  • In the messaging app, create a new model called "Message" with fields for the message content, publisher, and timestamp.
  • Create a new view in your messaging app that will handle publishing new messages. This view should take the message content and the publisher as input, and create a new Message object with that information.
  • Create a new view in your messaging app that will handle subscribing to messages. This view should take the subscriber as input, and add them to a list of subscribers for the messaging app.
  • In your messaging app, create a new function called "send_messages" that will be called whenever a new message is published. This function should iterate through the list of subscribers and send a message to each one.
  • Finally, in your main Django project, add a call to the send_messages function in the view that handles publishing new messages, so that the message is sent to all subscribers as soon as it is published.

This is a basic example and you can use channels or other libraries to handle messaging, but it should give you an idea of how to implement the publish/subscribe pattern in Django.

Hybrid Models

Hybrid models in Django refer to a combination of different messaging patterns, such as point-to-point and publish/subscribe, within the same application. Hybrid models in message brokers refer to the combination of different messaging models in a single system. Hybrid models in message brokers are useful because they offer more flexibility and scalability than a single messaging model. You can use the point-to-point messaging pattern to send messages to a specific queue for a specific receiver, and use the publish/subscribe pattern to broadcast messages to multiple subscribers.

Here's an example of how you can create a hybrid model in Django:

  • Create two separate models, for example, "Person" and "Phone" models, each with their fields and methods.

  • Create a new model called "Contact" and inherit from both the Person and Phone models using Django's Multi-table inheritance feature.

  • In your Contact model, you can use fields and methods of both the Person and Phone models.

  • Create a new Contact object and save it to the database.

  • You can also use the Contact model to query data using the fields and methods of both the Person and Phone models.

By creating a hybrid model, you can make use of the fields and methods of multiple models in a single class, which can be useful in situations where you need to combine data from multiple models in a single view or template.

Message Brokers vs APIs

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) in Django are a way for different applications to communicate with each other. They allow a client (such as a web or mobile app) to request data from a server (such as a Django application) and receive a response in a standardized format (such as JSON). Message brokers, on the other hand, are a way for different parts of an application to communicate with each other asynchronously. Instead of making a request and receiving a response, a message is sent to a broker (such as RabbitMQ or Kafka) and any interested parties can consume that message. This allows for greater decoupling and scalability since the sender and receiver do not need to be aware of each other.

Both APIs and message brokers can be used in a Django application, but they serve different purposes. APIs are typically used for synchronous request-response communication, while message brokers are used for asynchronous communication between different parts of an application.

Here is a comparison of APIs and message brokers in Django:

APIsMessage Brokers
APIs used for synchronous request-response communicationMessage Brokers used for asynchronous communication between different parts of an application
Clients make requests to a server and receive a responseMessages are sent to a broker and consumed by interested parties
Standardized format (such as JSON) for data exchangeAllows for greater decoupling and scalability, since the sender and receiver do not need to be aware of each other
Typically used for external clients (such as web or mobile apps) to access data or functionality of the serverTypically used for internal communication within an application

Both APIs and message brokers can be used in a Django application, but they serve different purposes. Depending on the use case, one or both of these options can be used to communicate between different parts of the application.

Best Use Cases of Message Brokers

Here are some common use cases for message brokers in Django:

  • Task Queueing:
    Message brokers can be used to queue and process background tasks asynchronously.
  • Event-Driven Architecture:
    Message brokers can be used to implement an event-driven architecture where different parts of the application can communicate by sending and consuming messages.
  • Microservices:
    Message brokers can be used to enable communication between different microservices in a distributed system.
  • Real-time notifications:
    Message brokers can be used to send real-time notifications to clients (such as web or mobile apps) when certain events occur on the server.
  • Logging and monitoring:
    Message brokers can be used to collect and aggregate log data and monitoring metrics from different parts of the application.

Best Message Broker Tools

Several message broker tools can be used with Django, here are some popular ones:

  • RabbitMQ:
    An open-source message broker that supports various messaging protocols. It's a good choice for task queueing and reliable messaging.
  • Apache Kafka:
    An open-source distributed event streaming platform that is designed for handling large volumes of data in real-time. It's a good choice for event-driven architectures and real-time streaming.
  • Redis:
    An open-source in-memory data store that can also be used as a message broker. It's a good choice for simple and fast messaging and can be used for caching and data storage as well.
  • ActiveMQ:
    An open-source message broker that supports various messaging protocols, including JMS, AMQP, and MQTT. It's a good choice for enterprise and large-scale messaging.
  • Celery:
    Celery is a task queue library for Python that can be used with Django. It supports multiple message brokers like RabbitMQ, Redis, and more. It's a good choice for task queueing and background job processing.

Advantages of Using Message Brokers

Using message brokers in Django can provide several advantages, including:

  • Asynchrony:
    One of the main advantages of using message brokers is that they allow for asynchronous communication between different parts of the Django application.
  • Decoupling:
    By using message brokers, different parts of the Django application can communicate with each other without having a direct dependency on each other.
  • Reliability:
    Many message brokers offer features like message persistence, message acknowledgment, and message replay, which can improve the reliability of the messaging system.
  • Monitoring and logging:
    Many message brokers provide built-in monitoring and logging tools that can help with troubleshooting and debugging.
  • Real-time notifications:
    Message brokers can be used to send real-time notifications to clients (such as web or mobile apps) when certain events occur on the server. This can improve the user experience by providing real-time updates without the need for constant polling.
  • Better handling of background jobs:
    Message brokers can be used to queue and process background tasks asynchronously, which can improve the performance and scalability of the Django application by not blocking the main thread.
  • Microservices:
    Message brokers can be used to enable communication between different microservices in a distributed system. This can improve the scalability and fault tolerance of the Django application.

Disadvantages of Using Message Brokers

While message brokers can provide many advantages for a Django application, there are also some potential disadvantages to consider:

  • Complexity:
    Implementing and maintaining a message broker system can be complex and may require specialized knowledge. This can add to the overall development and maintenance cost of the Django application.
  • Latency:
    The use of message brokers can add additional latency to the system, as messages need to be sent to and received from the broker.
  • Single Point of Failure:
    If the message broker goes down, it can cause a failure in the entire messaging system, making it a single point of failure.
  • Security:
    If the message broker is not configured properly, it can be a security vulnerability, allowing unauthorized access to the messaging system. This can be mitigated by using proper authentication and encryption mechanisms.
  • Resource consumption:
    message brokers consume resources, such as memory and CPU, which can be a problem for resource-constrained systems.
  • Limited support for some languages or platforms, protocols, and features.


Here we'll see what we learned in the above tutorial:

  • Message brokers are used in Django to handle communication between different parts of a web application, such as between the web server and the database.
  • Django supports several message broker options, including RabbitMQ, Redis, and Amazon SQS.
  • Message brokers can improve performance and scalability by allowing for the asynchronous processing of tasks.
  • Django's built-in task queue, Celery, can be used in conjunction with a message broker to handle background tasks.
  • The choice of message broker will depend on factors such as the specific requirements of the application, the scale of the application, and the available resources.