Popular Django Projects

Topics Covered


Django is a high-level Python web framework that allows the rapid development of secure and maintainable websites. It is free and open source. It is used for full-stack app development and server development. Django is suitable for the backend as well as the frontend. It is a collection of Python libraries that allows us to develop useful web apps ideal for backend and frontend purposes.

Introduction to Django Projects

With the basic concepts and ideas of Python and Django, we can create a website or an application. So now let us know the difference between a project and an app.

  • A project refers to an entire application we are creating.
  • An app is a submodule that refers to a part of the application.

Let us take an example to get a clear idea about the project and app. Say we are to make an application Online Shop with subparts customers, products, and shopping cart. So Online Shop is the project and customers, products, and shopping cart are the apps(or sub-application).

Before starting a project in Django, we should have a clear idea about the virtual environment. The virtual environment is an environment that is required by Django to execute an application. Python provides a tool virtualenv to create an isolated Python environment.

For creating an application we need to activate a virtual environment in the command prompt or Windows PowerShell of our system, after installing Django in our system. The source code is written in the command prompt or Windows Powershell itself. The source code for activating a virtual environment is given below.

Django Project Ideas

Creating projects on Django is fun. Apart from theoretical knowledge, some practical knowledge is also necessary, which can be enhanced by creating applications in Django. The more practical experience you have the better developer you become. This web framework has got some immense features that allow the developer to create applications effectively.

How to Come up with Ideas for Django Projects?

Well in this section we will discuss some tips and tricks to come up with ideas for the Django project.

  • Experiences from our daily life We can look around and figure out the problems we are facing in our day-to-day life which can be solved using Django. The more we work on Django projects the more we get to learn.
  • Ideas from GitHub GitHub can be useful in finding topics for Django projects. It has developers from around the world and their projects which might inspire us.
  • Inspiration from Hackathon Hackathons are events to bring the coding community together. They’re typically over a weekend. Developers get together and share ideas, and work as a team to turn the ideas into apps.

Best Django Project Ideas and Topics for Beginners

Listed below are some project ideas for a beginner, which will help you excel in your career to become a great developer.

  • Automated email sender With the help of Django, we can create an application for sending emails to a group of subscribers automatically. The user also has the option to modify the message and also to select the recipients. It is simple and fun, you will enjoy making it.
  • Dictionary application One of the most exciting Django project ideas also includes a dictionary application. We can use different types of APIs from the internet to make an application that acts as a dictionary. All we need is a user to enter a word and the application would provide the meaning of the word. We can also enhance it by adding antonyms and synonyms below the meaning of the word.
  • Notes application It is the simplest application we can make using Django. An interface is supposed to be created which allows the user to create a new note and access the already saved notes. The app can be upgraded by adding features such as adding pictures or access to append the already saved notes.
  • Quiz app A quiz app using Django must be a user-friendly app with appropriate features such as timed questions, quiz history, scoreboard, and so on. The app should also allow the user to choose their topics of interest, add players, and also to challenge friends.
  • Django Blog An application that allows the user to create a blog enables people to read the articles, and also allows the team members to create more blogs for the site. A simple interface is to be created in this Django project. The application can be upgraded by adding a comment section at the end of each blog.
  • Chat application Using Django we can make an application similar to Snapchat in which older chats are not saved but only the recent ones are saved. The developer is supposed to keep the interface exciting and also add the feature of sending voice messages along with text messages in real time.


Hello developer! Well after going through this article you must have gained some knowledge about creating projects in Django. Let us summarize what we learned from this article

  • A project refers to an entire application we are creating.
  • An app is a submodule that refers to a part of the application.
  • The virtual environment is an environment that is required by Django to execute an application.
  • The source code for creating an application in Django is written in the command prompt or Windows Powershell.