Django Reverse

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Through the name and value specified in the file, the reverse function enables retrieval of the url information. In Django, this is the reverse function's primary application. The variable that will have its value reversed in this case is the redirect variable. Therefore, this value will be the reversed link.

We'll see Django reverse in this tutorial to test out these functionalities.

Introduction to Django Reverse

A working application will be delivered to you at the time of creation if URLs, links, and redirects are hard-coded. Additionally, you will receive a program that will stop working over time. You need a solution to make your application more adaptable to scenarios when URL structures on the web change at random. Django provides Named URLs through the name= variable and the reverse() function, which allows you to resolve URLs backward in your application code.

Let's learn Django reverse with the help of syntax and an example.


The variable Redirect_Variable that will have its value reversed in this case is the redirect variable (as the name is suggesting itself). Therefore, this value will be the reversed link. Therefore, a url value will be assigned in the backend for the name of the URL provided in the redirect url name. This backend-assigned url value will be connected to the redirect variable. The actual reverse function is then employed. To make the reverse happen, the reverse function is employed. This method will be responsible to reverse the new URL value. The redirect URL name from the file will be represented by the name of the URL value supplied here.

So to summarize the above paragraph, the reverse() function allows you to resolve URLs backward in your application code i.e. jumps or go to the backward links of the redirected link or the link given as a parameter to it.

How Does It Work?

The reverse function's ability to save URL values makes it particularly helpful for managing URLs and aids in preventing application failure in the future. Three simple techniques, as shown below, can be used to operate the reverse function.

  1. In the file, specify the URL that has to be used. The most significant part is this. The URL will only be used from this point forward for all references.
  2. After that, open the view from the file, and in the new view, the reverse function must be declared with the variable name of the URL hardcoded in it. To create a valid URL value, this section must reverse the URL field name into URL value.
  3. The final section is where the redirect will happen; this is where it will be started and handled. The page will be redirected to when this section is called, as a result.

Create a Django reverse function example

  • Changes in file: The URLs file, which will be the file in which all URLs are defined, is seen below. All URLs are encoded using the name argument. The reverse function is called with this name argument, which then returns the actual URL value that was previously stored. The example below demonstrates that each stated URL is linked to a URL value that initiates a reverse-based store in the backend.
  • Create a view for the form:

The integer value must be stored when it is submitted and must be retrieved from the database. This is possible with the help of the model-specific object. The part that is provided below explains how to do this.

The captured variable, which is a variable on the urlName route, needs to be supplied when invoking the reverse() function. This is accomplished by including the args= keyword parameter. If you only have one value to give in, pass it as one value contained in a list since this parameter requires a list. That is how we handled it in this code. Even though we didn't specifically include these URLs in the redirect, they still function flawlessly. The URL format is far more resistant to modifications, which is the true benefit. The schedule/ route is now how we access this app from the main project It would be impossible and the app would stop working if the redirect above was hard coded. Due to Named URLs and the reverse() function, in our case, we can change that entry URL at this time.

Example Showing reverse() Function

In the example mentioned below, there is an instance of a login system where the and view. py state the working of the reverse() function.

  • file The URLs file is seen below; it is the file, in which all URLs are declared and encoded with the name argument. The reverse function is called and the actual url value is returned using this name argument. From the example below, we can see that each of the stated urls has a url value attached to it that initiates a reverse-based store in the backend.
  • file The integer value must be stored when it is submitted and must be retrieved from the database. This is possible with the help of the model-specific object. The provided below explains how to do this.


The above tutorial makes evident how to utilize Django's reverse function and how to avoid hardcoding URLs while doing so. It also provides helpful examples to demonstrate how to use and use Django's reverse function. Let's revise what we learn in this tutorial:

  • the reverse() function allows you to resolve URLs backward in your application code i.e. jumps or go to the backward links of the redirected link or the link given as a parameter to it.
  • The reverse function's ability to save url values makes it particularly helpful for managing urls and aids in preventing application failure in the future.
  • The reverse function is called with url name argument(linked with url values in URL patterns in, which then returns the actual url value that was previously stored.