Creating a Docker Image for Your Application

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Docker has revolutionized app development by simplifying containerization, a concept that packages apps with their necessary components, akin to a laptop in a box with all its accessories. It's a key tool in modern development workflows, widely used in industry.

This article demystifies creating Docker images, an integral skill in using Docker effectively. Understanding Docker's containerization is crucial – it involves packaging an application and its dependencies into a single, portable image. This ensures the app runs consistently across different environments, regardless of the operating system.

We'll guide you through writing a Dockerfile and publishing Docker images, making the process approachable even for beginners. By the end, you'll be adept at creating Docker images, a skill highly valued in the tech industry and crucial for deploying applications seamlessly.

Write the Dockerfile

A Dockerfile is a text file that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image.

Using a Dockerfile allows users to create and automate the process of building images. It provides a way to document and maintain the image's composition. To write a Dockerfile, the user specifies a base image and then adds the necessary components and configurations.

The Dockerfile format is simple, and it allows for easy collaboration and sharing of images.

Here are some common commands used in a Dockerfile and their usage. They are necessary to understand how to create a docker image.

CommandUse case
FROMThis specifies the base image to use as a starting point for building the new image.
RUNThis executes a command and builds a new image layer on top of the current image.
COPYThis copies new files or directories from the host file system into the container's file system.
ENVThis sets environment variables in the container.
EXPOSEThis specifies the ports that the container listens on at runtime.
CMDThis specifies the default command to run when the container is started.
ENTRYPOINTThis specifies the command to always run when the container is started.
WORKDIRThis sets the working directory for the command specified by CMD or ENTRYPOINT.
USERThis sets the user and group for the commands that run in the container.

These commands allow users to customize and configure the image to their needs.

Building Your First Docker Image

To build a Docker image, you need to create a Dockerfile and specify the necessary components and configurations. The Dockerfile can then be built into an image using the docker build command. This command takes the Dockerfile and builds an image based on its instructions. The syntax for the docker build command is as follows :

The PATH argument specifies the location of the Dockerfile. The OPTIONS argument can be used to identify various build options, such as the name and tag of the image, the build context, and the build cache.

Here is an example of how to build an image from a Dockerfile located in the current directory :

Test Your Image

After building a Docker image, you can test it by running it as a container. This can be done using the docker run command. For example, if the name of your image is my-image, you can run it using the following command :

This will start a new container based on your image. You can then use docker ps to see a list of all running containers and docker logs to view the output and logs of a specific container.

To test the functionality of your image, you can use the docker exec command to run a command inside the running container. For example, if your image contains a web server, you can use the following command to send an HTTP request to the server and verify that it is working correctly :

Optimize Your Image Size

There are several ways to optimize the size of a Docker image, including the following :

Use a Smaller Base Image

  • Choosing a base image that is smaller in size can help reduce the overall size of your final image.

Use Multi-stage Builds

  • With multi-stage builds, you can use multiple FROM statements in your Dockerfile, with each stage using a different base image.
  • This allows you to start with a large base image that has all the tools and dependencies you need to build your application and then create a new image from that image with only the final artefacts and dependencies required to run your application.
  • This can help reduce the size of the final image by excluding intermediate-build artefacts and unnecessary dependencies.

Use Docker Image Layers Efficiently

  • Docker images are built up from a series of layers, each of which represents a set of changes to the filesystem.
  • By organizing your Dockerfile to minimize the number of changes made in each layer, you can reduce the overall size of the image.
  • For example, try to combine related commands that change the same files or directories into a single layer.

Host Your Docker Image

There are several ways to host a Docker image, including the following :

Use Docker Hub Registry

To host a Docker image on a Docker Hub repository, you will first need to create an account on Docker Hub. Once you have an account, you can log in to Docker Hub using the docker login command and then push your image to a repository using the docker push command.

Use Local Registry Server

To host a Docker image on a local registry server, you will first need to set up a registry server on your local network. This can be done using the open-source Docker Registry software. Once you have set up the registry server, you can push your Docker images to the server using the docker push command.

Save and Load Images as Files

To save a Docker image as a file, you can use the Docker save command. This command saves the image as a compressed file using the tar format. For example, to save an image with the ID abc123 to a file called my_image.tar, you can use the following command :

To load a Docker image from a file, you can use the docker load command. This command takes the compressed image file and imports it into Docker so you can use it with the docker run command. For example, to load an image from the file my_image.tar, you can use the following command :

Next Steps

Now that you have understood how docker image creation and storage work, the next step is to explore how they are deployed and the different parameters involved in deploying the images as containers.


Overall, we can see how Docker has changed the game when it comes to application development, packaging, and deployment. By making containers more accessible, Docker has made it easier for developers to use this technology in their workflows.

In this article, we covered key Docker concepts, such as how to create docker images, Dockerfiles, builds, and registries. We also discussed optimizations that can be made when using Docker. With this knowledge in hand, you should now be able to write a Dockerfile and publish Docker images with confidence.