Handling Form Submission Express JS

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In this article, we are going to discuss Handling form submission expressjs. Before getting started with the topic, let us get a short overview of the topic.

Handling Form Submission ExpressJS: Handling form submissions in ExpressJS refers to the process of receiving data from an HTML form submitted by a user, processing and validating the data on the server side using the ExpressJS framework, and storing the data in a database or sending it as an email. This involves defining a route in the ExpressJS application to handle the form submission, accessing the form data using the req.body object, handling errors, and providing feedback to the user. The process requires a combination of front-end and back-end development skills and knowledge of HTTP requests and responses, routing, and data processing.

So let us now begin with the main agenda of our article, Handling form submission in expressjs.


ExpressJS is a popular Node.js web application framework that allows developers to easily handle HTTP requests and responses. When it comes to handling form submissions in ExpressJS, there are a few key steps that need to be taken.

  1. First, the HTML form needs to be created on the front end with the appropriate form fields and an action attribute that points to the server-side route where the form data will be submitted.
  2. Next, on the server side, the route needs to be defined in the ExpressJS application to handle the form submission. This can be done using the app.post() method and specifying the URL endpoint for the route.
  3. Within the route handler function, the form data can be accessed using the req.body object, which contains key-value pairs of the form fields and their values. This data can then be processed, validated, and stored in a database or sent as an email, depending on the specific requirements of the application.

It is important to properly handle errors and provide appropriate feedback to the user if the form submission fails or contains invalid data. This can be achieved by sending an error message as a response or by redirecting the user back to the form with pre-filled values and error messages.

Overall, handling form submissions in ExpressJS requires a combination of front-end and back-end development skills, as well as knowledge of HTTP requests and responses, routing, and data processing.

Here's an example of handling form submission in ExpressJS:

Let's say we have an HTML form with two fields - name and email - and an action attribute that points to /submit-form on the server side.

On the server side, we define a route to handle the form submission using the app.post() method:

Within the route handler function, we access the form data using the req.body object and store it in variables. We can then do some processing and validation on the data, such as checking if the email is valid or if the name contains only letters.

Finally, we can store the data in a database or send it as an email. In this example, we simply send a response to the user indicating that the form was submitted successfully.

It is important to note that we need to use middleware such as body-parser to parse the form data before accessing it using req.body. Here's an example of how we can use body-parser:

This will parse the form data and make it available in the req.body object.

How to Handle Forms in Express

To handle forms in Express, you need to follow a few steps:

Step 1. Create an HTML form on the front end with the appropriate form fields and an action attribute that points to the server-side route where the form data will be submitted. Step 2. Install and use a middleware such as body-parser to parse the form data before accessing it on the server side using req.body.

Step 3. Define a route in the Express application to handle the form submission using the app.post() method and specify the URL endpoint for the route.

Step 4. Within the route handler function, access the form data using the req.body object, process and validate the data, and then store it in a database or send it as an email. Finally, return a response to the user indicating whether the form was submitted successfully or if there were any errors.

Step 5. Handle errors and provide appropriate feedback to the user if the form submission fails or contains invalid data. This can be achieved by sending an error message as a response or by redirecting the user back to the form with pre-filled values and error messages.

Handling GET Forms

Handling GET forms in Express involves processing data submitted through the query string in the URL. The query string is a part of the URL that contains key-value pairs of data. There are two common ways to pass data through the query string: using GET parameters and using named placeholders. Let us discuss them in detail.

GET Parameter

When a user submits a GET form, the form data is included in the URL as a query string. The query string consists of key-value pairs separated by the ampersand (&) symbol and preceded by a question mark (?). For example, a search form that submits the query expressjs might generate the following URL:

To access the query parameter in Express, we can use the req.query object, which contains an object with key-value pairs of all the parameters and their values. In the above example, we can access the query parameter using req.query.query. We can then process and use the data as needed.

Named Placeholders

Named placeholders allow us to define dynamic segments in the URL that can be used to pass data to the server. Named placeholders are defined by prefixing a parameter name with a colon (:). For example, a user profile page might have a URL like this:

The :id segment represents a dynamic parameter that can be used to identify the user. To access the id parameter in Express, we can use the req.params object, which contains an object with key-value pairs of all the named placeholders and their values. In the above example, we can access the id parameter using req.params.id. We can then process and use the data as needed.

Named placeholders are useful for handling dynamic data, such as user profiles, blog posts, or product pages. They can also be used to define custom URL patterns and handle complex routing scenarios.

Overall, handling GET forms in Express involves accessing data submitted through the query string in the URL, either through GET parameters or named placeholders. Express provides a simple and flexible API for accessing this data and processing it as needed.

It's important to note that named placeholders are more flexible than GET parameters, as they allow us to define custom URL patterns and handle dynamic data more easily. However, they are less intuitive for users and can be more difficult to implement and test.

Handling POST Forms

Handling POST forms in Express involves processing data submitted through HTTP POST requests. Several types of data can be submitted through a POST form, including text-only data, JSON data, and file uploads.

Handling Text-Only Data

To handle text-only data in a POST form, we can use the body-parser middleware to parse the request body. The body-parser middleware can parse data in a variety of formats, including JSON, urlencoded, and raw.

Here's an example of how to handle text-only data in a POST form using the body-parser middleware and the app.post method:

In this example, the body-parser middleware is used to parse both application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json data. The app.post method is used to handle POST requests to the /submit endpoint. The data submitted in the POST form can be accessed using the req.body object, which contains key-value pairs of the data.

Handling JSON Data

To handle JSON data in a POST form, we can use the body-parser middleware to parse the request body. The body-parser middleware can parse JSON data automatically, so no special configuration is required.

Here's an example of how to handle JSON data in a POST form using the body-parser middleware and the app.post method:

In this example, the body-parser middleware is used to parse JSON data. The app.post method is used to handle POST requests to the /submit endpoint. The JSON data submitted in the POST form can be accessed using the req.body object.

Handling File Uploads

To handle file uploads in a POST form, we can use the multer middleware. Multer is a node.js middleware that handles multipart/form-data which is primarily used for uploading files. It's easy to use and supports many configuration options.

Here's an example of how to handle file uploads in a POST form using the multer middleware and the app.post method:

In this example, the multer middleware is used to handle file uploads. The app.post method is used to handle POST requests to the /upload endpoint. The uploaded file can be accessed using the req.file object, which contains information about the uploaded file, such as its filename, mimetype, and path.

To handle multiple file uploads, we can use the upload.array method instead of upload.single. We can also specify a maximum number of files and a maximum file size using the limits option.

In summary, handling POST forms in Express requires parsing the request body and accessing the form data using the req.body object. The body-parser middleware can handle text-only and JSON data, while the multer middleware can handle file uploads. By understanding how to handle different types of data in a POST form, we can build robust and powerful web applications in Express.


In this article, we learned about the Handling form submission expressjs. Let us recap the points we discussed throughout the article:

  • Handling form submissions in ExpressJS refers to the process of receiving data from an HTML form submitted by a user, processing and validating the data on the server side using the ExpressJS framework, and storing the data in a database or sending it as an email.
  • The process requires a combination of front-end and back-end development skills and knowledge of HTTP requests and responses, routing, and data processing.
  • It is important to properly handle errors and provide appropriate feedback to the user if the form submission fails or contains invalid data.
  • Handle errors can be achieved by sending an error message as a response or by redirecting the user back to the form with pre-filled values and error messages.
  • Handling GET forms in Express involves processing data submitted through the query string in the URL.
  • The query string is a part of the URL that contains key-value pairs of data.
  • There are two common ways to pass data through the query string: using GET parameters and using named placeholders.
  • When a user submits a GET form, the form data is included in the URL as a query string. The query string consists of key-value pairs separated by the ampersand (&) symbol and preceded by a question mark (?).
  • To access the query parameter in Express, we can use the req.query object.
  • Named placeholders allow us to define dynamic segments in the URL that can be used to pass data to the server. Named placeholders are defined by prefixing a parameter name with a colon (:).
  • To access the id parameter in Express, we can use the req.params object.
  • Named placeholders are useful for handling dynamic data, such as user profiles, blog posts, or product pages.
  • The named placeholders are more flexible than GET parameters, as they allow us to define custom URL patterns and handle dynamic data more easily.
  • Handling POST forms in Express involves processing data submitted through HTTP POST requests.
  • several types of data can be submitted through a POST form, including text-only data, JSON data, and file uploads.
  • To handle text-only data in a POST form, we can use the body-parser middleware to parse the request body.
  • To handle JSON data in a POST form, we can use the body-parser middleware to parse the request body.
  • To handle file uploads in a POST form, we can use the multer middleware.
  • Multer is a node.js middleware that handles multipart/form-data which is primarily used for uploading files.