Build Release Apk in Flutter

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Building a release APK in Flutter is a vital step in the app development process. It involves optimizing the app's performance, reducing its size, enhancing its security, and preparing it for distribution in app stores. By building a release APK, developers can benefit from performance optimizations, such as code minification and compilation optimizations, resulting in a faster and more efficient app. Building a release APK in Flutter is crucial for optimizing the app, enhancing security, and providing a seamless user experience.


Building a release APK (Android Package Kit) in Flutter is a crucial step in the app development process. It involves creating an optimized and secure version of your app that is ready for distribution on the Google Play Store or other platforms. Building a release APK in Flutter is a critical step to optimize performance, reduce app size, enhance security, and prepare your app for distribution.

Importance of Building Release APK

  1. Performance Optimization: When you build a release APK, Flutter optimizes your app for performance, making it faster and more efficient. It applies various optimizations like code minification, tree shaking, and compilation optimizations, resulting in smaller and faster executable files.

  2. App Size Reduction: Flutter builds release APKs with app size reduction techniques, such as removing debug symbols and compressing resources. This helps reduce the overall size of your app, making it easier and faster to download and install for users.

  3. Security Enhancement: Building a release APK ensures that your app is packaged with proper security measures. Debug builds often include additional debugging information, which can expose sensitive data or weaken the security of your app.

  4. Play Store Distribution: When you want to distribute your app on the Google Play Store, you need to provide a release APK. The Play Store only accepts release APKs for publishing, ensuring that the apps available to users are properly optimized and secure.

  5. Testing Real-World Scenarios: Building and testing your app with a release APK allows you to evaluate its performance and behavior under real-world conditions. Release builds closely resemble the final version that users will experience.

Preparing for Release

By properly preparing for the release, developers can ensure that their app is efficient, secure, and capable of delivering an exceptional user experience.

a. Generating a Keystore

To generate a Keystore for building a release APK in Flutter, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt or terminal window.

  2. Navigate to the root directory of your Flutter project.

  3. Run the following command to generate a new keystore file

    Replace "/path/to/keystore.jks" with the desired location and filename for your keystore file. You can choose any name and location as per your preference.

  4. The command will prompt you to enter some information, such as your name, organization, password, and validity period. Fill in the required details accordingly.

  5. After providing the necessary information, the keystore file will be generated and saved at the specified location.

Note: It is important to remember the keystore file path, alias, and password you set. These details will be required when signing your release APK.

b. Creating Keystore Properties

To create a keystore properties file for building a release APK in Flutter, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open a text editor or any code editor of your choice.

  2. Create a new file and save it with the name "".

  3. In the "" file, you need to define the following properties:

    Replace <your_keystore_password> with the password you set for your keystore, <your_key_password> with the password you set for your key, <your_key_alias> with the alias you provided while generating the Keystore, and <path_to_your_keystore_file> with the path to your keystore file.


  4. Save the "" file in the root directory of your Flutter project.

Updating build.gradle

To update the build.gradle file for building a release APK in Flutter, you can follow these steps

  1. Open your Flutter project in a code editor.
  2. Locate the android folder in the root directory of your project.
  3. Inside the android folder, navigate to the app directory.
  4. Look for a file named build.gradle and open it.

Within the build.gradle file, you'll find different sections and configurations. Here are the key areas you need to update:

  1. Update the android block: Ensure that the compileSdkVersion, buildToolsVersion, and minSdkVersion values are set appropriately for your app. These values determine the Android SDK version to compile against and the minimum supported Android version.

  2. Update the signingConfigs block: If you haven't done so already, you need to define the signing configurations for your release APK. Add the following code inside the android block:

    This code references the values from the file you created earlier.

  3. Update the buildTypes block: Inside the buildTypes block, locate the release section and ensure it is configured as follows:

    This associates the release build type with the signing configuration defined in the signingConfigs block.

  4. Update the dependencies block: Ensure that the dependencies block includes the necessary libraries and dependencies required for your app.

  5. Save the build.gradle file.

Generating the Flutter Release APK Build (.aab file)

To generate the Flutter release APK build (.aab file) for the release APK in Flutter, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the root directory of your Flutter project.

  2. Run the following command to generate the release APK build:

    This command builds the Android App Bundle (.aab file) for your Flutter app. The Android App Bundle is a publishing format that includes your app's compiled code and resources, optimized for efficient distribution on the Google Play Store.

  3. Wait for the command to finish executing. It may take a few moments depending on the size and complexity of your project.

  4. Once the command completes successfully, you will find the generated .aab file in the build/app/outputs/bundle/release directory of your Flutter project.

    The generated .aab file is the release build of your Flutter app and can be used for publishing to the Google Play Store or for further processing, such as generating the final APK file for distribution.

  5. It's important to note that the generated .aab file is optimized for app distribution through the Google Play Store. If you need an APK file specifically, you can use the .aab file to generate an APK using the Android App Bundle Explorer or by running the following command:

    This command generates a universal APK file from the Android App Bundle.

Deploying the Release APK

Deploying the release APK involves following specific guidelines and requirements set by the target platform, which may include signing the APK with a digital certificate, providing app metadata and screenshots, and adhering to platform-specific policies and guidelines.

Uploading the APK to Google Play Console

To upload your APK to the Google Play Console for a Flutter APK release, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Developer Account: Ensure that you have a Google Developer Account. If you don't have one, you'll need to create it by visiting the Google Play Console website and signing up.

  2. Create a New Application: Inside the Google Play Console, create a new application by clicking on the Create Application button. Provide the required details such as the default language, title, and other relevant information for your app.

  3. Prepare App Release: In the left sidebar of the application dashboard, select "App releases" and click on Manage under the Production track. If it's your first release, you will need to click on "Create Release" and follow the instructions.

  4. Upload APK: On the "App Releases" page, click on "Create Release" or "Edit Release" if you have already created a release. Then, select the "APK" option and click on "Browse files" to upload your generated release APK file.

  5. Configure Release: Fill in the release details such as the version code and version name. You can also provide release notes to inform users about the changes and improvements in this release.

Releasing the APK to the Production Track

To release your APK to the production track in Flutter, follow these steps:

  1. Generate Release APK: Build the release APK file for your Flutter app using the flutter build apk command. This will generate a signed APK file that is ready for deployment.

  2. Create a Keystore: If you haven't already, create a keystore file for signing your app. A keystore is a secure container for holding cryptographic keys used to sign your app. You can create a keystore using the keytool command-line tool provided by the Java Development Kit (JDK).

  3. Configure Signing in build.gradle: Open the android/app/build.gradle file in your Flutter project. Inside the android block, add the signing configuration using the keystore you created. Set the signingConfigs and buildTypes properties with the appropriate values, including the keystore path, keystore alias, and passwords. This ensures that the release APK is signed correctly.

  4. Build the Release APK: Run the flutter build apk command again to generate the release APK with the signing configuration. This will create a signed APK file ready for production.

  5. Upload to Google Play Console: Sign in to your Google Play Console account and navigate to your app's dashboard. Go to the "App releases" section and select "Manage" under the "Production" track. Click on "Create Release" or "Edit Release" if you have an existing release.

  6. Upload the Release APK: Click on the "Browse files" button and select the release APK file generated in step 4. The file will be uploaded to the Google Play Console.

Testing the Release APK Before Launch

Here are some steps you can follow to test your release APK before launching:

  1. Testing on Physical Devices: Install the release APK on various physical devices that represent your target audience. Test your app's functionality, including features, user interface, navigation, and performance. Pay attention to any issues, crashes, or unexpected behavior that may arise.

  2. Testing on Emulators: Utilize emulators to test your release APK on different virtual devices with various screen sizes, resolutions, and Android versions. Emulators can help you identify any compatibility issues that may arise on specific device configurations.

  3. Regression Testing: Perform regression testing by running through a comprehensive test suite that covers all critical functionality and features of your app. This helps ensure that any new changes or updates introduced in the release APK have not introduced regressions or broken existing functionality.

  4. Usability Testing: Conduct usability testing to evaluate how intuitive and user-friendly your app is. Gather feedback from real users or beta testers who represent your target audience. Analyze their experiences, identify pain points, and make necessary improvements to enhance the overall user experience.

  5. Performance Testing: Measure the performance of your app by running tests that assess its speed, responsiveness, and resource consumption. Monitor metrics such as app launch time, screen transitions, network requests, and memory usage to identify any performance bottlenecks and optimize your app's performance.

  6. Localization and Internationalization Testing: If your app supports multiple languages or internationalization, test its localization features thoroughly. Ensure that the app's translations are accurate and contextually appropriate for each supported language.


Troubleshooting involves identifying and resolving these problems to ensure a smooth and error-free build process.

Common Issues While Building the Release APK

  1. Keystore-related issues: Problems with generating or using the keystore file can prevent the creation of a release APK. This includes issues with password mismatch, incorrect keystore file path, or expired certificates.

  2. Dependency conflicts: Incompatibilities or conflicts between different dependencies used in your project can lead to build errors. These conflicts can arise due to version mismatches or incompatible library configurations.

  3. ProGuard configuration: ProGuard is a tool used for code shrinking and obfuscation in Android apps. However, incorrect ProGuard configuration can cause issues during the build process, resulting in crashes or missing classes and resources in the release APK.

  4. Missing or incorrect build settings: In some cases, missing or incorrect settings in the build.gradle file can cause build failures. This includes incorrect package names, incorrect signing configurations, or missing required dependencies.

  5. Out-of-memory errors: Building a release APK requires sufficient memory. If your system doesn't have enough memory allocated for the build process, you may encounter out-of-memory errors, leading to build failures.

Solutions to Resolve the Issues

  1. Keystore-related issues:

    • Ensure that the keystore file is generated correctly and stored in the specified location.
    • Double-check the keystore password and key alias, ensuring they match the values used during the keystore generation.
    • If you've lost the keystore or its credentials, consider creating a new keystore and updating the necessary configurations.
  2. Dependency conflicts:

    • Review the dependencies used in your project and check for version compatibility issues.
    • Update the dependency versions to resolve conflicts or use dependency resolution strategies like forcing a specific version or excluding conflicting transitive dependencies.
    • Refer to the documentation and release notes of the libraries to understand any specific requirements or compatibility issues.
  3. ProGuard configuration:

    • Verify that the ProGuard configuration is set up correctly in your project's build.gradle file.
    • If you're experiencing issues with missing classes or resources, try disabling ProGuard temporarily to identify if it's the cause of the problem.
    • Ensure that any necessary ProGuard rules are included for your project and its dependencies.
  4. Missing or incorrect build settings:

    • Double-check the package name in your AndroidManifest.xml and build.gradle files, ensuring they match.
    • Verify that the signing configurations in your build.gradle file is accurate and points to the correct keystore file.
    • Check for any missing dependencies or plugins required for the release build and add them to your project.
  5. Out-of-memory errors:

    • Allocate more memory to the Gradle build process by configuring the Gradle VM options in your project's file (e.g., org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx4096m).
    • Close any unnecessary applications or processes running on your system to free up memory.


  1. Building a release APK in Flutter is a vital step in the app development process. It offers several benefits.

  2. Furthermore, testing the app with a release APK allows developers to evaluate its performance, behavior, and compatibility under real-world conditions.

  3. To prepare for building a release APK in Flutter, developers need to generate a Keystore for signing the app and creating a Keystore properties file.

  4. The release APK can be generated by running the appropriate command, such as "flutter build appbundle" or "flutter build apk".

  5. In the case of Google Play Store deployment, the APK can be uploaded to the Google Play Console, where the necessary app details and release configurations are provided.