Multiple Child Layout in Flutter

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Multiple child layout in Flutter refers to the ability to arrange and position multiple widgets within a parent widget. It allows developers to create complex UI designs by combining different layout widgets such as Row, Column, Stack, and Flex. These layout widgets provide flexible options to organize child widgets horizontally, vertically, or in a stack. With Flutter's powerful widget system, developers can easily define the alignment, spacing, and sizing of child widgets within the parent layout. This versatility enables the creation of responsive and dynamic user interfaces in Flutter applications.


Flutter is known for its ability to handle multiple child layouts, allowing developers to arrange and position multiple widgets within a parent widget. This feature enables the creation of dynamic and complex user interfaces. With Flutter's layout widgets like Row, Column, Stack, and Flex, developers have the flexibility to organize child widgets horizontally, vertically, or in a stack formation. They can also control alignment, spacing, and sizing to achieve precise UI designs. This capability makes Flutter ideal for creating responsive and adaptive user interfaces that can adjust to different screen sizes and orientations. By leveraging Flutter's extensive widget system, developers can craft visually appealing and interactive interfaces, enhancing the overall user experience of their applications. The versatility of multiple child layouts in Flutter empowers developers to create compelling UI designs that meet the specific requirements of their projects.

Basic Multiple Child Layouts


A Row in Flutter arranges children horizontally. It's created using the Row class and is commonly used for UI and layouts. Children are placed next to each other from left to right within the available horizontal space.

Here's an example of how you can use a row widget in Flutter:

A Row in Flutter arranges its children horizontally, displaying them side by side. The children automatically adjust their sizes based on their content. You can control the alignment of the children using properties like mainAxisAlignment (for horizontal alignment) and crossAxisAlignment (for vertical alignment). Additionally, you can apply constraints, padding, and styling options to customize the layout and appearance of the row and its children. The Row widget is a flexible and versatile tool for creating horizontal layouts in Flutter, allowing you to build intuitive user interfaces with ease.


A Column in Flutter arranges children vertically. It's created using the Column class and is commonly used for UI and layouts. Children are stacked from top to bottom within the vertical space available.

Here's an example of how you can use a column widget in Flutter:

A Column in Flutter is a powerful widget for arranging children in a vertical stack. It automatically adjusts its size to fit the available vertical space and allows you to control alignment, spacing, and size using properties like mainAxisAlignment and crossAxisAlignment. With the ability to apply constraints, padding, and styling options, the Column widget enables you to create flexible and visually appealing vertical layouts, making it a valuable tool for designing user interfaces and organizing content in Flutter applications.


A Stack widget in Flutter allows you to position children on top of each other. It's commonly used for creating complex and overlapping user interfaces. The Stack widget is created using the Stack class in Flutter and enables stacking multiple children widgets based on coordinates relative to the stack's boundaries.

A Stack widget in Flutter allows layering multiple children on top of each other. The example demonstrates a stack with a red container, a blue container positioned using the Positioned widget, and a text widget positioned using another Positioned widget. This creates a layered effect where the blue container and text widget stack on top of the red container. Precise positioning is achieved using properties like top, bottom, left, and right provided by the Positioned widget. By adjusting properties like alignment and fit, you can customize the behavior and sizing of the stack's children within its boundaries. The stack widget is particularly useful for creating overlays, complex layouts, and custom animations in Flutter.


In Flutter, the Expanded widget is used to control the flex factor of its child widget within a parent widget that supports flexible layouts, such as a Row or Column. It allows the child widget to expand and occupy additional available space along the main axis.

Here's how you can use the Expanded widget in Flutter:

The Expanded widget in Flutter ensures its child expands to occupy available space in a Row or Column widget. By adjusting the flex property, you can control how space is distributed among multiple Expanded widgets. This flexibility allows you to create responsive layouts where specific widgets expand and fill available space.

Advanced Multiple Child Layouts

ListView and Its Various Types

In Flutter, a "ListView" is a widget that displays a scrollable list of children widgets. It is commonly used when you have a large number of children or when you need to display a dynamic list of items that can be scrolled.

The ListView widget comes with several types or variations that provide different scrolling behaviors and performance optimizations. Let's explore some of the commonly used types of ListView in Flutter:

  1. ListView:
    This is a basic implementation of a scrollable list. It renders all the children at once, which may cause performance issues when dealing with a large number of items.
  2. ListView.builder:
    This type of ListView is used when you have a dynamic or large list of items. It creates items on-demand as they scroll into view, which helps improve performance and memory efficiency. It requires you to specify an itemCount parameter and a builder function to build each item.
  3. ListView.separated:
    Similar to ListView.builder, this type of ListView is used for dynamic or large lists. It allows you to specify a separator widget between each item, such as a divider or custom separator. It requires an itemCount parameter and a separatorBuilder function along with the itemBuilder.
  4. ListView.custom:
    This type of ListView gives you complete control over the item building process. It requires you to specify a SliverChildDelegate that determines how items are built and laid out. It offers flexibility but requires more manual implementation.
  5. ListView.primary:
    This type of ListView is optimized for use as the primary scrollable widget of the screen. It is usually wrapped in a NestedScrollView and handles gesture physics, overscroll, and fling behavior.
  6. ListView.builder and ListView.separated with ListViewPhysics:
    These are variations of ListView.builder and ListView.separated that allow you to customize the scrolling physics. You can use BouncingScrollPhysics for iOS-like bouncing effect or ClampingScrollPhysics for Android-like behavior.

These are some of the common types of ListView in Flutter, each serving different purposes depending on your specific requirements. By choosing the appropriate ListView type, you can efficiently display and scroll through a list of items in your Flutter application.

Grid View and Its Various Types

In Flutter, a GridView is a widget that displays a collection of children widgets in a grid format. It is commonly used to present data in a tabular or grid-like layout.

The GridView widget comes with several types or variations that provide different grid layouts and scrolling behaviors. Let's explore some of the commonly used types of GridView in Flutter:

  1. GridView.count:
    This type of GridView displays a grid of equally sized cells. You can specify the number of columns using the crossAxisCount property.
  2. GridView.extent:
    This type of GridView displays a grid where the cells have a maximum extent or size. You can specify the maximum cross-axis extent using the maxCrossAxisExtent property.
  3. GridView.builder:
    This type of GridView is used for building a grid dynamically or with a large number of items. It creates grid items on-demand as they scroll into view, improving performance and memory efficiency. It requires you to specify an itemCount parameter and a itemBuilder function to build each grid item.
  4. GridView.custom:
    This type of GridView allows you to create a custom grid layout by providing a custom SliverGridDelegate. It gives you full control over the grid layout and behavior.
  5. GridView.count with GridViewPhysics:
    This is a variation of GridView.count that allows you to customize the scrolling physics. You can use BouncingScrollPhysics for iOS-like bouncing effect or ClampingScrollPhysics for Android-like behavior.

These are some of the common types of GridView in Flutter, each serving different purposes depending on the desired grid layout and scrolling behavior. By choosing the appropriate GridView type, you can efficiently display and navigate through a grid of items in your Flutter application.

Wrap and Its Various Types

In Flutter, a "Wrap" is a widget used to wrap its children and automatically arrange them in a flow layout. It is useful when you have a variable number of children or when you want to create a responsive layout that wraps its children to the next line when there is not enough horizontal space.

The Wrap widget comes with several types or variations that provide different wrapping behaviors and alignment options. Let's explore some of the commonly used types of Wrap in Flutter:

  1. Wrap:
    The basic Wrap widget automatically wraps its children to the next line when the available horizontal space is insufficient. It adjusts the layout dynamically to accommodate the children.

  2. Wrap.spacing:
    The Wrap.spacing widget adds spacing between the children. You can specify the spacing between children in the horizontal and vertical directions using the runSpacing and spacing properties.

  3. Wrap.alignment:
    The Wrap.alignment widget allows you to specify the alignment of the children within the wrap. Common alignment values include MainAxisAlignment.start, MainAxisAlignment.end,, MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround, and MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly.

  4. Wrap.runAlignment:
    The Wrap.runAlignment widget adjusts the alignment of each wrapped line. You can use values like WrapAlignment.start, WrapAlignment.end, and to control the alignment of wrapped lines.


The Flow widget in Flutter allows for the creation of custom flow layouts, providing greater control over the positioning and arrangement of children widgets. It offers flexibility beyond traditional layout widgets like Row or Column. By customizing a delegate and overriding methods such as getConstraintsForChild() and getPositionForChild(), you can define how the children are placed within the flow layout. This enables the creation of unique and dynamic user interfaces, adapting to available space and specific layout requirements. The Flow widget is a powerful tool for achieving custom flow-based arrangements in Flutter applications.


The Table widget in Flutter allows you to create tabular layouts for structured data. It organizes data in rows and columns, similar to an HTML table. For example:

In this brief example, a Table is created with two rows, each containing three cells represented by Text widgets. The Table widget is ideal for presenting organized data in a grid-like format.

Custom Multi-child Layouts

In Flutter, custom multi-child layouts refer to creating custom layout widgets that can handle multiple child widgets and arrange them in a specific manner. Flutter provides several built-in layout widgets such as Row, Column, Stack, and Wrap, which are used to arrange and position child widgets in different ways. However, in certain cases, you may need to create your own layout widget to achieve a specific layout behavior.

To create a custom multi-child layout widget in Flutter, you typically extend the MultiChildLayoutDelegate class. This class allows you to define the layout behavior and positioning of child widgets within your custom layout. Here are the basic steps to create a custom multi-child layout:

  1. Define the custom layout widget class:
    Create a new class that extends MultiChildRenderObjectWidget. This class will serve as the blueprint for your custom layout.

  2. Create the custom layout delegate:
    Implement a new class that extends MultiChildLayoutDelegate. This delegate will handle the layout and positioning of the child widgets within the custom layout.

  3. Use the custom layout widget:
    You can now use your custom layout widget in your Flutter application by providing it with the desired child widgets.

With these steps, you have created a custom multi-child layout widget in Flutter. The layout delegate you implemented will handle the positioning and sizing of the child widgets based on the rules you defined in the performLayout method.

Note that creating custom layouts can be complex, especially if you need to handle complex layout algorithms or interactions. It's important to have a good understanding of Flutter's rendering system and layout constraints to create efficient and correct custom layouts.

Example App

example flutter project

To use this code, you need to keep it in the main.dart file of your Flutter project. Here is a breakdown of the flow and functionality of the example app:

  1. The main function is the entry point of the app, which runs the MultipleChildLayoutApp widget.
  2. The MultipleChildLayoutApp widget is a stateless widget that configures the app's theme and sets the MultipleChildLayoutPage as the home page.
  3. The MultipleChildLayoutPage widget is a stateless widget that represents the main page of the app.
  4. It includes a Scaffold widget with an AppBar as the app bar and a body that contains a ListView.
  5. The ListView contains multiple sections, each demonstrating a different layout:
    • The first section demonstrates a vertical ListView with a list of ListTile widgets generated using ListView.builder.
    • The second section demonstrates a horizontal ListView with a list of blue-colored Container widgets using ListView.builder.
    • The third section demonstrates a GridView with a fixed cross-axis count of 3, displaying red-colored Container widgets.
    • The fourth section demonstrates a GridView with a dynamic cross-axis count of 2, displaying green-colored Container widgets.
    • The fifth section demonstrates a Wrap layout with Chip widgets, representing a flow of wrapped items.
    • The sixth section demonstrates the Flow layout with yellow-colored Container widgets.
    • The seventh section demonstrates a Table layout with purple-colored cells.

Note: Each section is separated by a SizedBox to provide spacing between them.


  1. Flutter provides a wide range of layout widgets to handle multiple child widgets efficiently and flexibly.
  2. Widgets like Row and Column allow horizontal and vertical arrangement of children respectively, while the Expanded widget expands children to fill available space.
  3. Stack widget enables layering of children on top of each other, perfect for overlays and complex layouts.
  4. ListView and its variations provide scrolling lists with different behaviors such as dynamic item generation, separators, and customizable physics.
  5. GridView offers grid-based layouts, allowing for the display of data in a tabular format with options for scrolling, dynamic item generation, and customizations.
  6. Wrap and Flow widgets are useful for wrapping and arranging children in a flow-like manner, accommodating variable numbers of children, and creating responsive layouts.

With these powerful multiple child layout widgets, Flutter empowers developers to create flexible, dynamic, and visually appealing user interfaces for their applications.