gedit Command in Linux

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In the realm of Linux, the terminal is a powerful tool that provides users with vast capabilities. Among its many features is the gedit command in Linux, which opens the gedit text editor. It is simple, straightforward, and allows you to quickly edit files on your Linux machine.

Syntax of gedit Command in Linux

The basic syntax of the gedit command in Linux is as follows:


  • OPTION: These are optional flags that modify the behavior of the gedit command. Some popular options include '--new-window' to open a new window and '--version' to show the version of gedit.
  • FILE: This is the name of the file you wish to edit. If the file does not exist, gedit will create a new file with this name.

Options in gedit Command in Linux

  1. --new-window: Opens a new instance of gedit in a new window.

    For example -


    The --new-window flag forces gedit to open in a new window.

  2. --version: Displays the version of gedit.

    For example -


    The --version flag prints the installed version of gedit.

  3. --encoding: Open the file using the specified encoding.

    For example -


    The --encoding flag allows the user to specify the encoding to use when opening a file.

Example Usages

  • Basic usage of gedit to open a file:


    Explanation: The gedit command is used to open 'file1.txt' in gedit text editor.

  • Opening multiple files using gedit:


    Explanation: The gedit command in Linux can be used to open multiple files simultaneously by specifying them one after the other.


  • Although gedit is a GUI editor, it can be used from the terminal which allows for flexibility when dealing with files on a remote server.

  • You can navigate between opened files in gedit by using Ctrl+Tab.

Advanced Use Cases of gedit Command in Linux

  • Open gedit with an unsaved file.:


    Explanation: Running gedit without specifying a file will open an untitled document, ideal for jotting down quick notes.

  • Display gedit help.:


    Explanation: The --help option is useful for getting quick access to the available options for the gedit command in Linux.

  • Open file in gedit at specific line number:


    Explanation: This command is useful when you want to start editing from a specific line in the text file.


  • The gedit command in Linux is a versatile tool for editing text files.

  • It allows you to open multiple files at once and supports different encodings.

  • Its integration with the terminal and GUI adds to its flexibility and ease of use.

  • Advanced features include opening files at specific line numbers and creating unsaved files for quick notes.