Export Function in Golang

Topics Covered


In this tutorial, you will learn how to export a golang function that you can use in another package. We will discuss why it is required, why it is a good practice, and when not to use it.

Why Export a Function?

The basic rule of 101 programming is modularity and reusability. Using modularity, you break down a feature into smaller tasks, and using reusability, you reuse the same functionality at multiple places.

By exporting the function, you can achieve reusability.

In golang, by default the scope of a function is limited to the package it is defined. To access a function in another package, you have to explicitly export it.

In golang, there is no special keyword required to export a function. Golang exports a function if its name's first letter is Uppercase.

Export a Function in Golang

Create a project directory structure as below:

Create an area/area.go file. This file contains a function to calculate the area of a circle.

Create a main.go file. This is the entry point of the program. From here you will try to access areaOfCircle.

Run the program:

You will notice it will throw an error as area.areaOfCircle is undefined.

Now change the function name to uppercase AreaOfCircle.

Run the program:

This time it will run and return the output.


Exporting using uppercase the first letter is not limited to the function, you can even export a struct and a variable. In short, anything which starts with an uppercase is an export.

Export a Variable

Let's follow the same directory structure and example. We will create a constant variable Pie and print its value in main.go.

Update area.go.

Update main.go


In this example, we created a constant variable Pie and printed its value in main.go.

Export a Struct

In this example, we will create a Rectangle struct and a function to calculate its area.

Update area.go

Update main.go


Remember in this example, the name of the struct and its fields', the first letter is in Uppercase.


In this tutorial, we learned how to export a function to make code reusable. We learned, in golang, there is no special keyword required to export a function. By Uppercasing the first letter of a function it exports.