Functions in Go Language

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A function is simply a group of programming statements, When executed together they perform tasks in a step-by-step manner. functions also eliminate repetition of code and make the code reusable making them clean and ordered.


Functions are a group of programming statements. Functions provide us with the concept of reusability which promotes code reusability, Reducing the usage of memory and development time.   The function allows you to extract a commonly used block of code into a single component.

In Golang, Every code execution starts with the main() function which acts as an entry point for the execution flow.



Function Declaration

The declaration of the function contains

  • func: It is a keyword in the language, which is used to create a Golang function.
  • function_name: It is the name of the function.
  • Parameter-list: It contains the name and the type of the function inputs.
  • Return_type: Returns types are optional in Golang. It contains details about what will a function return if we add a return type to our function, It is mandatory to pass a return value in our function.

Function Calling

Golang Function can be called in a below way.


We will create an example of simple addition. A function add is created with the func keyword before it. the func keyword tells Go that this piece of code is a function. Later we invoked the function in the main() using its name.


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Function Arguments

Call by Value

When we pass values of variables to a function as parameters, those functions are known as Call By Value. Changes made to the function variable won't update the original variables as we pass copies of those.


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Call by Reference

While Calling a function, If we pass the address of a variable instead of a value, Those functions are known as Call by Reference. Changes made to function variables update the original variables as we are passing the addresses of those.


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More Examples

Let's see more examples of the Golang function.

Golang Functions Returning Multiple Values


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The Return Values of a Function can be Named in Golang


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Golang Passing Address to a Function


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Anonymous Functions in Golang


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  • Understood the concept of functions and studied the syntax and declaration of functions.
  • Created a vast number of function examples.
  • understood the concept of call by value and call by reference with examples.