How to Edit Crontab in Linux?

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Scheduling automated tasks in Linux is a simple technique that involves editing the crontab. Open a terminal on your Linux computer to get started. Once the terminal is active, enter the command "crontab -e" to open the crontab file. This will launch the system's built-in text editor and open the crontab file. The lines in the crontab file stand in for scheduled jobs. There is a unique syntax for each line that includes periods, instructions, and parameters. Use the proper syntax to update the crontab and change or add jobs. When setting the schedule, pay close attention to symbols like asterisks (*), numerals, and operators like commas (,) and slashes (/).

What is a Crontab?

In Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, Crontab is a time-based task scheduler. It enables users to programmatically plan and execute routine chores or scripts at predetermined intervals. The Greek word "cron," which stands for "Chronos" and means time, is where the name "crontab" comes from.

A set of instructions intended to be run by the cron daemon is contained in a simple text file known as a crontab file. The execution of scheduled tasks is initiated by the cron daemon, which continuously examines the crontab files and operates in the background. On a Linux system, any user can have their crontab file.

There are lines in the crontab file, and each line represents a different task. Time intervals, instructions, and options are all included in the unique syntax that each line uses. The syntax is divided into five elements that indicate the task's execution time in terms of the minute, hour, day of the week, month, and month. Users can create specified periods or describe all possible values by using a variety of symbols and operators, such as asterisks (*) and slashes (/).

Users may automate a variety of operations by using crontab, including system upkeep, backups, data synchronization, log cleansing, software updates, and more. By doing away with the need for manual intervention, users may save time and make sure that operations are carried out regularly and dependably.

To create or modify the crontab file, users can use the "crontab" command followed by options like "-e" to edit, "-l" to list, or "-r" to remove the crontab entries. The crontab file is opened in the default text editor specified in the system. Users can edit the file to add, modify, or remove scheduled tasks, adhering to the correct crontab syntax.

How to Edit Crontab in Linux?

Editing the crontab file allows users to define various tasks to be performed automatically, such as system maintenance, backups, log cleanup, software updates, and more. By leveraging crontab, users can eliminate the need for manual execution of repetitive tasks, saving time and ensuring consistent execution.

There are multiple methods to edit the crontab in Linux, including using the "crontab -e" command, which opens the crontab file in the default text editor, or using a specific text editor like Nano to modify the file. Both methods provide users with flexibility and convenience in managing their scheduled tasks effectively.

By using Crobtab -e

To edit the crontab in Linux, one of the commonly used methods is by utilizing the "crontab -e" command. This command allows you to open and modify the crontab file using the default text editor specified in your Linux system. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use "crontab -e" to edit the crontab:

  • Open a terminal:
    Launch the terminal on your Linux system. You can typically find the terminal application in the "Applications" menu or by using the search function.
  • Access the crontab file: In the terminal, type the following command and press Enter:
  • Understand the crontab syntax: Once the crontab file is opened, it's important to understand the syntax used for scheduling tasks. Each line in the crontab represents a separate task, and it follows a specific format consisting of five fields: minute, hour, day of the month, month, and day of the week. Each field can accept specific values or symbols, such as asterisks (*) or commas (,), to define the schedule.
  • Edit the crontab: Using the text editor opened by the "crontab -e" command, make the necessary modifications to the crontab file. Add, modify, or remove scheduled tasks according to your requirements. Ensure that the syntax of each line adheres to the correct format.

For example, let's say you want to schedule a script to run every day at 9 AM. You can add the following line to the crontab file:

This line specifies that the script should be executed at minute 0 of the 9th hour, every day, every month, and every day of the week.

  • Save and exit the text editor: After making the necessary changes, save the crontab file and exit the text editor. The specific instructions for saving and exiting depend on the text editor being used. In most cases, you can press Ctrl + X to exit, and the editor will prompt you to save the changes before closing.
  • Verify the changes: To ensure that your modifications have been successfully applied, you can use the following command to view the current crontab entries:

This command displays your crontab file's current contents, along with any modifications you've made. Check to see if the scheduled tasks are displaying properly.

You may simply change the scheduled jobs without directly altering the crontab file by using the "crontab -e" tool to edit the crontab. It offers an intuitive user interface and guarantees that the modifications are made properly. This technique makes it simple to automate repetitive processes and improve workflow in Linux.

By Using Nano

To edit the crontab in Linux using the Nano text editor, follow these steps:

  • Open a terminal: Launch the terminal on your Linux system. You can typically find the terminal application in the "Applications" menu or by using the search function.
  • Access the crontab file: In the terminal, type the following command and press Enter:

This command opens the crontab file for editing using the default text editor.

  • Change the default editor to Nano (optional): If the default text editor is not Nano, you can change it to Nano temporarily by typing the following command and pressing Enter:

This command sets Nano as the default editor for the current session.

  • Edit the crontab using Nano: To open the crontab file using Nano, type the following command in the terminal and press Enter:

This command launches Nano and opens the crontab file.

  • Make the necessary changes: Inside Nano, you can navigate through the crontab file using the arrow keys. Locate the lines representing the scheduled tasks and modify them according to your requirements. Each line follows the crontab syntax, consisting of time intervals, commands, and options. , For example,, to schedule a task to run every day at 9 AM, you can modify the line to:

Ensure that the syntax is correct for each line you modify.

  • Save and exit Nano: After making the necessary changes, press Ctrl + O to save the file. You will be prompted to confirm the filename—simply press Enter. To exit Nano, press Ctrl + X. If there are any unsaved changes, Nano will prompt you to save them before closing.
  • Verify the changes: To verify that your modifications have been applied, you can use the following command to view the current crontab entries:

This command lists the current contents of your crontab file, including the changes you made. Check that the scheduled tasks are displayed correctly.

Editing the crontab using Nano provides a straightforward way to modify the scheduled tasks using a familiar text editor. It allows you to navigate through the crontab file easily, make changes, and save them efficiently. By leveraging Nano, you can conveniently automate recurring tasks and manage your crontab configuration in Linux.


Q. What is crontab in Linux, and why would I need to edit it?

A. Crontab is a time-based job scheduler in Linux that allows users to schedule and automate the execution of recurring tasks or scripts. Editing the crontab file enables you to define and modify these scheduled tasks, such as system maintenance, backups, log cleanups, or any other task that needs to be executed at specific times or intervals.

Q. How do I schedule a task to run multiple times a day?

A. To schedule a task to run multiple times a day, you can specify multiple time values in the hour and/or minute fields of the crontab entry. For example, "0 8,12,16 * * * command" will run the command at 8 AM, 12 PM, and 4 PM every day.

Q. Can I schedule tasks to run at a specific time of day with crontab?

A. Yes, you can schedule tasks to run at a specific time of day by specifying the desired hour and minute in the crontab entry. For example, "30 9 * * * command" will run the command at 9:30 AM every day.

Q. Can I use a different text editor to edit the crontab file?

A. Yes, you can use a different text editor of your choice. Before opening the crontab, you can set your desired editor temporarily by using the command "export VISUAL=editor_name".

Q. How do I edit the crontab file using Nano?

A. To edit the crontab using Nano:

  • Open a terminal and type "crontab -e" to access the crontab file.
  • If Nano is not the default editor, set it temporarily using the command "export VISUAL=nano".
  • Type "nano" to launch Nano and open the crontab file.
  • Make the necessary changes to the scheduled tasks.
  • Press Ctrl + O to save the file, and Ctrl + X to exit Nano.

Q. How can I verify if my changes to the crontab were successful?

A. To verify the changes, use the command "crontab -l" in the terminal. It lists the current contents of your crontab file, displaying the modified schedule and tasks.

Q. Can I remove or delete a crontab entry?

A. Yes, you can remove or delete a crontab entry. Simply delete the corresponding line representing the task from the crontab file and save the changes.

Q. What precautions should I take while editing the crontab?

A. While editing the crontab, ensure that you understand the syntax and follow it accurately. Mistakes in the syntax or unintended modifications can lead to undesired results. It is advisable to have a backup of the original crontab file before making significant changes.


  • Linux's Crontab automates the execution of repeating actions or scripts by using a time-based job scheduler.
  • You may establish and alter the scheduled jobs by editing the crontab, which enables you to automate different system maintenance, backups, or other recurring processes.
  • Using "crontab -e" or a text editor like Nano are the two most popular ways to alter the crontab.
  • The "crontab -e" command opens the crontab file in the built-in text editor, enabling you to make direct changes to the scheduled jobs.
  • Before accessing the crontab, run the command "export VISUAL=nano" to temporarily make Nano the default text editor.
  • The crontab syntax, which consists of the five fields minute, hour, day of the month, month, and day of the week, is used to specify jobs in the crontab file.
  • Follow the proper syntax, then adjust the jobs to schedule them at the desired intervals and timings.
  • Save your changes and close the editor after making them in the crontab file. To save and leave Nano, use Ctrl + O and Ctrl + X, respectively.
  • By using the command "crontab -l" to see the crontab file's most recent contents, you may confirm the modifications.
  • When modifying the crontab file, care must be taken to ensure proper syntax and to create backup copies of the original file.
  • Additional options include redirecting task output to a file, scheduling tasks at specific intervals, using environment variables, commenting out entries to disable them, and considering the management of a reasonable number of tasks.