How to Handle Auto Suggestion in Selenium WebDriver ?

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Processing autosuggestions in Selenium WebDriver involves detecting an input field, typing the desired text, waiting for a list of suggestions to appear, finding an item in the list of suggestions, selecting the desired suggestion or recognizing the item or simulating keyboard actions, and confirming. the choice. The implementation may vary by site/app.


When automating tests or web automation tasks with Selenium WebDriver, you often have to deal with auto-suggestions that appear in input fields as you type. Auto-suggestions usually appear in drop-down lists and require certain steps to handle them correctly. This includes identifying an input field, typing text to display suggestions, waiting for a list of suggestions to appear, finding an item in the list of suggestions, selecting the desired suggestion, and checking the selection if necessary.

Locating Auto Suggestion Elements

  1. By XPath:

    Use the find_element_by_xpath method to find a proposal element using this XPath expression. Check the list of recommendations in the HTML source code to identify the unique XPath that is associated with the desired recommendation.

  2. By tag Name:

    Use the find_element_by_tag_name method to locate the suggestion element based on its HTML tag.

  3. By class name:

    Use the find_element_by_class_name method to locate the suggested element based on its class name.

  4. By CSS selector:

    Use the find_element_by_css_selector method to locate the suggestion element using its CSS selector. Identify the appropriate CSS selector that uniquely identifies the suggestion element.

Interacting with Auto Suggestion

Entering Text to Trigger Auto Suggestion

  1. Locate an input field:

    Use one of the locate methods provided by Selenium WebDriver, such as find_element_by_id, find_element_by_name, or find_element_by_xpath, to locate an input field element.

  2. Clear input field:

    If the input field already contains text, you can clear it before entering new text. Use a use clear method to remove existing text from an input field.

  3. Enter text:

    Use the send_keys method on the input field element to simulate typing the desired text. Provide the text as an argument to the send_keys method.

Handling auto-suggestion dropdown or list

  1. Locate the element using any of the above-mentioned methods.

  2. You can choose an option from the list in several ways. You can use WebDriver methods like find_element_by_xpath to find and click on the desired recommendation element.

  3. After selecting an option, you may want to make sure that the selected option is entered correctly in the input field. Use WebDriver methods like get_attribute or get_property to retrieve the input text and compare it to the expected proposal.

Selecting Auto Suggestion Options

  1. Click on the suggestion:

    • Locate the desired suggestion element using appropriate locator methods
    • Use the click method on the suggestion element to select it.
  2. Send keys to the input field:

    • After entering text into the input field, send special keys to navigate and select the suggestion using the send_keys method on the input field element.

    • Simulate keyboard actions such as pressing the down arrow key to highlight the suggestion and then pressing the Enter key to select it.

  3. Execute JavaScript:

    • If the suggestion list is not easily accessible using Selenium's usual methods, you can execute JavaScript to interact with the suggestion elements directly.
    • Use the execute_script method on the WebDriver instance to execute JavaScript code to select a suggestion.

Handling Dynamic Auto Suggestion

  1. Enter text to trigger suggestions:

    Locate the input field and use the send_keys method to enter the desired text that will trigger the suggestions.

  2. Wait for suggestions to appear:

    Implement a wait mechanism to ensure that the suggestion list has loaded and become visible. You can use explicit or implicit waits to wait for the suggestion elements to be present, visible, or clickable.

    Example using explicit wait with WebDriverWait:

  3. Locate and select the suggestion:

    Once the suggestion list appears, locate the desired suggestion element based on its attributes, such as text, class name, or CSS selector. Since the suggestions are dynamic, you may need to use a flexible approach to find the appropriate element.

    Example using XPath:

Verifying Auto Suggestion Results

  1. Retrieve the input field value:

    After selecting a suggestion, use WebDriver's methods like get_attribute or get_property to retrieve the value entered in the input field.

  2. Compare with the expected suggestion or result:

    Compare the retrieved input value with the expected suggestion or the resulting value to ensure they match.

Dealing with Auto Suggestion with AJAX or JavaScript

  1. Explicit Wait:

    Implement an explicit wait to wait for the auto suggestion results to be populated. Use WebDriverWait along with the expected_conditions module to wait until the suggestion elements are visible or present.

    Example using WebDriverWait and visibility_of_element_located:

  2. Polling:

    If auto-recommendation results take longer to load or are updated dynamically, you can implement a polling mechanism that repeatedly checks for the presence or visibility of recommendation elements until they appear.

    Example of using the query mechanism:

  3. JavaScript execution:

    If autosuggestions rely heavily on JavaScript functions or AJAX calls, you may need to execute JavaScript code to trigger fetching suggestions or wait for certain events to occur. JavaScript execution example:

Handling Auto Suggestion in Different Input Fields

Handling auto suggestions in text fields

  1. Locate an input field:

    Use the appropriate locating method. Enter text to trigger suggestions: Use the send_keys method to enter the desired text into the input field.

  2. Wait for recommendations to appear:

    Enable the wait mechanism to ensure that the list of recommendations is loaded and displayed. You can use direct or implicit expectations to assume that recommendation elements are present, visible, or clickable. An example of an explicit wait with WebDriverWait:

  3. Save Recommendations:

    When a list of recommendations is displayed, save the text of the recommendations by repeating the elements of the recommendation.

  4. Check and select the desired offer:

    Compare the offers with your expected values and choose the desired offer.

Handling auto suggestions in search fields or search bars

  1. Use the appropriate locator method to locate the element

  2. Use the send_keys method to enter the desired search text in the search field.

  3. Implement a wait mechanism to ensure that the suggestion list has loaded and become visible. Use explicit or implicit waits to wait for the suggestion elements to be present, visible, or clickable.

  4. Once the suggestion list appears, capture the suggestions' text by iterating through the suggestion elements. Compare the suggestions with your expected values or keywords to verify their relevance.

  5. Choose the appropriate method to select the desired suggestion. It can be clicking on the suggestion element, pressing Enter key or any other interaction method based on the behavior of the search field.

Advanced Techniques for Auto Suggestion Handling

Implementing Partial Matching or Fuzzy Search with Auto Suggestion

  • Use WebDriver's methods like get_attribute or get_property to retrieve the value entered in the search field.

  • Iterate through the suggestion elements and filter them based on partial matching or fuzzy search logic. You can use string comparison or regular expressions to perform the partial matching.

    Example using string comparison:

    Example using regular expressions:

  • After filtering the suggestions, choose the appropriate method to select the desired suggestion. It can be clicking on the suggestion element, pressing Enter key, or any other interaction method based on the behavior of the auto-suggestion feature.

Handling large auto suggestion lists efficiently

  1. Limit visible suggestions to reduce DOM size.
  2. Use lazy loading or pagination to load suggestions on demand.
  3. Optimize server-side retrieval for faster response.
  4. Implement incremental typing to retrieve relevant suggestions.
  5. Apply intelligent filtering to narrow down the list.

Best Practices for Auto Suggestion Handling in Selenium WebDriver

  • Implement explicit waits to ensure the auto-suggestion elements are present and visible before interacting with them.
  • Verify the suggestions by comparing them with expected values to ensure correctness.
  • Optimize performance for large suggestion lists by implementing lazy loading or pagination.
  • Test different scenarios and cover positive/negative cases to ensure robust handling.
  • Consider cross-environment testing to ensure compatibility across browsers and operating systems.


  • Handling auto suggestions in Selenium WebDriver involves locating the suggestion elements, triggering suggestions, and interacting with the suggestion list.
  • It is important to use explicit waits to ensure the suggestion elements are loaded and visible before interacting with them.
  • Handling dynamic suggestions may require dynamic waits or incremental typing to adapt to changes.
  • Cross-environment testing helps ensure compatibility across browsers and operating systems.
  • Implementing logging and reporting mechanisms aids in tracking and debugging auto-suggestion handling.