How to Link to a Specific Part of a Page in HTML?

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Hyperlinks are known to connect two web pages. However, with a little tweaking here and there, hyperlinks can help us in linking contents on the same page as well. To be able to link to a specific part of a HTML page is super-easy and super-useful and allows the users to flow through a website page.


What are We Creating?

An anchor tag helps in creating a link, that allows the users to flow through a website page without unnecessary scrolling. It can be used to link to a different section of the same page or a specific part of another HTML page.

In this article, we shall delve into this feature that helps to skim-read easily.

Below is the list of benefits of using Jump links with HTML:

  • Adding Jump links make navigation across the website of an organization easier. It allows users to skip manual scrolling through a web page.
  • Scrolling to find the desired information consumes a lot of time. However, jump links can improve the usability of a web page and enhance its efficiency.
  • Organizing website elements and finding the desired content will get easier for the users with the help of Jump links.

Specific Part of Same Page

Step 1 - Assigning a name

At the initial step we assign a name to the section of the page we want to jump to.

Step 2- Creating an anchor link

Then, we create an anchor tag, add an id attribute to it and specify the given name.

Alternatively a header or image or paragraph tag can be used in place of anchors as shown below:

Note: Each id can appear only once on a page.

Step 3- Creating a hyperlink

We can assign a href value to the anchor tag using the id of the link target, preceded by the #(hashtag/pound) symbol.

Finally, after adding the preferred text, you will be able to fly through the page sections.





Specific Part of Different Page

  1. A name is assigned to the targeted section.
  2. The name is then set to the id attribute of the desired object.
  1. The href value for the anchor tag includes the name of webpage and the specified section.

It is possible to add styling to the jumping anchor using a <style> tag in the <head> element. Styling can be done using properties like background-color, color, text-decoration, etc. Let us look at the given code that adds style to the jumping anchor link.


In the above code, text-decoration is set to none to remove the underline that is present in anchor tag elements by default. The color of text and background color are changed to a shade of blue and white respectively. To style elements more a hover effect is applied where color of text is set to white, and background color is set to a shade of blue.




After applying styles



  • If you are stuck with how to link to a specific part of a page HTML, at first assign an id to the portion or object where you want to jump.
  • Then, create an HTML anchor tag <a> or a jump link and assign the object name to the id attribute by adding a # at the start.
  • Clicking on the added hyperlink will navigate you towards the specific part of the page where you want to jump.