What is HTML Icon Code?

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What is HTML icon code?

When we want to display any character symbol on our HTML page, we can use Unicode, entity name, entity number, or hexadecimal code (hex code) because many currency symbols, mathematical symbols, punctuation symbols, arrow symbols, and number symbols cannot be used directly in HTML as all symbols are not available on the keyboard. To display an icon in HTML web pages, we use Html icon codes which could be the icon's entity name, entity number, or hexadecimal code.
These Html icon codes are reserved.


  • Some HTML5 entities in the tables above may not be supported by older browsers.
  • Chrome and Opera provide excellent support, whereas Internet Explorer 11 and Firefox 35+ support all entities.

Currency Symbols Supported by HTML

We can use the HTML entity mentioned in the table below to display any of these currency symbols in HTML. We can also use hexadecimal code(hex code) reference if the character does not have an HTML entity.

U+20BF₿\20BFBitcoin Sign
¥U+000A5¥¥¥\00A5Yen Sign
$U+00024$$$\0024Dollar Sign
U+020AC€€€\20ACEuro Sign
£U+000A3£££\00A3Pound Sign
¢U+000A2¢¢¢\00A2Cent Sign
U+020B9₹₹\20B9Indian Rupee Sign
U+020BD₽₽\20BDRuble Sign

Mathematical Symbols Supported by HTML

We can use the HTML entity mentioned in the table below to display any of these mathematical symbols in HTML. We can also use a hexadecimal code(hex code) reference if the character does not have an HTML entity.

+U+0002B+++\002BPlus Sign
U+02212−−−\2212Minus Sign
×U+000D7×××\00D7Multiplication Sign
U+02217∗∗∗\2217Asterisk Operator
÷U+000F7÷÷÷\00F7Divison Sign
U+02215∕∕\2215Divison Slash
=U+0003D===\003DEqual Sign
U+02260≠≠≠\2260Not Equal to Sign
±U+000B1±±±\00B1Plus or Minus Sign
U+02213∓∓∓\2213Minus or Plus Sign
<U+0003C&#x3c;&#60;&lt;\003CLess Than Sign
>U+0003E&#x3e;&#62;&gt;\003EGreate Than Sign
U+022DC&#x22DC;&#8924;\22DCLess Than or Equal to Sign
U+022DD&#x22DD;&#8925;\22DDGreater Than or Equal to Sign
ƒU+00192&#x192;&#402;&fnof;\0192Function Sign
°U+000B0&#xb0;&#176;&deg;\00B0Degree Sign
%U+00025&#x25;&#37;&percnt;\0025Percent Sign
U+02200&#x2200;&#8704;&forall;\2200For All
U+02202&#x2202;&#8706;&part;\2202Partial Differential
U+02203&#x2203;&#8707;&exist;\2203There Exists
U+02204&#x2204;&#8708;&nexist;\2204There Does Not Exists
U+02211&#x2211;&#8721;&sum;\2211N-Ary Summation
U+0221A&#x221A;&#8730;&radic;\221ASquare Root
U+0221B&#x221B;&#8731;\221BCube Root
U+0221C&#x221C;&#8732;\221CFourth Root
U+0221D&#x221D;&#8733;&prop;\221DProportional To
U+0221F&#x221F;&#8735;&angrt;\221FRight Angle
U+02227&#x2227;&#8743;&and;\2227Logical AND
U+02228&#x2228;&#8744;&or;\2228Logical OR
U+0223C&#x223C;&#8764;&sim;\223CTilde Operator
U+0223D&#x223D;&#8765;&bsim;\223DReversed Tilde
U+02282&#x2282;&#8834;&sub;\2282Subset of
U+02283&#x2283;&#8835;&sup;\2283Superset of

Punctuation Symbols Supported by HTML

We can use the HTML entity mentioned in the table below to display any punctuation symbols in HTML. We can also use a hexadecimal code(hex code) reference if the character does not have an HTML entity.

©U+000A9&#xa9;&#169;&copy;\00A9Copyright Sign
®U+000AE&#xae;&#174;&reg;\00AERegistered Trade Mark
U+02122&#x2122;&#8482;&trade;\2122Trade Mark Sign
#U+00023&#x23;&#35;&num;\0023Number Sign
@U+00040&#x40;&#64;&commat;\0040At Symbol
?U+0003F&#x3f;&#63;&quest;\003FQuestion Mark
¿U+000BF&#xbf;&#191;&iquest;\00BFInverted Question Mark
!U+00021&#x21;&#33;&excl;\0021Exclamation Mark
¡U+000A1&#xa1;&#161;&iexcl;\00A1Inverted Exclamation Mark
U+02018&#x2018;&#8216;&lsquo;\2018Left Single Quotation Mark
U+02019&#x2019;&#8217;&rsquo;\2019Right Single Quotation Mark
"U+00022&#x22;&#34;&quot;\0022Quotation Mark
U+0201C&#x201C;&#8220;&ldquo;\201CLeft Quotation Mark
U+0201D&#x201D;&#8221;&rdquo;\201DRight Quotation Mark
;U+0003B&#x3b;&#59;&semi;\003BSemi Colon
(U+00028&#x28;&#40;&lpar;\0028Left Parenthesis
)U+00029&#x29;&#41;&rpar;\0029Right Parenthesis
[U+0005B&#x5b;&#91;&lbrack;\005BLeft Bracket
]U+0005D&#x5d;&#93;&rbrack;\005DRight Bracket
{U+0007B&#x7b;&#123;&lbrace;\007BLeft Brace
}U+0007D&#x7d;&#125;&rbrace;\007DRight Brace
U+02011&#x2011;&#8209;\2011Non-Breaking Hyphen
U+02012&#x2012;&#8210;Figure dash
U+02013&#x2013;&#8211;&ndash;\2013En Dash
U+02014&#x2014;&#8212;&mdash;\2014Em dash
U+02015&#x2015;&#8213;&horbar;\2015Horizontal Bar
¯U+000AF&#xaf;&#175;&macr;\00AFSpacing Macron
`U+00060&#x60;&#96;&grave;\0060Grave Accent
|U+0007C&#x7c;&#124;&vert;\007CVertical Bar
¦U+000A6&#xa6;&#166;&brvbar;\00A6Broken Vertical Bar
µU+000B5&#xb5;&#181;&micro;\00B5Micro Sign
U+000B6&#xb6;&#182;&para;\00B6Paragraph Sign

Arrow Symbols Supported by HTML

We can use the HTML entity mentioned in the table below to display any of these arrow symbols in HTML. We can also use a hexadecimal code(hex code) reference if the character does not have an HTML entity.

U+02190&#x2190;&#8592;&larr;\20BFLeft Arrow
U+02192&#x2192;&#8594;&rarr;\2192Right Arrow
U+02191&#x2191;&#8593;&uarr;\2191Up Arrow
U+02193&#x2193;&#8595;&darr;\2193Down Arrow
U+02194&#x2194;&#8596;&harr;\2194Left Right Arrow
U+02195&#x2195;&#8597;&varr;\2195Up Down Arrow
U+02196&#x2196;&#8598;&nwarr;\2196North West Arrow
U+02197&#x2197;&#8599;&nearr;\2197North East Arrow
U+02198&#x2198;&#8600;&searr;\2198South East Arrow
U+02199&#x2199;&#8601;&swarr;\2199South West Arrow
U+0219E&#x219e;&#8606;&Larr;\219ELeft Two Headed Arrow
U+021A0&#x21a0;&#8608;&Rarr;\21A0Right Two Headed Arrow
U+0219F&#x219f;&#8607;&Uarr;\219FUp Two Headed Arrow
U+021A1&#x21a1;&#8609;&Darr;\21A1Down Two Headed Arrow
U+021A9&#x21a9;&#8617;&larrhk;\21A9Left Arrow with Hook
U+021AA&#x21aa;&#8618;&rarrhk;\21AARight Arrow with Hook
U+021B4&#x21b4;&#8628;\21B4Down Arrow with Corner Down
U+021B5&#x21b5;&#8629;&crarr;\21B5Down Arrow with Corner Left
U+021B0&#x21b0;&#8624;&lsh;\21B0Up Arrow with Tip Left
U+021B1&#x21b1;&#8625;&rsh;\21B1Up Arrow with Tip Right
U+021B2&#x21b2;&#8626;&ldsh;\21B2Down Arrow with Tip Left
U+021B3&#x21b3;&#8627;&rdsh;\21B3Down Arrow with Tip Right
U+021B6&#x21b6;&#8630;&cularr;\21B6Anticlockwise Top Semicircle Arrow
U+021B7&#x21b7;&#8631;&curarr;\21B7Clockwise Top Semicircle Arrow
U+021BA&#x21ba;&#8634;&olarr;\21BAAnticlockwise Open Circle Arrow
U+021BB&#x21bb;&#8635;&orarr;\21BBClockwise Open Circle Arrow
U+021BC&#x21bc;&#8636;&lharu;\21BCLeft Harpoon With Barb Up
U+021BD&#x21bd;&#8637;&lhard;\21BDLeft Harpoon With Barb Down
U+021BE&#x21be;&#8638;&uharr;\21BEUp Harpoon With Barb Right
U+021BF&#x21bf;&#8639;&uharl;\21BFUp Harpoon With Barb Left
U+021C0&#x21c0;&#8640;&rharu;\21C0Right Harpoon With Barb Up
U+021C1&#x21c1;&#8641;&rhard;\21C1Right Harpoon With Barb Down
U+021C2&#x21c2;&#8642;&dharr;\21C2Down Harpoon With Barb Right
U+021C3&#x21c3;&#8643;&dharl;\21C3Down Harpoon With Barb Left
U+021C4&#x21c4;&#8644;&rlarr;\21C4Right Arrow Over Left Arrow
U+021C6&#x21c6;&#8646;&lrarr;\21C6Left Arrow over Right Arrow
U+021C5&#x21c5;&#8645;&udarr;\21C5Up Arrow Left of Down Arrow
U+021C7&#x21c7;&#8647;&llarr;\21C7Left Paired Arrows
U+021C9&#x21c9;&#8649;&rrarr;\21C9Right Paired Arrows
U+021C8&#x21c8;&#8648;&uuarr;\21C8Up Paired Arrows
U+021CA&#x21cA;&#8650;&ddarr;\21CADown Paired Arrows
U+021CB&#x21cb;&#8651;&lrhar;\21CBLeft Harpoon Over Right Harpoon
U+021CC&#x21cc;&#8652;&rlhar;\21CCRight Harpoon Over Left Harpoon

Number Symbols Supported by HTML

We can use the HTML entity mentioned in the table below to display any number symbols in HTML. We can also use a hexadecimal code(hex code) reference if the character does not have an HTML entity.

¼U+000BC&#xbc;&#188;&frac14;\00BCFraction One Quarter
½U+000BD&#xbd;&#189;&frac12;\00BDFraction One Half
¾U+000BE&#xbe;&#190;&frac34;\00BEFraction Three Quarter
U+02150&#x2150;&#8528;\2150Vulgar Fraction One Seventh
U+02151&#x2151;&#8529;\2151Vulgar Fraction One Ninth
U+02152&#x2152;&#8530;\2152Vulgar Fraction One Tenth
U+02153&#x2153;&#8531;&frac13;\2153Vulgar Fraction One Third
U+02154&#x2154;&#8532;&frac23;\2154Vulgar Fraction Two Third
U+02155&#x2155;&#8533;&frac15;\2155Vulgar Fraction One Fifth
U+02156&#x2156;&#8534;&frac25;\2156Vulgar Fraction Two Fifth
U+02157&#x2157;&#8535;&frac35;\2157Vulgar Fraction Three Fifth
U+02158&#x2158;&#8536;&frac45;\2158Vulgar Fraction Four Fifth
U+02159&#x2159;&#8537;&frac16;\2159Vulgar Fraction One Sixths
U+0215A&#x215A;&#8538;&frac56;\215AVulgar Fraction Five Sixths
U+0215B&#x215B;&#8539;&frac18;\215BVulgar Fraction One Eightth
U+0215C&#x215C;&#8540;&frac38;\215CVulgar Fraction Three Eightth
U+0215D&#x215D;&#8541;&frac58;\215DVulgar Fraction Five Eightth
U+0215E&#x215E;&#8542;&frac78;\215EVulgar Fraction Seven Eightth
U+02160&#x2160;&#8544;\2160Roman Numeral One
U+02161&#x2161;&#8545;\2161Roman Numeral Two
U+02162&#x2162;&#8546;\2162Roman Numeral Three
U+02163&#x2163;&#8547;\2163Roman Numeral Four
U+02164&#x2164;&#8548;\2164Roman Numeral Five
U+02165&#x2165;&#8549;\2165Roman Numeral Six
U+02166&#x2166;&#8550;\2166Roman Numeral Seven
U+02167&#x2167;&#8551;\2167Roman Nmeral Eight
U+02168&#x2168;&#8552;\2168Roman Numeral Nine
U+02169&#x2169;&#8553;\2169Roman Numeral Ten
U+0216A&#x216A;&#8554;\216ARoman Numeral Eleven
U+0216B&#x216B;&#8555;\216BRoman Numeral Twelve


  • HTML code is used to display any character on a web page.
  • In HTML, reserved characters are displayed using character entities.
  • The name of an entity is simple to memorize.
  • Although not all entity names are supported by all browsers, entity numbers are well supported.
  • We discussed most of the commonly used HTML icon codes.