<i> Tag in HTML

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The <i> tag in HTML specifies a section of text that is used to display a different tone or subject as compared to the rest of the text, and this specified text is displayed in an italics typeface.

Syntax of <i> Tag in HTML


Default CSS for i Element:



<i> Tag Attributes

<i> tag supports all the global and event attributes, some of the important ones are listed below:

Global Attributes:

  • class: refers to the class name for styling using CSS,
  • id: refers to a unique id for events and styling,
  • style: used to add inline-css to the element,
  • dir: refers to the direction of the text on the output page, etc.

Event Attributes:

  • onload: when the page has finished loading, this method is called.
  • onmessage: when a message is triggered, the script will run.
  • ononline: when the browser is connected to the internet, then this method is called, etc.

How to Use <i> Tag in HTML?

  • Readability of the visitors of your webpage is very important, and to improve readability, we use the <i> tag in HTML. <i> tag makes a text separated (italicized) from the rest of the text, these separated words/text could be a group that has distinct semantic meanings from the rest of the text, for example:

    • A different tone or emotion
    • Technical jargon
    • Taxonomic nomenclature
    • Thoughts (for example, "She thought, Will it rain tomorrow? "), etc.
  • Earlier in HTML standards, the <i> tag was just an element used for showing a specialized text in italics, similar to how the <b> element. <b> tag is used to display text in bold typeface. This is no longer the case, as these tags now specify semantics rather than aesthetics. Although a browser may still display the contents of the <i> element in the italic typeface, it is no longer necessary. Coders should utilize the CSS font-style attribute to display the italicized text.

  • We use <i> tag in HTML when there is no other appropriate semantic element is supported, for example:

    • <em>: Emphasized text
    • <cite>: Title of a creative work
    • <dfn>: Definition of a term

    All these above tags also make the specific text in italics typeface.

<i> Tag Examples

1. <i> Tag to Make the Italic Text in HTML.


HTML i tag

2. <i> Tag && <p> Tag to Illustrate the Difference in the Text Appearance While Rendering It.


Code output HTML i tag

3. <i> Element to Mark Text That is in Another Language

Output: Final code output i tag

Browser Support

<i> tag in HTML is supported in almost all browsers. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge/IE
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari


  • <i> tag in HTML is used to italicize a section of the text.
  • As <i> tag is not a semantic tag, so <em>, <cite> or <dfn> tags can be used for italicizing a specific section of the text.
  • <i> tag supports all the global and event attributes.
  • <i> tag in HTML is supported in almost all browsers, like Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, etc.