Is Ruby Interpreted or Compiled?

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Ruby is a popular dynamic, object-oriented programming language known for its simplicity and flexibility. One common question that arises among programmers is whether Ruby is an interpreted language or a compiled language. In this article, we will explore the nature of interpretation and compilation, delve into Ruby's execution model, and shed light on the hybrid nature of Ruby, which combines both interpretation and compilation.

Before we dive into the details, let's address the primary question: Is Ruby an interpreted language or a compiled language? The answer may surprise you. Ruby is often described as an interpreted language, but that is not the whole story. Ruby, in fact, possesses a hybrid nature, combining elements of both interpretation and compilation.

What is Interpretation and Compilation?

To dig into the concept of "Is Ruby Interpreted or Compiled?", it is essential to grasp the concepts of interpretation and compilation. Let's briefly explore these two approaches:

What is an Interpreted Language

Interpretation involves executing code directly, line by line, without prior transformation. An interpreter reads the source code and immediately translates it into machine-understandable instructions. Let's consider an example in Python:

In an interpreted language like Python, the interpreter reads the code line by line. When the greet("John") statement is encountered, the interpreter immediately executes the greet function and displays the output "Hello, John!" on the console. This process of directly executing the code without prior compilation is known as interpretation.


Compilation involves transforming the entire source code into a lower-level representation, usually machine code, before execution. This transformation occurs ahead of time and results in faster execution. Let's consider an example in C++:

In a compiled language like C++, the source code is first compiled into machine code by a compiler. The resulting executable file can then be run independently without the need for further interpretation. When the compiled program is executed, the greet("John") statement is already translated into machine code, and the output "Hello, John!" is displayed. The compilation process significantly improves the execution speed of the program.

Understanding Ruby

Introduction to Ruby

Ruby, created by Yukihiro Matsumoto in the mid-1990s, is a powerful and elegant programming language. It focuses on simplicity and productivity, providing a clean and expressive syntax that is easy to read and write. Ruby's design philosophy revolves around the principle of "making programmers happy".

Ruby's Execution Model

In Ruby, the interpreter plays a vital role in executing the code. When you run a Ruby program, the interpreter reads the source code, line by line, and immediately translates it into instructions that the computer can understand and execute. This interpretation process allows for dynamic features like metaprogramming and runtime modifications.

To illustrate Ruby's execution model, let's consider an example:

In this example, when the Ruby program is executed, the interpreter begins by reading the source code line by line. It encounters the def calculate_sum(a, b) statement, which defines a method called calculate_sum that takes two parameters a and b. The interpreter registers this method in memory, ready to be invoked.

Next, the interpreter encounters the calculate_sum(5, 3) statement, which is a method invocation. It transfers control to the calculate_sum method and passes the values 5 and 3 as arguments.

Within the calculate_sum method, the interpreter executes the instructions line by line. It assigns the sum of a and b to the local variable sum. Then, it encounters the puts statement, which outputs the sum using string interpolation.

Finally, the interpreter reaches the end of the method, and control is transferred back to the point of invocation. The program displays the output "The sum of 5 and 3 is 8."

This execution model showcases the dynamic nature of Ruby. Since the interpreter processes the code at runtime, it allows for metaprogramming techniques where the code can modify itself or create new behaviors dynamically. This flexibility makes Ruby a powerful language for building expressive and adaptable applications.

NOTE: Metaprogramming in Ruby refers to the ability to modify or extend the behavior of a program at runtime. It allows developers to write code that can generate or modify other code, making Ruby a highly flexible and dynamic language.

The Compilation Aspect of Ruby

Misconception Behind Ruby Being Fully Interpreted

While Ruby is often referred to as an interpreted language, it is not entirely accurate. There is a common misconception that interpreted languages lack any form of compilation. However, in reality, many interpreted languages incorporate compilation techniques to improve performance.

Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilation Process in Ruby

As you have seen in the above example of ruby's execution model, when you execute Ruby code, the interpreter reads and translates the source code into instructions that the computer can understand and execute. This interpretation process allows for the dynamic features to apply seemlessly.

  • Hence, is Ruby Interpreted or Compiled? Ruby goes a step further and employs a Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation process to optimize performance. The JIT compiler dynamically analyzes the code during runtime and selectively compiles hotspots, which are frequently executed portions of the code, into machine code. This compilation process improves execution speed by reducing interpretation overhead. Ruby achieves a balance between the flexibility of interpretation and the speed of compilation.

To illustrate this concept, consider the following code snippet:

In this example, when the factorial method is called, the Ruby interpreter initially interprets the code. However, if the factorial method is invoked multiple times, the JIT compiler may intervene and compile the method into machine code, resulting in faster subsequent executions.

Hybrid Nature of Ruby

Ruby's hybrid nature, combining both interpretation and compilation, brings several benefits to developers:

  • Flexibility:

    Ruby's interpretation allows for dynamic features like metaprogramming, which enables developers to modify and extend the language itself during runtime.

  • Productivity:

    The simplicity and expressiveness of Ruby's syntax, combined with its hybrid execution model, contribute to increased developer productivity and rapid application development.

  • Performance:

    By utilizing JIT compilation, Ruby can achieve improved performance by selectively compiling frequently executed code segments, optimizing execution speed without sacrificing the language's dynamic nature.


  • Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language that possesses a hybrid nature, combining elements of both interpretation and compilation.
  • Interpretation involves executing code directly, line by line, while compilation transforms the entire source code into machine-understandable instructions ahead of time.
  • Ruby's execution model relies on interpretation, where the interpreter reads and translates the code into executable instructions at runtime.
  • The interpreter's role in Ruby allows for dynamic features like metaprogramming and runtime modifications, enhancing the language's flexibility.
  • Ruby also incorporates a Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation process, selectively compiling hotspots of the code into machine code during runtime for improved performance.
  • The hybrid nature of Ruby, combining interpretation and compilation, offers the benefits of flexibility, productivity, and performance.