PHP isset() Function

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In PHP, isset() is a built-in function that plays a crucial role in determining the existence and status of variables. It evaluates whether a variable has been defined and assigned a non-null value within the current scope. This function helps prevent errors that could arise from referencing undefined or null variables, enhancing the reliability of the code.

The isset() function takes one or more arguments, which can be variables, array elements, or object properties. It returns a boolean value, true if the provided variables are set and contain non-null values, and false otherwise.

Syntax of isset() in PHP

The isset() function in PHP is used to check if a variable is set and is not null. Here's the syntax of the isset() function in detail:

  • $var (mixed):
    The variable you want to check.
  • $... (mixed):
    Additional variables to check, you can provide multiple variables separated by commas.

Parameter Values of isset() in PHP

The isset() function in PHP is

  • $var (mixed):
    This is the main parameter and refers to the variable you want to check. It can be a variable, an array element, or an object property.
  • $... (mixed, optional):
    You can provide multiple variables as additional parameters to check their existence. Each parameter should be separated by a comma.

Return Value of isset() in PHP

The isset() function in PHP is

  • Returns true if all the provided variables are set and not null.
  • Returns false if at least one of the provided variables is not set or is null.
  • In other words, if all the variables passed to the isset() function have been defined and assigned a value other than null, the function returns true. If any of the variables are not set (undefined) or have a value of null, the function returns false.


Basic Use of isset()

The isset() function in PHP is primarily used to check whether a variable has been defined and assigned a value, ensuring that the variable is not null. It's a fundamental tool for preventing errors and ensuring your code operates on valid data. Here's a basic example of how isset() is used:


In the code, there are two variables: $name and $age. The purpose is to check whether these variables have been defined and if they hold non-null values.

The first if statement uses isset($name) to verify the status of the $name variable. Since $name is assigned the value "John", it passes the check. As a result, the code within the if block is executed, printing the message "Name is set and not null: John".

The Null Character ("\0") is Different From the PHP NULL constant

Here's an example that illustrates the difference between the null character "\0" and the PHP NULL constant using the isset() function:

This code example showcases the difference between the null character "\0" and the PHP NULL constant while utilizing the isset() function. Firstly, the variable $nullChar is assigned the value "\0", representing the null character. When isset($nullChar) is evaluated, it returns true since "\0" is considered set. The bin2hex() function converts the null character to a hexadecimal representation for clarity.

Use of unset()

The unset() function doesn't return any value and can be particularly useful in scenarios like iterative data processing, where you want to release memory used by variables no longer required. However, it's important to note that unsetting a variable doesn't necessarily mean immediate memory release; the PHP runtime will handle memory management accordingly.

Here's an example:

In this example, the unset() function is used to remove the $variable. After unsetting, attempting to use the variable results in an "Undefined variable" error because it's no longer defined.

Checking Multiple Variables

You can use the isset() function to check the existence of multiple variables in PHP. By providing multiple arguments separated by commas, you can check whether all the specified variables are set and not null. Here's how you can do it:

In this example, the isset() function is used to check the status of $var1, $var2, and $var3. If all the variables are set and not null, the first branch of the if statement is executed, indicating that all variables are set and not null. If any of the variables are not set or are null, the else branch is executed.

isset() to Check Session Variable

You can use the isset() function to check if a session variable is set and not null. Session variables are often used to store user-specific data across multiple pages during a user's visit to a website. Here's an example of using isset() to check a session variable:

The process begins with the invocation of the session_start() function. This action serves the dual purpose of either initiating a new session or continuing an existing one, effectively enabling the usage of session-related functionalities. Subsequently, a session variable named 'username' is established, taking on the value 'john_doe'. This variable holds user-specific information and persists across various pages during a single browsing session. To ascertain the presence and non-null state of this 'username' session variable, the isset() function comes into play.

If the 'username' variable holds a value, the code within the if block is executed, creating a personalized welcome message that includes the username. Conversely, should the 'username' session variable be absent or null, the code within the else block is activated, signaling that the variable lacks definition or holds a null value. This combination of functions and logic empowers effective session management and tailored user experiences within PHP applications.


  • Variable Validation:
    The isset() function is a crucial tool for validating the existence of variables in PHP code.
  • Preventing Errors:
    By using isset(), developers can prevent errors caused by referencing undefined variables, enhancing code reliability and stability.
  • Syntax and Usage:
    The function's syntax is isset($var), where $var is the variable being checked. It returns true if the variable is set and not null, otherwise, it returns false.
  • Multiple Variables:
    isset() can be used to simultaneously check multiple variables, aiding in the validation of complex scenarios involving multiple data points.
  • Session Management:
    It's valuable for session management, ensuring the presence of session variables before attempting to use them.
  • Arrays and Objects:
    In addition to scalar variables, isset() can also be used to validate array elements and object properties.
  • Differentiating from NULL:
    While isset() checks for the presence of a value, it's distinct from the PHP NULL constant, which specifically signifies the absence of a value.