JavaScript Operator Precedence

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Operator precedence and associativity are essential concepts that help us understand how to evaluate expressions containing multiple operations. JavaScript defines certain rules and assigns priorities to all the operators in order to determine the sequence of executing these operations in an expression.

What is Operator Precedence in JavaScript?

Operator precedence in JavaScript determines the order of execution of each individual operation in an arithmetic calculation or expression.

A statement or an expression in any programming language could involve some arithmetic calculations with more than one operation. For instance, consider the following statement:

It has two operators (+ and * respectively), and in order to evaluate the final result, you need to perform these two operations.

You can either perform the addition operation first, followed by the multiplication operation.

Or you can do it the other way round by performing the multiplication first, followed by the addition operation.

In both cases, you will get different results due to the order in which each operation is executed. So how do you determine the correct sequence of operations to produce consistent results in any arithmetic calculation?

That's the ambiguity operator precedence in JavaScript aims to solve. It assigns different priority levels to each operator. Based on this priority level or precedence of operators, the sequence or the order of execution of each operation within a statement is determined.

Precedence Level for Common Operators

Let's have a look at the precedence level that JavaScript has defined for some common arithmetic operations.

Note that precedence level varies from 1 to 19. The general rule is that an operator that has a lower precedence level is given higher priority and is said to have higher precedence than the one having a higher precedence level. You can interpret precedence level as rank in priority level of each operator.

OperationOperatorPrecedence LevelAssociativity
Division/3Left to Right
Multiplication*3Left to Right
Modulus%3Left to Right
Addition+4Left to Right
Subtraction-4Left to Right
Assignment=14Right to left
Exponentiation**14Right to left

So if we look at the above table, multiplication will have higher precedence than addition. Similarly, the division will have higher precedence than subtraction. However, addition and subtraction have the same precedence. Similarly, multiplication and division also have the same precedence.

This should help us through some examples we'll explore now, but later we will also have a look at an exhaustive table of precedence levels for all the operators used in JavaScript.

We also have a column for associativity. So let's understand what it means.


In some situations, JavaScript Operator Precedence alone cannot resolve all ambiguity to yield consistent results of expressions.

Associativity defines the direction to be followed when executing the operations in a statement. It comes into the picture when statements contain operators that have the same precedence. In order to understand completely why associativity is even needed in the first place, let's take a look at the following example.

Need for Associativity

Consider the below expression.

We know both multiplication and division have the same precedence.

So how should you evaluate the expression from the left side, i.e., do you perform division first?

In that case, as you can see, the output would be 4.

But if you evaluate the expression from the right side, ie, perform multiplication first and then division:

The output would be 1. Since we get different outputs in both cases, we need the rule to resolve this ambiguity. That's exactly where associativity comes in.

Left to Right Associativity

The associativity of an operator describes the direction in which the operations would get executed within a statement.

As we'll see later in the post, both multiplication and division operators in JavaScript have left to right associativity. This means that in the above example, we'll evaluate the result of the division followed by multiplication.

Right to Left Associativity

In contrast to the left to right associativity, some operators may have right to left associativity.

In the table we saw earlier, the assignment operation had the right to left associativity. Let's consider the following example where a value is assigned to three variables.

Since the assignment follows right to left associativity, 25 is first assigned to the variable z. Then, the value of variable z (i.e., now 25) is assigned to variable y. Finally, the value of variable y, which is now 25, is assigned to variable x. Here's how the right to left associativity will break down the above statement:

It's simple to look at the above statement and conclude that we're only assigning the same value to three variables x, y, and z. However, it's imperative to understand how the assignment is actually happening.

If you think the result would be the same even if we evaluate the expression from left to right, think again!

Let's say we evaluate the expression from the left side first. Here's how we'll break the statement down:

First, the value of y will be assigned to x. But since y doesn't have a value yet, x will get undefined.

Similarly, y will also get undefined in the next step since z also doesn't have any value yet.

Finally, z will be assigned a value 25. But at the end, both x and y will have the value undefined in contrast to the right to left evaluation, where both had a value 25.

How does JavaScript Operator Precedence Works?

Now that you understand all about precedence and associativity let's tie these together to see how they work in JavaScript.

Evaluate a JavaScript expression using precedence and associativity

Let's say you're evaluating the following expression.

The foremost thing to do is to identify which operators have the highest precedence. We already know multiplication and division have higher precedence than addition and subtraction.

So now, we'll evaluate the division and multiplication operations first. Since their associativity tells us that the expression must be evaluated from left to right, we'll evaluate division first.

Followed by multiplication:

Once we have narrowed down the expression, we'll again look at the precedence of the operators to determine which operation needs to execute first. And then, if there's a conflict in the precedence, we let their associativity break the tie.

Operator Precedence

We already know the precedence and associativity of common operators, but what about the other remaining operators?

Here's a table that lays down each operator, along with it's precedence value and associativity type:

Operator Precedence and Associativity in Javascript 
OperatorOperator UseOperator AssociativityOperator Precedence
0Method/function call,groupingLeft to rightHighest -1
[]Array accessLeft to right1
.Object property accessLeft to right1
++IncrementRight to left2
--DecrementRight to left2
-NegationRight to left2
!Logical NOTRight to left2
-Bitwise NOTRight to left2
deleteRemoves array value or object propertyRight to left2
newCreates an objectRight to left2
typeofReturns data typeRight to left2
voidSpecifies no value to returnRight to left2
/DivisionLeft to right3
*MultiplicationLeft to right3
%ModulusLeft to right3
+PlusLeft to right4
+String ConcatenationLeft to right4
-SubtractionLeft to right4
»Bitwise right-shiftLeft to right5
«Bitwise left-shiftLeft to right5
>.>=Greater than, greater than or equal toLeft to right6
<,<=Less than, less than or equal toLeft to right6
==EqualityLeft to right7
!=InequalityLeft to right7
===Identity operator - equal to (and same data type)Left to right7
!==Non-identity operator - not equal to (or don't have the same data type)Left to right7
&Bitwise ANDLeft to right8
^Bitwise XORLeft to right9
|Bitwise ORLeft to right10
&&Logical ANDLeft to right11
IlLogical ORLeft to right12
?:Conditional branchLeft to right13
=AssignmentRight to left14
*=,/=,%=,+=,,==,<<=,>>=, >>>=, &=,^=,1=Assignment according to the preceding operatorRight to left14

Now you can use the above table to validate all the examples demonstrated previously.

Let's take a different example now. We'll use our knowledge of JavaScript Operator Precedence used so far to evaluate the result of the following expression:

We have Bitwise XOR, the modulus operator, and the exponentiation operator as well.

Here's how we'll evaluate it:

We evaluate the expression from left to right and carry out the XOR operation first. Then, we evaluate the exponentiation operation because of right to left associativity. Then we evaluate the modulus operation because the modulus operator has higher precedence than subtraction which gives us the result 20.

Grouping and Short Circuiting

If you look at the table again, you'll notice that the grouping operator () has the highest precedence.

This means that the given expression will evaluate to 16 and not 13:

Note that while demonstrating which operator will be evaluated first, I have manually applied the grouping operator in all the previous examples. That was simply an attempt to distinguish the operation being performed at that instance from the rest of the operations present in the expression.


If the grouping operator has the highest precedence, what do you think will happen in the following statement:

Here, the above expression will evaluate false. Well, you might think that since we have a grouping operator, the addition operation is evaluated first, and then the conditional or logical AND operator is evaluated. However, that's not the case here.

This is due to a concept called short-circuiting. In the above statement, we know false is not true. So the statement or expression is short-circuited at that point, and the grouping operator is not evaluated at all.


  • Precedence and associativity of operators determine how a JavaScript expression is evaluated.
  • JavaScript assigns a precedence value and an associativity type to each of its operators.
  • The grouping operator is assigned the highest level of precedence.
  • Short-circuiting allows conditional operators to take precedence over the grouping operator.