PHP json_decode() Function

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JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format that is widely used for data exchange between a server and a client, as well as for storing and transmitting data in a human-readable format. Its popularity as a way to exchange data among many platforms and applications shows how important it is for modern data sharing, making it easy for different systems to work together smoothly. In PHP, the json_decode() function plays a crucial role in decoding JSON-encoded data into native PHP data structures, making it easy to work with JSON data within PHP applications.

What is json_decode() in PHP?

The json_decode() function in PHP is used to decode a JSON string and convert the JSON data into a corresponding PHP data structure. This allows developers to access and manipulate the data contained within the JSON format using PHP's array and object constructs. This function is especially useful when dealing with data retrieved from APIs, databases, or other sources that provide information in JSON format.

Let's consider an example where JSON data is stored in a PHP variable and then decoded into a PHP object:

In this example, the json_decode() function takes the JSON string as its argument and returns a PHP object with properties corresponding to the keys in the JSON data.

Syntax of json_decode() in PHP

The syntax of the json_decode() function is as follows:

Parameter Values of json_decode() in PHP

The json_decode() function's parameters can be adjusted based on the specific requirements of our application:

  • $json: This should be a valid JSON string that we want to decode.
  • $assoc: Setting this to true will return an associative array instead of a PHP object.
  • $depth: This parameter helps prevent excessive recursion when dealing with deeply nested JSON data. It is recommended to set a reasonable value to avoid potential errors.
  • $options: The $options parameter allows us to have more control over the decoding process. It provides various decoding options, such as JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING, which can be used to handle large integers as strings, or other options that enable us to customize how special characters or certain data types are treated during decoding. This parameter gives us the flexibility to fine-tune the decoding behavior according to our specific needs.

Return Value of json_decode() in PHP

The json_decode() function returns a PHP data structure based on the provided JSON string and options. If the decoding process fails, it returns null. The json_decode() can also return null when the JSON string is empty or contains only whitespace. The type of data structure returned depends on the value of the $assoc parameter:

  • When $assoc is false (default), the function returns a PHP object with properties corresponding to the keys in the JSON data.
  • When $assoc is true, the function returns an associative array.


The json_decode() function can encounter errors during the decoding process. Some common errors include:

  • Malformed JSON: If the input JSON string is not properly formatted, the function will return null.
  • Maximum Depth Exceeded: If the JSON data structure is deeply nested and exceeds the $depth parameter, a JSON_ERROR_RECURSION error will occur, and the function will return null.
  • Invalid JSON Data: If the JSON data contains unexpected values or structures, a JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX error will occur, and the function will return null.

Developers can use the json_last_error() and json_last_error_msg() functions to retrieve information about the last occurred error during decoding. The json_last_error_msg() provides a human-readable description of the last encountered error during the decoding process.


  • PHP 5.2.0: The json_decode() function was introduced in PHP, providing native JSON decoding support.
  • PHP 7.0.0: The function's error handling was improved, and it started supporting big integers as strings through the JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING option.

Examples of json_decode() in PHP

Accessing Invalid Object Properties

Explanation In this example, we have a JSON object with the properties "name" and "age". However, trying to access a property that doesn't exist, such as "gender", results in a notice. This happens because the property is undefined in the PHP object created by json_decode().

Common Mistakes Using json_decode()

Explanation Here, we've decoded the JSON data into an associative array using the second parameter of json_decode() set to true. When attempting to access a property using array syntax (e.g., $php_array['user']), it works as expected. However, trying to access a non-existent property like "name" results in a notice due to the absence of the corresponding key in the array.

Depth Errors

Explanation In this example, the JSON structure is deeply nested within multiple levels of objects. When attempting to decode this JSON data, we've set the $depth parameter to 2. As a result, the decoding process encounters a "Maximum depth exceeded" error since the data structure exceeds the allowed depth level.

json_decode() of Large Integers

Explanation JSON data can include large integer values. However, when PHP decodes such values using json_decode(), there can be precision loss due to PHP's internal representation. In this case, the large integer "12345678901234567890" is decoded as a floating-point number with exponential notation due to the limitations of floating-point precision.

Accessing Values from PHP Object

Explanation In this example, we decode a JSON object containing properties "name" and "age". After decoding, we access these properties using the object notation (->). This demonstrates how easily we can retrieve specific values from the decoded PHP object.

Accessing Values from PHP Associative Array

Explanation Here, we decode a JSON object into an associative array using the second parameter of json_decode() set to true. By using the keys provided in the JSON data, we access corresponding values from the associative array. This showcases how to interact with JSON data in an array-like manner.


  • The json_decode() is an important function in PHP that converts JSON-encoded data into native PHP objects or arrays.
  • Once decoded, JSON data can be easily accessed and manipulated within PHP applications.
  • The function's syntax involves passing the JSON string and optional parameters like $assoc, $depth, and $options.
  • Depending on the $assoc parameter, the function returns either PHP objects or associative arrays.
  • Errors during decoding, such as malformed JSON or excessive depth, can be managed using json_last_error() and json_last_error_msg().
  • The function has evolved through PHP versions, with improvements and added features.
  • Mistakes like accessing properties incorrectly or exceeding maximum depth should be avoided.
  • Handling large integers may require using the JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING option to prevent precision loss.
  • Data can be accessed using object property syntax for objects and array key syntax for associative arrays.