Kubernetes Log

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Kubernetes logs are like records of what happens inside a big computer party. Imagine each guest (container) at the party writing down what they do in a journal. These journals are the logs. When something goes wrong or we want to know what happened, we check these journals to find clues. In Kubernetes, every container and system part creates logs about their actions and events. These logs are important to understand how things work and find and fix problems.In this blog, we will learn about Kubernetes Logs and explore various aspects that help us gain insight into the functioning of our applications and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Kubernetes Logging Architecture (refer)

The Kubernetes logging architecture involves a series of steps to capture, collect, and manage logs generated by containers running in pods. Here's how it works, referencing the role of container runtime (e.g., Docker) and the kubelet:

  1. Container Runtime Logging:

    Containers within pods generate logs as they execute applications. These logs contain information about various events, such as application outputs, errors, and other activities. Container runtimes, like Docker, capture these logs and make them available to the host operating system.

  2. Kubelet's Role:

    The kubelet is a vital component in each node of the Kubernetes cluster. It manages the state of pods, ensures they are running as expected, and facilitates communication between the control plane and the nodes.

  3. Log Collection by Kubelet:

    The kubelet, as part of its duties, collects logs from the containers running on its node. It gathers logs directly from the container runtime's log files. This process varies slightly depending on the runtime (e.g., Docker).

  4. Log Directory Structure:

    On the host machine, where the kubelet operates, each pod and its containers have their logs stored in a specific directory. For Docker containers, these logs can typically be found under the /var/log/pods directory.

  5. Log Rotation and Management:

    Log files generated by containers can grow in size, potentially causing storage issues. Kubernetes handles log rotation by periodically rotating or truncating log files, ensuring they don't consume excessive resources.

  6. Kubelet Forwarding to Logging Solution:

    After collecting logs, the kubelet is responsible for forwarding them to the desired logging solution. This can involve various tools like Fluentd, Fluent Bit, or direct integration with cloud-based logging services.

  7. Logging Solutions:

    Kubernetes supports a variety of logging solutions, including open-source options like Fluentd and Fluent Bit, as well as cloud-native services like Amazon CloudWatch, Google Cloud Logging, or Azure Monitor. These solutions accept logs from the kubelet and provide features for storage, indexing, searching, visualization, and alerting.

  8. Pod Annotations for Log Routing:

    Kubernetes allows pod annotations to specify how logs should be collected and sent to specific logging solutions. This provides flexibility in directing logs to appropriate destinations.

In summary, Kubernetes' logging architecture involves capturing logs at the container runtime level, collecting them via the kubelet, and forwarding them to various logging solutions. The kubelet plays a pivotal role in managing the collection and forwarding process, ensuring that logs are available for analysis and troubleshooting, regardless of the underlying container runtime.

Viewing Pod logs

Viewing pod logs in Kubernetes is a fundamental task for troubleshooting and monitoring the behavior of your applications. You can access pod logs using the kubectl command-line tool or through graphical interfaces like the Kubernetes dashboard or monitoring tools like Kibana. Here's how you can do it using kubectl:

  1. Using kubectl Command-Line Tool:

    To view logs for a specific pod, you can use the kubectl logs command followed by the pod name. Here's the syntax:

    For example, if you have a pod named my-app-pod, you would run:

    You can also specify a specific container within the pod by adding the -c flag:

  2. Tail Logs:

    By default, kubectl logs displays logs from the start of the container's output. You can use the --tail flag to tail the logs and get real-time updates as new log entries are generated:

    For example, to tail the last 50 lines of logs for the my-app-pod, you would run:

  3. Previous Container in a Failed Pod:

    If a pod contains multiple containers and one of them has failed, you can access the logs of the previous container using the --previous flag:

In summary, Kubernetes logs are usually stored for a limited period in most Kubernetes setups. If you need to retain logs for a longer time or more advanced searching and visualization, you might consider using a logging solution like Fluentd, ELK stack, or other logging tools integrated with Kubernetes.

In addition to kubectl, various Kubernetes management platforms and tools offer graphical interfaces to view pod logs, which can be more user-friendly, especially for larger deployments.

Aggregating Logs with Kubernetes Services

Aggregating logs in Kubernetes involves collecting and centralizing logs from various pods and containers within your cluster for easier management, analysis, and troubleshooting. Kubernetes provides several options for log aggregation using services and tools. One common approach is to use Fluentd as a log aggregator and then send the logs to services like Elasticsearch and Kibana for storage and visualization.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to aggregate logs using Kubernetes services:

  1. Deploy Fluentd DaemonSet:

    Deploy Fluentd as a DaemonSet across all nodes in your cluster. A DaemonSet ensures that there's a Fluentd instance running on each node to collect logs.

  2. Configure Fluentd:

    Configure Fluentd to collect logs from different containers, parse them, and forward them to a backend service like Elasticsearch. You can provide a Fluentd configuration as a ConfigMap.

  3. Deploy Elasticsearch and Kibana:

    Deploy Elasticsearch and Kibana services to store and visualize your aggregated logs.

  4. Access Logs via Kibana:

    Configure Kibana to connect to Elasticsearch and visualize the aggregated logs. Create visualizations, dashboards, and queries to analyze and monitor your logs effectively.

In summary, this is a simplified example to demonstrate the process of log aggregation using Kubernetes services. In a production environment, you should consider security, high availability, and scalability factors. Additionally, you can explore other log aggregation solutions, such as the ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack, which provides robust features for log management.

Centralized Log Management

Centralized log management stores, analyzes, and visualizes logs from various sources in one location. This enhances monitoring, troubleshooting, and compliance adherence. For Kubernetes:

  1. Select Logging Solution: Choose ELK Stack, Fluentd, Fluent Bit, or cloud-based services.

  2. Deploy Logging Agents: Install agents on servers or nodes to collect logs.

  3. Configure Log Forwarding: Set up agents to forward logs to central storage.

  4. Data Processing: Preprocess logs for analysis, including parsing and enrichment.

  5. Storage and Visualization: Store logs efficiently and create visualizations using tools like Kibana.

  6. Alerts and Notifications: Define alerts for specific log events.

  7. Security and Compliance: Secure access, and adhere to regulations and audit practices.

  8. Monitoring and Maintenance: Continuously monitor and optimize your logging solution.

Kubernetes Cluster-Level Logging

Cluster-level logging captures logs from nodes, control planes, and pod applications. Benefits include easier troubleshooting and comprehensive system insight. Set up:

  1. Choose Logging Solution: Opt for Fluentd, ELK Stack, Prometheus, or cloud services.

  2. Deploy Logging Agents: Install Fluentd or similar agents as DaemonSets.

  3. Configure Logging Agents: Customize agents for various log sources.

  4. Forward Logs: Send logs to centralized storage, often Elasticsearch or a cloud service.

  5. Indexing and Visualization: Index logs for efficient searching and visualization using Kibana or cloud tools.

  6. Alerts and Security: Set alerts and ensure secure access.

  7. Scalability and Performance: Scale external solutions to manage increasing log volume.

Log Rotation

Log Rotation and Storage Management in Kubernetes involve effectively managing the size, retention, and organization of log files generated by various components within the cluster. As logs accumulate over time, they can consume significant storage space and impact system performance. Here's a general approach to handling log rotation and storage management in a Kubernetes environment:

1. Log Rotation:

Log rotation involves the process of managing log files by periodically archiving or deleting older logs and creating new log files. This ensures that logs don't become too large and cause storage issues. Common strategies include:

  • Time-Based Rotation: Rotate logs at predefined time intervals (daily, weekly, monthly).
  • Size-Based Rotation: Rotate logs when they reach a certain size threshold.
  • Retention Period: Specify how long rotated logs should be retained before deletion.

2. Log Management Strategies:

  • Log Compression: Compress rotated log files to save storage space while retaining accessibility.
  • Log Aggregation: Centralize logs from various sources within the cluster for easier management.
  • Tiered Storage: Store logs on different types of storage (e.g., fast storage for recent logs, slower storage for older logs).

3. Kubernetes-Specific Considerations:

  • Log Directory Structure: Kubernetes stores logs in directories associated with pods and containers on each node.
  • Kubelet Configuration: Configure kubelet flags to manage log rotation and retention settings.
  • Pod Annotations: Use annotations to define log rotation and aggregation settings on a per-pod basis.

4. Storage Management:

Effective storage management ensures that log data is stored efficiently while remaining accessible for analysis. Consider these strategies:

  • Dynamic Provisioning: Use Kubernetes Persistent Volumes (PVs) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) to manage log storage dynamically.
  • Volume Plugins: Choose volume plugins that match your storage needs (e.g., local storage, network-attached storage).
  • Auto Scaling: Implement auto-scaling for storage solutions to accommodate increasing log volume.

5. Automation and Monitoring:

  • Log Collection Pipelines: Set up automated log collection pipelines using tools like Fluentd or Fluent Bit.
  • Monitoring: Monitor storage utilization, log rotation, and the health of storage systems.
  • Alerting: Configure alerts to notify administrators when log storage approaches capacity or when rotation issues occur.

6. Compliance and Auditing:

  • Retention Policies: Define log retention periods based on regulatory and compliance requirements.
  • Auditing: Ensure that log rotation and storage practices comply with industry regulations and internal policies.

By effectively managing log rotation and storage in Kubernetes, you can maintain a well-organized logging system that aids in troubleshooting, analysis, security, and compliance, all while avoiding storage-related performance issues. For specific implementation details and configurations, refer to Kubernetes documentation and relevant best practices.

Security and Access Control for Logs

Security and access control for logs are crucial aspects of maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your log data. Here's how to ensure proper security and access control for logs in a Kubernetes environment:

1. Authentication and Authorization:

  • Authentication: Ensure that only authorized users and services can access log data. Use strong authentication mechanisms like Kubernetes RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) to control who can access log-related resources.
  • Authorization: Define fine-grained access controls to specify what actions users or services are allowed to perform on log data.

2. Secure Transport:

  • Encryption: Encrypt log data both in transit and at rest to protect it from unauthorized access. Use protocols like HTTPS to encrypt data during transmission between components.
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS): Use TLS certificates to secure communication between logging agents, collectors, and storage backends.

3. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):

  • Kubernetes RBAC: Leverage Kubernetes RBAC to restrict access to log-related resources such as logging pods, configurations, and storage solutions.
  • Least Privilege: Assign the principle of least privilege, granting users or services only the minimum permissions required to perform their tasks.

4. Pod Annotations and Labels:

  • Annotations: Use pod annotations to define access controls and log forwarding settings for individual pods. This can help fine-tune access permissions based on specific requirements.
  • Labels: Apply labels to pods to categorize them based on sensitivity, function, or any other relevant criteria.

5. Network Policies:

  • Network Segmentation: Use Kubernetes Network Policies to control communication between pods, preventing unauthorized access to log-collecting components or log storage.

6. Secure Logging Solutions:

  • Authentication and Encryption: Choose logging solutions that support authentication and encryption to secure access to your log data.
  • Access Controls: Ensure that your chosen logging solution provides access controls and role-based permissions for managing log data.

7. Auditing and Monitoring:

  • Audit Logs: Enable auditing in Kubernetes to track actions performed on log-related resources. Regularly review audit logs to identify suspicious activities.
  • Monitoring: Set up monitoring and alerting for any unauthorized access attempts, changes in access patterns, or other security-related events.

8. Compliance Considerations:

  • Data Privacy Regulations: Ensure that your log data handling aligns with data privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR) and industry compliance standards.
  • Data Retention: Adhere to data retention policies based on regulatory requirements and your organization's needs.

9. Regular Security Reviews:

  • Penetration Testing: Conduct penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities in your logging infrastructure and access controls.
  • Security Assessments: Regularly assess your logging architecture for security gaps and take corrective actions.

By implementing strong security and access control measures, you can protect your log data from unauthorized access, maintain compliance with regulations, and ensure that only authorized personnel can access, analyze, and manage your Kubernetes logs.


Integrating Kubernetes with external logging solutions enables you to leverage powerful tools for log management, analysis, and visualization. These solutions offer advanced features that enhance your ability to monitor and troubleshoot your Kubernetes environment effectively. Here's how to integrate Kubernetes with external logging solutions:

1. Choose an External Logging Solution:

  • ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana): A popular open-source solution that offers log collection, processing, storage, and visualization.
  • Fluentd and Fluent Bit: Versatile log collectors that can forward logs to various storage solutions, including external ones.
  • Cloud-Native Logging Services: Cloud providers like AWS CloudWatch, Google Cloud Logging, and Azure Monitor offer managed logging services.

2. Deploy and Configure Log Collectors:

  • Fluentd/Fluent Bit: Deploy Fluentd or Fluent Bit as DaemonSets on each Kubernetes node to collect logs from containers and system components.
  • Logstash: Deploy Logstash on dedicated nodes or containers to process and filter logs before forwarding them to the external solution.

3. Configure Log Forwarding:

  • Fluentd/Fluent Bit: Configure the collectors to forward logs to the external logging solution's endpoint. This might involve specifying URLs, tokens, and authentication details.
  • Logstash: Define Logstash pipelines to process logs and output them to the external solution.

4. Handle Data Format and Parsing:

  • Structured Logs: Whenever possible, encourage applications to generate structured logs, making it easier to parse and analyze log data.
  • Data Enrichment: Use tools like Fluentd or Logstash to add metadata or contextual information to your logs, improving analysis.

5. Secure Connections:

  • Encryption: Ensure that log data is transmitted securely by using HTTPS or other encryption methods.
  • Authentication: If the external solution supports authentication, configure it to ensure only authorized access to your logs.

By integrating Kubernetes with external logging solutions, you can take advantage of specialized tools for log analysis, visualization, and alerting. This can lead to more efficient troubleshooting, improved observability, and better overall management of your Kubernetes environment.

Best Practices for Kubernetes Logging

  1. Centralization: Aggregate logs from all pods and nodes in a centralized location for easier management and analysis.

  2. Structured Logging: Encourage applications to generate structured logs with consistent formats, making parsing and analysis more effective.

  3. Log Levels: Utilize different log levels (info, warning, error) to categorize log messages based on their severity.

  4. Resource Limits: Ensure that log aggregation components (e.g., Fluentd, Fluent Bit) have appropriate resource limits to prevent resource exhaustion.

  5. Retention Policies: Define log retention periods based on compliance requirements and analysis needs.

  6. Log Rotation: Implement log rotation to prevent log files from growing excessively and consuming too much storage space.

  7. Security: Apply access controls, encryption, and secure communication to protect log data from unauthorized access.

  8. Monitoring and Alerts: Set up monitoring and alerts to identify issues like log collection failures or unusual log patterns.

  9. Visualization: Utilize visualization tools (e.g., Kibana, Grafana) to create dashboards and visualizations for better log analysis.

Troubleshooting Kubernetes Logging Issues

  1. Check Logging Solutions: Verify that your logging components (collectors, aggregators, storage) are configured and operational.

  2. Kubelet Logs: Investigate kubelet logs to identify issues related to log forwarding or collection.

  3. Network Connectivity: Ensure that there's proper network connectivity between nodes and the logging backend.

  4. Container Log Paths: Verify that containers are writing logs to the expected paths inside the pods.

  5. Resource Constraints: If there are performance issues, check if the log collectors and aggregators have sufficient resources.

Kubernetes logging can be complex, and troubleshooting might require a combination of investigating different components, analyzing log data, and ensuring proper configurations. Always keep an eye on the overall health of your logging setup and promptly address any issues that arise.


  1. Logging is like a helpful detective that makes sure our software stays healthy and performs its best.

  2. These Kubernetes logs help us to understand if our software is working well or if there are problems.

  3. We store these logs safely and manage them, making sure they don't take up too much space.

  4. We protect our logs from unauthorized access, keeping sensitive information safe.

  5. When something goes wrong, logs act like clues, guiding us to find and fix issues faster.