Understanding Kubernetes Operator

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Kubernetes has become the go-to technology for managing containerized applications, allowing organizations to build, scale, and handle applications quickly. However, as more and more applications are deployed on Kubernetes, things can get pretty complicated. That's where Kubernetes Operators step in to save the day. Operators in Kubernetes are essentially controllers in Kubernetes using the custom resources. In this blog, we are going to learn about Kubernetes operators and why they require to use Kubernetes more effectively.

kubernetes operator

What are Kubernetes Operators?

Imagine your Kubernetes cluster as a bustling city with different applications acting like buildings scattered around. Managing all these applications can be overwhelming. But fear not! Kubernetes Operators are here to help, just like a dedicated team of experts we'll call the "City Maintenance Crew."

These clever Kubernetes Operators automatically take care of specific buildings (applications) in the city (Kubernetes cluster), ensuring everything runs smoothly without anyone having to intervene manually. Kubernetes operators are software agents that handle the tricky parts of managing complex applications on Kubernetes. So, you can sit back and relax while the Operators works.

Operators in Kubernetes works by understanding the specific needs of each application (building) they are responsible for. They use this knowledge to perform actions as per the application's requirements, just like the City Maintenance Crew knows how to maintain each building differently based on their architecture and needs.

Why do Kubernetes Require Operators?

Kubernetes needs operators because they help manage complex applications and services more easily. Imagine you have a regular toolbox to take care of simple tasks, but when you face more challenging jobs, you need specialized tools. Operators act as those specialized tools for Kubernetes.

Operators in Kubernetes are like wizards that handle tricky applications. They make sure these applications run smoothly, scale when needed, and recover from failures automatically. This means less manual work for developers and operators. With Kubernetes operators, Kubernetes becomes smarter, and it can handle a wider variety of applications, making it more versatile and user-friendly.

Kubernetes Operators also create a standard way to manage different applications, promoting consistency. This makes it easier for people to use Kubernetes for all sorts of applications, from simple to complex.

How Operators Manage Kubernetes Apps?

Think of a Kubernetes operator as a knowledgeable assistant that takes care of a specific application running on Kubernetes. Here's how they manage applications:

  1. Custom Resource Definition (CRD):

    The operator first defines a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) that represents the application's unique characteristics. It's like creating a custom blueprint for the application.

  2. Watching Resources:

    The operator keeps an eye on these custom resources. When a new resource is generated (for example, a new instance of an application), the operator knows that it has to act.

  3. Continuous Monitoring:

    The operator constantly checks the application's health and status. It can detect if something goes wrong, like a crash or an overload.

  4. Automation and Self-Healing:

    When the operator identifies a problem, it automatically tries to fix it. For example, if a pod fails, the operator can restart it so that the application can continue to run.

  5. Scaling:

    If the application needs more resources to handle increased traffic, the operator can scale it up by creating additional pods.

  6. Upgrades and Rollbacks:

    When a new version of the project becomes available, the operator may update it without downtime. If an error occurs during the upgrade, the operator can revert to the prior functioning version.

  7. Day-to-Day Operations:

    The operator is incharge of routine operations such as backups, which ensure that the application's data is secure.

  8. Workload Reduction:

    Many management chores for Kubernetes apps, such as deployment, scaling, and updates, may be automated by operators. DevOps staff may be able to concentrate on other projects, such as innovation and development, as a result.

Operator Framework in Kubernetes

The Kubernetes Operator Framework is a specific toolbox full of useful items for managing Kubernetes applications. It's a collection of tools, rules, and excellent ideas that make it easier to operate with Kubernetes. With the Operator Framework, we can launch and manage apps much more easily.

In short, the Operator Framework is a set of tools that simplifies our interactions with Kubernetes and makes application management easier. The Kubernetes operator seems like a magical helping hand.

The Operator Framework Consists of Three Main Components

  1. Operator Software Development Kit:

    The Operator SDK is a set of tools that allows developers to create operators in various programming languages such as Go, Ansible, or Helm. It supports staging and code generation, making it easy to build customized operators to the specific needs of certain applications.

  2. OLM (Operator Lifecycle Manager):

    The Kubernetes component Operator Lifecycle Manager is in charge of installing, updating, and deleting operators from a cluster. OLM ensures that operators are available in the cluster's OperatorHub and manages their lifecycle throughout the cluster's existence. This promotes consistent and reliable operator management.

  3. Operator Metering:

    Operator Metering is a mechanism that allows operators to collect usage data and report resource consumption. It helps cluster administrators understand the resource utilization of different operators, enabling cost optimization and efficient resource allocation.

In summary, the Operator Framework is a powerful toolset that extends Kubernetes' capabilities by introducing automation and standardization in managing complex applications. It simplifies the development and deployment of operators, making Kubernetes more user-friendly and adaptable to various workloads.

Custom Solutions and Prefabricated Operators in Kubernetes

In Kubernetes, custom solutions and prefabricated operators are two different approaches to managing applications effectively using the Kubernetes Operator pattern.

Custom Solutions

Custom solutions refer to operators that are purpose-built for specific applications or services. These operators are developed by the application's users or the development team responsible for that application. The process typically involves using the Kubernetes Operator SDK to build a custom operator that caters to the unique requirements and complexities of the particular application.


  • Tailored to Specific Needs: Custom operators are designed to handle the intricacies and specific configurations of a particular application, ensuring a perfect fit for its management.
  • Full Control: Developers have full control over the operator's behavior and can customize it to match their application's requirements precisely.

Use Cases:

  • Proprietary or in-house applications that need specialized management and cannot be managed effectively using existing operators.
  • Applications with unique operational requirements or those requiring integration with custom external systems.

Prefabricated Operators

Prefabricated operators are ready-made solutions that provide management capabilities for common applications and services. They are also known as pre-built or out-of-the-box operators. In Kubernetes, prefabricated operators act as premade assistants for your applications.

These operators save you time and effort since they are already familiar with scalability, backups, and upgrades.


  • Ready-to-Use: Prefabricated operators come pre-packaged and ready for deployment, significantly reducing the time and effort required to set up and manage common applications.
  • Community Support: Often, prefabricated operators are maintained and supported by active communities, ensuring regular updates and bug fixes.

Use Cases:

  • Popular databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MongoDB, which have well-maintained operators readily available.
  • Middleware components like message brokers, caching systems, and monitoring tools, where standardized operators are already available.

In summary, custom solutions involve building operators tailored to specific applications, providing precise control over the management process. On the other hand, prefabricated operators offer ready-made solutions for commonly used applications, offering convenience and community support. The choice between custom solutions and prefabricated operators depends on the complexity and uniqueness of the application's requirements, as well as the resources available for operator development and maintenance.


There are various operators to solve different kinds of problems. These are some examples of the Kubernetes operators.

  1. etcd Operator:

    This operator manages the etcd distributed key-value store used by Kubernetes itself for storing cluster data. It automates tasks like scaling the etcd cluster and handling backups.

  2. Prometheus Operator:

    The Prometheus operator automates the deployment and management of the Prometheus monitoring system on Kubernetes. It takes care of configuration, service discovery, and handling of Prometheus instances.

  3. Nginx Ingress Controller Operator:

    This operator simplifies the installation and management of the Nginx Ingress Controller on Kubernetes. It automates the setup and configuration of the Ingress Controller for handling external traffic.

  4. MySQL Operator:

    The MySQL operator makes it easier to deploy and manage MySQL databases on Kubernetes. It handles tasks like provisioning, backups, scaling, and upgrades.

  5. Elasticsearch Operator:

    This operator manages Elasticsearch clusters on Kubernetes. It automates tasks like scaling, rolling updates, and taking snapshots.

  6. Vault Operator:

    The Vault operator facilitates the setup and management of HashiCorp Vault, a secrets management tool. It automates tasks like secret generation, rotation, and revocation.

  7. Kafka Operator:

    This operator is designed to manage Apache Kafka clusters on Kubernetes. It automates the provisioning and scaling of Kafka brokers, topics, and partitions.

  8. ArangoDB Operator:

    The ArangoDB operator simplifies the deployment and management of ArangoDB, a distributed multi-model database. It automates tasks like cluster setup and scaling.

  9. Cassandra Operator:

    This operator is used to deploy and manage Apache Cassandra clusters on Kubernetes. It handles tasks like bootstrapping new nodes, scaling, and repairing.

  10. Couchbase Operator:

    The Couchbase operator automates the setup and management of Couchbase Server clusters on Kubernetes. It handles tasks like cluster configuration and scaling.


Q1: How do operators work in Kubernetes?

Ans: Operators work by defining custom resources and watching for changes in those resources. When a custom resource is created or updated, the operator takes actions based on its defined logic to ensure the application is running and healthy.

Q2: What are Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)?

Ans: Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) allow operators to define new types of resources specific to the applications they manage. It enables users to express application-specific semantics and requirements within Kubernetes.

Q3: Are operators only for custom applications?

Ans: No, operators can be used for both custom applications and pre-built applications. While custom operators are tailored to specific applications, prefabricated operators provide ready-made solutions for commonly used applications.


  1. The Operator Framework in Kubernetes is like a helpful assistant that simplifies the management of complex applications on Kubernetes.
  2. Operators automate tasks like scaling, updates, and backups, saving time and effort for developers and operators.
  3. With Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), operators can understand and manage application-specific requirements more intelligently.
  4. Kubernetes is made more powerful and adaptable by operators, allowing it to support a wide range of applications and services.
  5. They support consistency by offering standard methods to handle various applications, making it easier for users to start using Kubernetes.
  6. Users can choose between custom solutions (tailor-made operators) and prefabricated operators (ready-to-use) based on their application's needs and complexity.
  7. The Operator Framework has a thriving ecosystem of pre-built operators, covering popular applications and services.
  8. Overall, operators make Kubernetes a more user-friendly platform, enabling efficient and automated management of applications. They enhance Kubernetes' capabilities and encourage the adoption of best practices for application deployment and operations.