What are the Basic Unix/Linux Operators?

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What are the Basic Unix/Linux Operators?

This Article explores the fundamental Unix/Linux operators, which form the building blocks of command-line operations in these operating systems. Unix and Linux, renowned for their powerful command-line interfaces, provide a vast array of operators that enable users to manipulate files, redirect input and output, control processes, and compose complex command sequences. Understanding these operators is crucial for effective system administration, programming, and day-to-day usage. This abstract provides an overview of the most commonly used Unix/Linux operators, including redirection operators, pipe operator, command substitution operator, conditional execution operators, and wildcard characters. It discusses their syntax, functionality, and provides practical examples of their usage. By familiarizing oneself with these operators, users can harness the full potential of Unix/Linux systems, streamline their workflows, and perform a wide range of tasks efficiently and effectively. Different Linux operators are mentioned below:

  1. Arithmetic Operators
  2. Relational Operators
  3. Boolean Operators
  4. Bitwise Operators
  5. File Test Operators

Arithmetic Operators in Linux

Arithmetic operators allow you to perform basic mathematical operations in Linux. You can use them in various scenarios, such as within scripts, command-line calculations, or mathematical expressions. By leveraging these operators, you can handle numerical computations effectively and efficiently in the Linux environment.

Here's an expanded table explaining the arithmetic operators in Linux with detailed explanations and examples:

+Addition: Adds two values together5 + 38
-Subtraction: Subtracts one value from another10 - 46
*Multiplication: Multiplies two values2 * 612
/Division: Divides one value by another15 / 35
%Modulo: Computes the remainder of division10 % 31

Below are the Command Line Examples for Arithmetic Operators in Linux:

  • Addition:
  • Subtraction:
  • Multiplication:
  • Division:
  • Modulo:

Relational Operators in Linux

Relational operators are commonly used in conditional statements, such as if-else constructs and while loops, to compare values and make decisions based on the comparison results. They allow for dynamic and flexible control flow in Linux scripts and programming tasks.

Here's an expanded table explaining the relational operators in Linux with detailed explanations and examples:

==Equal to[ 5 == 5 ]true
!=Not equal to[ 5 != 3 ]true
>Greater than[ 5 > 3 ]true
<Less than[ 3 < 5 ]true
>=Greater than or equal to[ 5 >= 5 ]true
<=Less than or equal to[ 3 <= 5 ]true

Below are the Command Line Examples for Relational Operators in Linux:

  • Equal to (==):
    The equal to operator (==) checks if two values are equal. Explanation: This operator compares two values and returns true if they are equal; otherwise, it returns false. Example:
  • Not equal to (!=):
    The not equal to operator (!=) checks if two values are not equal.

Explanation: This operator compares two values and returns true if they are not equal; otherwise, it returns false.


  • Greater than (>):
    The greater than operator (>) checks if one value is greater than another.

Explanation: This operator compares two values and returns true if the first value is greater than the second; otherwise, it returns false.


  • Less than (<):
    The less than operator (<) checks if one value is less than another.

Explanation: This operator compares two values and returns true if the first value is less than the second; otherwise, it returns false.


  • Greater than or equal to (>=):
    The greater than or equal to operator (>=) checks if one value is greater than or equal to another.

Explanation: This operator compares two values and returns true if the first value is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise, it returns false.


  • Less than or equal to (<=):
    The less than or equal to operator (<=) checks if one value is less than or equal to another.

Explanation: This operator compares two values and returns true if the first value is less than or equal to the second; otherwise, it returns false.


Boolean Operators in Linux

Boolean operators are commonly used in conditional statements, command chaining, and control flow structures within Linux scripts and commands. They allow for complex decision-making, conditional branching, and execution control based on the evaluation of conditions or command outcomes.

Here's an expanded table explaining the boolean operators in Linux with detailed explanations and examples:

&&Logical ANDcommand1 && command2
llLogical ORcommand1 ll command2
!Logical NOT! condition
  • Logical AND (&&):

The logical AND operator (&&) allows you to perform operations based on multiple conditions, and the subsequent command is executed if all conditions are true.


In this example, this command creates a directory named "directory" and then changes the current working directory to that newly created directory.

  • Logical OR (||):

The logical OR operator (||) allows you to perform operations based on multiple conditions, and the subsequent command is executed if at least one condition is true.


In this example, this command searches for the specified pattern in "file.txt". If the pattern is not found, it prints "Pattern not found."

  • Logical NOT (!):

The logical NOT operator (!) negates the result of a condition or expression. It returns true if the condition is false and false if the condition is true.


In this example, this command attempts to remove the file "file.txt". If the removal fails (e.g., the file doesn't exist), the ! operator inverts the exit status, making it succeed.

Bitwise Operators in Linux

Bitwise operators in Linux are used to perform bitwise operations on binary representations of integers. These operations manipulate individual bits within the binary representation of a number. The bitwise operators in Linux are commonly used in programming languages like C, C++, and shell scripting.

Here’s an expanded table explaining the bitwise operators in Linux with detailed explanations and examples:

ANDPerforms a bitwise AND operation on each corresponding bita = 5 & 31
ORPerforms a bitwise OR operation on each corresponding bita = 5 l 37
XORPerforms a bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) operationa = 5 ^ 36
NOTFlips the bits, resulting in the ones' complementa = ~5-6
Left ShiftShifts the bits of the left operand to the left by the number of positions specified by the right operanda = 5 << 220
Right ShiftShifts the bits of the left operand to the right by the number of positions specified by the right operanda = 5 >> 21
  • Bitwise AND (&):
  • Bitwise OR (|):
  • Bitwise XOR (^):
  • Bitwise NOT (~):
  • Left Shift (<<):
  • Right Shift (>>):

File Test Operators in Linux

In Linux, file test operators are used to perform various tests on files or directories. These operators are typically used in shell scripting to check the properties or attributes of a file before performing certain actions or making decisions based on the test results.

Here’s an expanded table explaining the File Test operators in Linux with detailed explanations and examples:

-eChecks if the file exists[ -e file.txt ]
-fChecks if the file is a regular file[ -f file.txt ]
-dChecks if the file is a directory[ -d directory ]
-sChecks if the file has a non-zero size[ -s file.txt ]
-rChecks if the file is readable[ -r file.txt ]
-wChecks if the file is writable[ -w file.txt ]
  • -e :
  • -f :
  • -d :
  • -s :
  • -r :
  • -w :


In conclusion, understanding the basic Unix/Linux operators is essential for effectively navigating and utilizing command-line interfaces in Unix and Linux operating systems. These operators serve as the building blocks for executing commands, manipulating files, redirecting input and output, controlling processes, and composing complex command sequences.

Moreover, the practical examples provided throughout the article illustrate how these operators can be applied in real-world scenarios, making it easier for users to grasp their usage and apply them effectively in their own work.

Overall, gaining proficiency in the basic Unix/Linux operators empowers users to efficiently interact with their operating systems, leverage the command line's power, and become more effective in system administration, programming, and everyday usage.