What is sshd in Linux?

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In the Linux operating system, sshd (Secure Shell Daemon) is a server component that allows secure remote access to the system using the SSH (Secure Shell) protocol. SSH is a cryptographic network protocol that provides secure communication and data transfer over an unsecured network. The sshd daemon handles incoming SSH connections and authenticates remote users, ensuring secure and encrypted communication between the client and server.

The primary purpose of sshd is to establish a secure shell session with a remote Linux system. This session allows users to execute commands, transfer files, and perform various administrative tasks on the remote machine. The sshd daemon provides strong encryption and authentication mechanisms, making it a preferred choice for remote access to Linux systems.

When the sshd daemon runs on a Linux system, it listens for incoming SSH connections on port 22 by default. When a client attempts to connect to the system using SSH, the sshd daemon handles the connection request and initiates the authentication process. Once the authentication is successful, the client is granted access to the remote system and can interact with it via the command-line interface.

The sshd daemon supports several authentication methods, including password-based authentication, public key authentication, and keyboard-interactive authentication. Password-based authentication requires the user to provide a username and password to access the remote system. Public key authentication involves using cryptographic key pairs, where the client possesses the private key and the server holds the corresponding public key. Keyboard-interactive authentication prompts the user for additional information, such as one-time passwords or security tokens.

The sshd daemon also supports various configuration options that can be customized to enhance security and control access. The configuration file for sshd is typically located at /etc/ssh/sshd_config. It contains directives to specify allowed authentication methods, restrict user access, turn certain features on/off, and define system-wide SSH settings.

Using sshd in Linux provides several advantages. First and foremost, it enables secure remote access to Linux systems, allowing users to manage and administer their machines from anywhere in the world. Encrypted communication ensures the confidentiality and integrity of data transferred between the client and server. Additionally, the flexibility of SSH and the sshd daemon allows for secure file transfers, port forwarding, and tunneling, facilitating a wide range of remote administration tasks.

Startup and Roles of Different sshd Processes

Startup and Roles of Different sshd Processes In the Linux operating system, the sshd (Secure Shell Daemon) process is crucial in providing secure remote access through the SSH (Secure Shell) protocol. Understanding the startup and roles of different sshd processes helps comprehend how SSH connections are handled and managed on a Linux system.

  • Startup of sshd Processes: When a Linux system boots up, the sshd daemon is typically started as part of the system initialization process. The startup procedure may vary depending on the Linux distribution and the system's configuration. Generally, the sshd daemon is launched automatically as a system service or via an init script during boot time. Once started, the sshd process runs in the background, awaiting incoming SSH connection requests.
  • Master sshd Process: The first sshd process launched is known as the "master" sshd process. It handles incoming SSH connection requests and manages multiple client sessions. The master process listens on the default SSH port (usually port 22) for incoming connections and forks child processes to handle each connection.
  • Child sshd Processes: When the master sshd process receives an SSH connection request, it spawns a child sshd process to handle that specific connection. These child processes are created to handle individual client sessions and operate independently. Each child sshd process is associated with a particular SSH session and manages the client and server communication.
  • Role of the Master Process: The master sshd process performs critical functions in managing the overall SSH connections. Its responsibilities include:
    • Authenticating incoming SSH connections and verifying client identities using various authentication methods.
    • Negotiating the encryption algorithms and key exchange protocols to establish a secure connection.
    • Creating and managing child processes for each client session.
    • Monitoring client activity and enforcing security policies, such as connection timeouts and access restrictions.
    • Handling any administrative tasks related to the SSH server configuration.
  • Role of Child Processes: Each child sshd process spawned by the master process handles a specific client session and performs the following tasks:
    • Managing the encrypted communication between the client and server.
    • Authenticating the client using the configured authentication methods, such as passwords or public keys.
    • Providing a secure shell environment for the client to execute commands and perform administrative tasks on the remote system.
    • Monitoring and managing the client session, including handling disconnections, session timeouts, and resource allocation.

It is important to note that the number of child sshd processes can vary depending on the number of concurrent SSH connections to the Linux system. As new clients connect and existing sessions are terminated, child processes are created or terminated accordingly by the master sshd process to handle the changing connection load.

Sshd Options

In the Linux operating system, the sshd (Secure Shell Daemon) process provides secure remote access through the SSH (Secure Shell) protocol. The behavior and configuration of the sshd daemon can be customized using various options. These options allow system administrators to fine-tune the behavior of the SSH server, enhance security, and control access to the system. Here are some commonly used sshd options:

  • Port: The Port option specifies the TCP port number on which the sshd daemon listens for incoming SSH connections. SSH uses port 22 by default, but it can be changed to a different port to enhance security and mitigate potential attacks.
  • ListenAddress: The ListenAddress option defines the specific network address or interfaces on which the sshd daemon listens for incoming connections. It can be set to a specific IP address to restrict SSH access to a particular network interface or to listen on all available interfaces.
  • PermitRootLogin: The PermitRootLogin option determines whether the root user can log in via SSH. It can be set to "yes" to permit root login, "without-password" to allow root login only with public key authentication, or "no" to turn off root login entirely for SSH.
  • PasswordAuthentication: The PasswordAuthentication option controls whether password-based authentication is allowed for SSH connections. Setting it to "yes" allows users to authenticate using passwords, while setting it to "no" restricts authentication to public key-based methods.
  • PermitEmptyPasswords: The PermitEmptyPasswords option determines whether empty passwords are allowed for SSH authentication. It can be set to "yes" to allow empty passwords or "no" to require non-empty passwords.
  • AllowUsers and DenyUsers: The AllowUsers and DenyUsers options allow administrators to specify a list of users who are allowed or denied SSH access. These options provide granular control over user access, allowing administrators to restrict or permit specific user accounts.
  • MaxAuthTries: The MaxAuthTries option sets the maximum number of authentication attempts a user can make before the sshd daemon terminates the connection. It helps protect against brute-force attacks by limiting the number of failed login attempts.
  • X11Forwarding: The X11Forwarding option determines whether X11 forwarding is allowed. X11 forwarding enables running graphical applications from the remote server and displaying them on the client's X Window System.
  • AllowTcpForwarding: The AllowTcpForwarding option controls whether TCP forwarding is allowed. TCP forwarding enables secure tunnels to access remote services or forward ports from the remote server to the client machine.
  • LogLevel: The LogLevel option sets the verbosity level for logging SSH server activity. It can be adjusted to different levels, such as QUIET, FATAL, ERROR, INFO, VERBOSE, DEBUG, or DEBUG1-3, depending on the desired level of detail in the server logs.

These are just a few examples of the many configuration options available for sshd. The sshd configuration file, typically located at /etc/ssh/sshd_config, contains many options that can be customized to suit specific requirements and security policies.

System administrators should carefully review and adjust these options based on their organization's security needs and best practices. Properly configuring the sshd options ensures secure remote access and helps protect the Linux system from unauthorized access and potential vulnerabilities

Configuration file

The SSH server includes a configuration file, which is typically located at /etc/sshd/sshd_config. This configuration file specifies logging, file locations, authentication and encryption settings, as well as a number of other parameters.

Log files

Examining numerous log files can frequently provide insights into the cause of the problems. Intentionally, the messages sent to the client are designed to expose information about the user who has logged in as. It's for security reasons.

For example, we do not want the attacker to test the available user accounts on the target system. In other words, further information concerning authentication failures may frequently be found inside the log file.

Here are some commonly used log files related to sshd:

  • /var/log/auth.log: The auth.log file contains authentication-related information, including successful and failed SSH login attempts. It records each authentication event's source IP address, username, date, and time. Monitoring this log file helps identify unauthorized access attempts and potential security breaches.
  • /var/log/secure: The secure log file is another commonly used location for SSH-related logs. It provides similar information as the auth.log file, capturing SSH authentication activities and system authentication events. It also includes other system-related security events and authentication failures.
  • /var/log/messages: The messages log file captures a wide range of system messages and events, including SSH-related activities. It can contain SSH-related error messages, warnings, and informational logs. Checking this log file helps diagnose SSH-related issues and monitor system-wide events.
  • /var/log/lastlog: The lastlog file records the last login time and other details for each user on the system. It can be useful for tracking user login activity, including SSH logins.
  • /var/log/syslog: The syslog file is a comprehensive log file that records system-wide events and messages, including SSH-related events. It may contain SSH-related errors, warnings, and informational logs from the sshd daemon. Monitoring this file provides a broader view of system activities, including SSH connections.


To log in, the SSH server uses the syslog subsystem. There are several ways to configure syslog and syslog servers. Several businesses gather syslog data and store it in a centralized SIEM (Security Incident and Event Management system).

On most systems, the syslog subsystem is set to log SSH-related data into files under the /var/log/auth file by default. On most Debian-derived systems, the /var/log/auth file is the default log file. On most Red Hat-derived systems, the /var/log/secure file is the default log file.

The server configuration file may be used to specify both the logging level and the syslog functionality. It is strongly advised to set the login level to VERBOSE. As a result, the fingerprints for SSH access are appropriately logged.

The most recent OpenSSH versions may automatically log it. However, some Linux distributions have versions that do not log fingerprints in the absence of this sort of option.

Reviewing and analyzing the logs allows administrators to gain valuable insights into the SSH server's behavior and take appropriate actions. Here are some key points related to logging in Linux SSH:

  • Logging Levels: SSH logging provides different levels of detail, allowing administrators to control the amount of information recorded. The logging levels commonly used are:
    • DEBUG: The most detailed level, capturing extensive information for debugging purposes.
    • INFO: Provides general informational logs about SSH activities.
    • WARNING: Indicates potential issues or warnings that may require attention.
    • ERROR: Logs errors and critical issues that need immediate attention.
    • FATAL: Records fatal errors that may result in service disruptions.
  • Log Format: SSH logs typically include information such as the source IP address, date, time, username, authentication method, and the outcome of each SSH connection attempt. This information helps administrators track login attempts, detect unauthorized access, and investigate suspicious activities.
  • Log Rotation is often implemented to manage log files efficiently and prevent them from occupying excessive disk space. Log rotation involves compressing and archiving old log files, deleting outdated logs, and generating new ones. Log rotation helps maintain a manageable log history while ensuring important logs are retained for future analysis.
  • Log Analysis and Monitoring: Administrators can use various tools and techniques to effectively analyze and monitor SSH logs. Tools like log analysis software, SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) solutions, or custom scripts can help filter, search, and parse log entries, detect patterns of malicious activity, and generate alerts or reports for further investigation.
  • Integration with Centralized Logging Systems: Administrators often integrate SSH logs with centralized logging systems in larger environments or distributed systems. Centralized logging allows consolidating logs from multiple servers into a central repository, enabling easier management, analysis, and correlating logs across the entire infrastructure.

Debug Mode

Manually, the system administrator can run the server with the -d option to acquire more verbose results from the server. When diagnosing connection issues, it is frequently the last choice.

The cause of authentication failures is frequently obvious in the report. It may be preferable to run the newer server in a different port than a regular server.

It is due to a failure to block new connections to a server. The server will be started using sshd -d -p 2222, and the client will connect with ssh -p 2222 [user]@host.

Here are some key points about the debug mode in Linux SSH:

  • Enabling Debug Mode: The debug mode can be enabled by adding the "-d" or "-dd" option when starting the sshd daemon. For example, running "sshd -d" starts the daemon in debug mode with normal verbosity, while "sshd -dd" increases the level of detail and provides even more verbose output.
  • Verbose Output: Enabling debug mode generates extensive output, providing insight into the SSH server's internal processes. It includes detailed information about authentication attempts, key exchanges, encryption algorithms, and other SSH connection establishment and maintenance aspects.
  • Configuration Testing: Debug mode helps test and validate changes made to the sshd configuration file. When troubleshooting SSH-related issues, administrators can modify the configuration file and then start the sshd daemon in debug mode to observe the effects of the changes and identify any potential problems.
  • Connection Debugging: Debug mode assists in troubleshooting SSH connection issues. It helps identify connection failures, network-related problems, and compatibility issues between the SSH server and the SSH client. By examining the verbose output, administrators can pinpoint the cause of connection failures and take appropriate actions to resolve them.
  • Security Considerations: While debug mode is an essential troubleshooting tool, it generates detailed information that can include sensitive data, such as usernames, IP addresses, and authentication details. As a result, it's important to exercise caution when using debug mode in production environments. Debug mode should be used only for diagnosing specific issues and not permanently enabled due to the potential security risks of disclosing sensitive information.
  • Logging Debug Output: It's advisable to redirect the debug output to a file for further analysis. This can be done by appending "> debug_output.log" to the sshd command. Storing the debug output in a file allows administrators to review it later or share it with other parties involved in troubleshooting or resolving SSH-related issues.


  • SSHD (Secure Shell Daemon) is a critical component in Linux that allows secure remote access through the SSH protocol. It provides encrypted communication and authentication between clients and servers.
  • SSHD handles SSH connections, authenticates users, and enforces security measures to protect against unauthorized access.
  • The sshd configuration file allows administrators to customize the behavior of the SSH server by setting various directives, such as the listening port, authentication methods, and access control rules.
  • Monitoring the SSHD logs, such as auth.log, secure, and messages, helps administrators track SSH activities, detect security incidents, and troubleshoot SSH-related issues.
  • The startup and roles of different sshd processes involve the main sshd daemon process that listens for incoming connections and child processes that handle individual client sessions.
  • Upgrading from WSL1 to WSL2 improves performance and compatibility for running Linux distributions on Windows.
  • Installing Ubuntu Linux distribution on WSL provides a complete Linux environment within Windows, allowing users to leverage Linux command-line tools and utilities.
  • The sshd daemon offers various options in the configuration file, such as Port, PermitRootLogin, PasswordAuthentication, and LogLevel, which can be customized to meet specific security and operational requirements.
  • The debug mode in sshd is a valuable troubleshooting tool that provides detailed and verbose output, assisting in diagnosing SSH connection issues, authentication failures, and configuration problems.
  • It's important to exercise caution when using debug mode and turn it off after troubleshooting to minimize security risks associated with disclosing sensitive information.