Matrix Chain Multiplication

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DSA Problem Solving for Interviews using Java
DSA Problem Solving for Interviews using Java
by Jitender Punia
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The number of multiplication steps required to multiply a chain of matrices of any arbitrary length nn highly depends on the order in which they get multiplied.

As multiplication of two numbers/integers is a costly operation, it is very much needed to find the optimal order of multiplying a chain of matrices to minimize the multiplication steps, which ultimately optimizes the time and resources required for the task.

Introduction to Matrix Chain Multiplication

In linear algebra, matrix chain multiplication is an operation that produces a matrix from two matrices. But, multiplying two matrices is not as simple as multiplying two integers, certain rules need to be followed during multiplying two matrices.

Let's say we have two matrices, XX of dimensions x1×x2x_1\times x_2 and YY of dimensions y1×y2y_1\times y_2. XX and YY can be multiplied if and only if x2=y1x_2=y_1. And if the condition satisfies the resultant matrix (say PP) will be of dimension x1×y2x_1\times y_2 and it requires x1×x2×y2x_1\times x_2 \times y_2 multiplication steps to compute PP.

Matrix Example

If we have been given a chain of matrices of some arbitrary length 'nn', the number of multiplication steps required to multiply all the matrices highly depends on the order in which we multiply them.

So, in the matrix chain multiplication problem, we have been given an array representing the dimension of matrices [M1,M2,...,Mn][M_1, M_2, ... , M_n] and we are interested to deduce the minimum number of multiplication steps required to multiply them.

Example of Matrix Chain Multiplication

We have studied in our school days that matrix chain multiplication follow associative rule i.e.i.e. KaTeX parse error: $ within math mode and the number of steps required in multiplying matrix M1M_1 of dimension x×yx\times y and M2M_2 of dimension y×zy\times z are x×y×zx\times y\times z, and the resultant matrix M12M_{12} is of dimension x×zx\times z

Let's assume we have three matrices M1,M2,M3M_1, M_2, M_3 of dimensions 5×105\times 10, 10×810\times 8, and 8×58\times 5 respectively and for some reason we are interested in multiplying all of them. There are two possible orders of multiplication -

  • M1×(M2×M3)M_1\times(M_2\times M_3)
    • Steps required in M2×M3M_2\times M_3 will be 10×8×510\times 8\times 5 == 400400.
    • Dimensions of M23M_{23} will be 10×510\times 5.
    • Steps required in M1×M23M_1\times M_{23} will be 5×10×55\times 10 \times 5 == 250250.
    • Total Steps == 400+250400+250 == 650650
  • (M1×M2)×M3(M_1\times M_2)\times M_3
    • Steps required in M1×M2M_1\times M_2 will be 5×10×85\times 10\times 8 == 400400.
    • Dimensions of M12M_{12} will be 5×85\times 8.
    • Steps required in M12×M3M_{12}\times M_{3} will be 5×8×55\times 8 \times 5 == 200200.
    • Total Steps == 400+200400+200 == 600600

Matrix Chain Multiplication Example

Here, if we follow the second way, we would require 5050 fewer operations to obtain the same result.

Hence, it is necessary to know the optimal way in order to speed up the multiplication process by placing the brackets at every possible place and then checking which positioning minimizes the effort.

Naive Recursive Approach

The idea is very simple, placing parentheses at every possible place. For example, for a matrix chain M1M2M3M4M_1 M_2 M_3 M_4 we can have place parentheses like -

  • (M1)(M2M3M4)(M_1)(M_2M_3M_4)
  • (M1M2)(M3M4)(M_1M_2)(M_3M_4)
  • (M1M2M3)(M4)(M_1M_2M_3)(M_4)

Naive Recursive Approach

So for a matrix chain multiplication of length nn, M1M2...MnM_1M_2...M_n we can place parentheses in n1n-1 ways, notice that placing parentheses will not solve the problem rather it will split the problem into smaller sub-problems which are later used to find the answer for the main problem.

Like in (M1)(M2M3M4)(M_1)(M_2M_3M_4) the problem is divided into M1M_1 and (M2M3M4)(M_2M_3M_4) which can be solved again by placing parentheses and splitting the problem into smaller sub-problems until size becomes less than or equal to 2.

So we can deduce the minimum number of steps required to multiply a matrix chain of length nn == minimum number of all n1n-1 sub-problems.

To implement it we can use a recursive function in which we will place parentheses at every possible place, then in each step divide the main problem into two sub-problems i.e.i.e. left part and right part.

Later, the result obtained from the left and right parts can be used to find the answer of the main problem. Let's have a look at Pseudocode for better understanding.

Pseudocode of Recursive Approach

Explanation - To implement the matrix chain multiplication algorithm we can have a recursive function MatrixChainMultiplication which accepts three arguments i.e.i.e. an array (say mat) of integers representing dimensions of the matrices, low representing the starting index of the current sub-problem (initially low will be 0), and high representing the last index of the current sub-problem.

  • The base case of this recursive function occurs when we will reach low==high because it means we are left with a sub-problem of size 1 i.e.i.e. a single matrix MiM_i so we will return 0.
  • Then, we will iterate from low to high and place parentheses for each i such that lowi<\leq i<high.
  • During each iteration we will also calculate the cost incurred if we place at that particular position i.e.i.e. Cost of left sub-problem + cost of right sub-problem + mat[low-1]×\timesmat[k]×\timesmat[high]
  • At last we will return the minimum of the costs found during the iteration.

C/C++ Implementation of Recursive Approach

Java Implementation of Recursive Approach

Output -

Complexity Analysis

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity - Let T(n)T(n) be the total number of ways to place parentheses in the matrix chain, where T(n)T(n) is defined as -

    T(n)={Σi=1n1T(i)+T(ni),if n21,if n=1T(n)= \begin{cases} \Sigma^{n-1}_{i=1} \hspace{0.2cm} T(i) + T(n-i), &\text{if } n\geq2 \\ 1, & \text{if } n=1 \end{cases}

    On solving the above given recurrence relation, we get - T(n)=O(2n)T(n)=O(2^n) which grows at an exponential rate.

  • Space Complexity - Though we have not used any auxiliary space but as you can see in the above image, the maximum depth of the recursive tree can reach up to O(n)O(n) where nn is the length of the matrix chain. Hence the overall space complexity is O(n)O(n)

Need of Dynamic Programming

If we closely observe the recursive tree that is formed during finding the multiplication order, we will find that the result of the same sub-problem had been calculated many times also many overlapping sub-problems can be seen in the recursive tree.

For example, in a matrix chain of length 4, the recursive tree formed looks like - Dynamic Programming

We can see that answers for the sub-problem $1..2$, and $2..3$ have been calculated two times. So if we store them somewhere it will highly beneficial to speed up the process.

All these things suggest using Dynamic programming to find an efficient solution.

DP With Memoization

Algorithm for DP Using Memoization

The algorithm is almost the same as the naive recursive solution with the only change that here we will use a dpdp array of dimension n×nn\times n.

Steps -

  • Declare a global dpdp array of dimension n×nn\times n and initialize all the cells with value 1-1.

  • dp[i][j]dp[i][j] holds the answer for the sub-problem i..ji..j and whenever we will need to calculate i..ji..j we would simply return the stored answer instead of calculating it again.

  • Initialize variables low with 11, and high with n1n-1 and call the function to find the answer to this problem.

  • If low=highlow=high then return 0 because we don't need any step to solve sub-problem with a single matrix.

  • If dp[low][high]1dp[low][high] \neq -1 it means the answer for this problem has already been calculated. So we will simply return dp[low][high]dp[low][high] instead of solving it again.

  • In the other case, for each i=lowi=low to i=high1,i=high-1, we will find the minimum number of steps in solving the left sub-problem, right sub-problem, and steps required in multiplying the result obtained from both sides. Store the result obtained in dp[low][high] and return it.

  • At last answer for low=0low=0 and high=n1high=n-1 i.e.i.e. dp[0][n1]dp[0][n-1] will be returned.


Explanation - We will use almost the same approach as Recursive Implementation with the only change that, we will maintain a 2-D array (say dp) of dimensions n×nn\times n all of whose entries initialized with -1 where dp[i][j] stores result for the sub-problem i..j.

So for calculating the answer for the sub-problem i..j firstly we will check if we already have calculated the answer for it in past, by checking that if dp[i][j]!=-1. So if we already have calculated the answer for it we need not solve it again instead, we can simply return dp[i][j]

C/C++ Implementation

Output -

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity - In the function we are iterating from 11 to n1n-1 which costs O(n)O(n) and in each iteration, it takes O(n2)O(n^2) time to calculate the answer of left and right sub-problems. Hence, the overall time complexity is O(n3)O(n^3)

  • Space Complexity - We are using dpdp array of dimension n×nn\times n. So the space complexity is O(n2)O(n^2)

Bottom-up DP Solution


To solve this problem in a Bottom-up manner we will be following the "Gap strategy". Gap strategy means firstly we will solve all the sub-problems with gap=0, then with gap=1, and at last problem with gap=n-2.

For solving a problem with gap ii such that i2i\geq2, all the problems of size i1i-1 will be taken into account. Please refer to the following algorithm and example for a better understanding.

  • For sub-problem with gap 0 (single matrix), no multiplication is required so the answer will be 0.
  • For sub-problem with gap 1 (two matrices i.e.i.e. A and B) the only option is to simply find steps required in multiplying A and B.
  • For sub-problems with gap2\geq2 we need to find the minimum by placing the brackets at all the possible places.

For example -

  • Answer for the sub-problem {i,j}\{i,j\}, when i=ji=j is 0.
  • Answer for the sub-problem {i,j}\{i,j\}, when ji=1j-i=1 is mat[i]×mat[i]\times mat[j]×mat[j+1]mat[j]\times mat[j+1].
  • Answer for the sub-problem {i,j}\{i,j\}, when (ji)2(j-i)\geq2, is obtained by placing bracket at all possible places, and then calculating the sum of left sub-problem, right sub-problem and cost of multiplying matrices obtained from left and right side.


Let's dry run this algorithm on mat={2,4,6,8,6}mat=\{2, 4, 6, 8, 6\}.

Here the length of the chain is 5, so we will create dpdp array of dimension 4×44\times 4 as shown below -

Array of dimension

Then solving sub-problems of size 00 i.e.i.e. {0,0},\{0,0\}, {1,1},\{1,1\}, {2,2},\{2,2\}, and {3,3}\{3,3\}. As per the algorithm all of them will result in 0. After which dpdp array will look like - MAtrix Chain Multiplication DSA

Solving all sub-problems of gap 11 i.e.i.e. {0,1},\{0,1\}, {1,2},\{1,2\}, and {2,3},\{2,3\},.

  • {0,1}\{0,1\} will result in 2×4×62\times 4\times 6 =48=48
  • {1,2}\{1,2\} will result in 4×6×84\times 6\times 8 =192=192
  • {2,3}\{2,3\} will result in 6×8×66\times 8\times 6 =288=288

After which dpdp array will look like - Solving Subproblems of Gap

Now solving sub-problems with gap 22 i.e.i.e. {0,2}\{0,2\} and {1,3}\{1,3\}.

  • {0,2}\{0,2\} will result in minimum of -

    • dp[0][0]+dp[1][2]+(2×4×8)=0+192+64=256dp[0][0]+dp[1][2]+(2\times 4\times 8)= 0 + 192 + 64=256
    • dp[0][1]+dp[2][2]+(2×6×8)=48+0+96=144dp[0][1]+dp[2][2]+(2\times 6\times 8)=48+0+96=144

    Hence we will make dp[0][2]dp[0][2] as 144144.

  • {1,3}\{1,3\} will result in minimum of -

    • dp[1][1]+dp[2][3]+(4×6×6)=0+288+144=432dp[1][1]+dp[2][3]+(4\times 6\times 6)= 0 + 288 + 144=432
    • dp[1][2]+dp[2][2]+(4×8×6)=192+0+192=384dp[1][2]+dp[2][2]+(4\times 8\times 6)= 192 + 0 + 192=384

    Hence we will make dp[1][3]dp[1][3] as 384384

DSA Matrix Multiplication

Now solving the last problem (main problem) with gap 3 i.e.i.e. {0,3}\{0,3\}. It will be minimum of -

  • dp[0][0]+dp[1][3]+(2×4×6)=0+384+48=432dp[0][0]+dp[1][3]+(2\times 4\times 6)= 0 + 384 + 48=432
  • dp[0][1]+dp[2][3]+(2×6×6)=48+288+72=408dp[0][1]+dp[2][3]+(2\times 6\times 6)= 48 + 288 + 72=408
  • dp[0][2]+dp[3][3]+(2×8×6)=144+0+96=240dp[0][2]+dp[3][3]+(2\times 8\times 6)= 144 + 0 + 96=240

So 240 is the minimum among them, hence we will make dp[0][3]dp[0][3] as 240 making dpdp array look like - Final Otput of Matrix Multiplication

At last we will return dp[0][52]=dp[0][3]dp[0][5-2]=dp[0][3] i.e.i.e. 240240.

C/C++ Implementation

We will use a 2-D array (say dpdp) of dimensions (n1)×(n1)(n-1)\times(n-1) because the last problem is of size/gap n2n-2. Then we will iterate for each sub-problem with gap/size 00 till the last problem with gap/size n2n-2 and compute the answer for the sub-problem based on the rules discussed in the algorithm section. At last, the answer of the final problem will be stored in dp[0][n2]dp[0][n-2] so we will simply return it.

Output -

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity - We are using three nested for loops, each of which is iterating roughly O(n)O(n) times. Hence, the overall time complexity is O(n3)O(n^3).
  • Space Complexity - We are using an auxiliary dpdp array of dimensions, (n1)×(n1)(n-1)\times(n-1) hence space complexity is O(n2)O(n^2)

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  • In the matrix chain multiplication problem, the minimum number of multiplication steps required to multiply a chain of matrices has been calculated.
  • Determining the minimum number of steps required in the matrix chain multiplication can highly speed up the multiplication process.
  • It takes O(n3)O(n^3) time and O(n2)O(n^2) auxiliarly space to calculate the minimum number of steps required to multiply a chain of matrices using the dynamic programming method.
  • It is very important to decide the order of multiplication of matrices in matrix chain multiplication to perform the task efficiently.
  • So the minimum number of multiplication steps required to multiply a chain matrix in matrix chain multiplication of length nn has been computed.
  • Trying out all the possibilities recursively is very time consuming hence the method of dynamic programming is used to find the same.
  • The minimum number of steps required to multiply a chain of matrices in matrix chain multiplication can be found in O(n3)O(n^3) time complexity using dynamic programming.