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MongoDB Tutorial
With the help of this MongoDB tutorial, you will learn the fundamentals of MongoDB, how to access MongoDB, and some of its key capabilities, like data sharding, regular expressions, and indexing. You will be able to understand all of the MongoDB concepts with the aid of this tutorial guide.
What is MongoDB?
MongoDB is a NoSQL document-oriented database designed to store large amounts of data. The data model is present, allowing you to depict hierarchical relationships. Instead of using tables and rows like in conventional relational databases, it employs documents similar to JSON with optional schema.
Features of MongoDB
- Ad-hoc queries for optimized, real-time analytics
- Indexing appropriately for better query executions
- Replication for better data availability and stability
- Sharding
- Load balancing
Downloading and Installing MongoDB
On Windows
To install MongoDB on Windows, go to "http://www.mongodb.org/downloads" and download the correct version of MongoDB for your operating system. You should select the appropriate MongoDB version for your computer's operating system.
Locate the MongoDB msi file you downloaded, double-click it in Window Explorer, and then follow the on-screen directions. You can finish the installation procedure by following these instructions.
On Linux
Open a terminal and first update the APT cache.
Now instruct APT to set up MongoDB.
On macOS
On macOS
We need to change the Homebrew package Installer's repository index before we can begin installing MongoDB on MacOS. The following command will be used to accomplish this.
Installing MongoDB will be accomplished with the aid of the homebrew installer following the upgrading of the repository index. It merely sets MongoDB in the directory /usr/local/Cellar/mongodb.
Why Learn MongoDB?
The following is the list of benefits of using MongoDB:
- Document-oriented – Because MongoDB is a NoSQL database, it stores data in documents rather than in a relational style.
- Ad hoc queries – Field searching, range queries, and regular expression searches are all supported by MongoDB. Within documents, queries can be constructed to return particular fields.
- Indexing – To make MongoDB searches perform better, indexes can be established. A MongoDB document's fields can all be indexed.
- Replication – MongoDB's replica sets can offer high availability. At least two MongoDB instances make up a replica set.
- Load balancing – By dividing data among several MongoDB instances, MongoDB can scale horizontally. This is accomplished through the concept of sharding.
The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce mongoDB database to developers. This tutorial will give you a complete understanding of all the required elements of mongoBD by using the right examples.
You should have a fundamental understanding of databases, text editors, program execution, etc. before continuing with this course. It will be beneficial if you grasp the fundamentals of Database (RDBMS) because we will be developing high performance databases.
Applications of MongoDB
- Many different web apps use MongoDB as their main data store.
- Big data management is another capability offered by MongoDB.
- It is used to store a vast amount of biometric and demographic information.
- Complex items that require complete synchronisation with one another can be handled with ease using MongoDB.
Characteristics of MongoDB
The attributes of MongoDB are as follows:
- Ad hoc query assistance
- Indexing
- Replication
- duplication of data
- Load balancing
- support for tools such as map reduction and aggregation
- Database without schemas
- Uses procedures rather than JavaScript
- High performance
- Simple to manage
Advantages of MongoDB
The primary benefit of MongoDB is that it stores data in documents rather than traditional database tables. As a result, it is unnecessary to add joins for various database tables, making it quicker and easier to retrieve data from the database.
Additional benefits of MongoDB include :
- Clustering
- assistance with secondary indices
- Caching
- Greater set of features
About this MongoDB Tutorial
This mongoDB tutorial contains topics like Aggregation, sharding, mongoDB with AWS, mongoDB with different databases like SQL, mongoDB, postgreSQL, security in mongoDB, Authentication and authorization in mongoDB, mongoDB repository, mongoDB cheat sheet and much more.
Take-Away Skills from This MongoDB Tutorial
- MongoRepository offers all the tools required to build CRUD applications.
- Several ways are available from MongoDB to authenticate a user's connection.
- Best practices for Securing mongodb must have Logging and auditing feature.
- MongoDB offers flexibility, Schema-less model, Modular Query Model and aggregation.
- There is a variety of query Operators provided by MongoDB.