MongoDB Migration

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MongoDB migrations involve the process of updating a database's schema or data from one version to another. This can be done manually using scripts or automated using tools like the MongoDB Migration Tool.

What is Migrate-Mongo?

Migrate-mongo is a Node.js library and command-line tool that provides database schema migration functionality for MongoDB. It allows you to manage changes to your MongoDB database schema over time by defining and executing database migration scripts that update your database schema to a new version.

With migrate-mongo, you can version your database schema changes and apply them in a controlled and repeatable manner. It provides a simple and consistent way to create, modify and revert changes to your database schema, ensuring that your application and database remain in sync and operational.

Migrate-mongo supports a variety of features, including creating and modifying collections, indexes, and documents. It also supports rollback and undo functionality, allowing you to easily undo changes that have been applied to your database. It can be used with any Node.js project and integrates well with popular Node.js frameworks such as Express and NestJS.


Using the steps below, you can install migrate-mongo:

Ensure that npm (Node.js Package Manager) and Node.js are installed on your computer. They are available for download and installation from the link, the official website.

Go to the root directory of your Node.js project in a terminal or command prompt.

Install migrate-Mongo as a development dependency by running the following command:

After the installation is complete, you can use migrate-mongo in your project by running its commands through npm scripts or directly from the terminal.


  1. In your terminal, use the following command to create a new migration:

By doing this, a new migration file will be created in your project's migrations directory.

  1. To specify the changes you wish to make to your database schema or data, edit the migration file. The exporting object in the migration file must have both an up and a down function. The database should be changed by the up method, and then the modifications should be reversed by the down function.

Here is an example of a migration file that adds a new collection to the database:

  1. To run the migrations, enter the following command into your terminal:

This will execute all the migration files that have not yet been executed.

  1. Use the following command in your terminal to roll back a migration:

This will execute the down function in the most recently executed migration file, effectively undoing the changes made by that migration.

  1. Type the following command in your terminal to view the status of migrations:

This will show you which migrations have been executed, which are pending, and which have been rolled back.


Migrate-mongo is a powerful and flexible tool for automating MongoDB database migrations. Some of its key features include:

  • Simple setup and configuration:
    With any MongoDB database, migrate-mongo is simple to install and set up.
  • Version control:
    Version control is a feature that Migrate-Mongo offers for database migrations, making it simple to trace changes and revert to earlier versions as needed.
  • Automated migration scripts:
    Using JavaScript, migrate-mongo enables developers to create automatic migration scripts that can be executed on the database to modify the schema or data.
  • Flexible migrations:
    Migrate-mongo enables programmers to build both forward and backward migrations and can manage challenging migration scenarios, including data transformations and schema modifications.
  • Easy collaboration:
    Migrate-mongo makes it easy for developers to collaborate on database migrations, as changes can be version-controlled and tracked using Git.
  • Support for multiple environments:
    Multiple environments are supported by migrate-mongo, which can be used to move databases between environments like development, staging, and production.
  • Detailed logging and error handling:
    Migrate-mongo makes it easy to troubleshoot and debug migration scripts.


This method initializes a new migrate-mongo project by creating a sample migrate-mongo-config.js file and a migrations directory. The migrate-mongo-config.js file contains the configuration for connecting to the MongoDB database.

2. create(description):
This method creates a new migration file with the provided description in the migrations directory. The method returns the name of the created file.

3. database.connect():
This method connects to the MongoDB database using the connection settings from the migrate-mongo-config.js file. It returns an object containing the db and client instances.

This method reads the connection settings from the migrate-mongo-config.js file and returns them as a JSON object.

5. config.set(yourConfigObject):
This method tells migrate-mongo not to use the migrate-mongo-config.js file, but instead use the yourConfigObject object passed as the first argument of this function. When using this feature, you should call this method at the very beginning of your program.

6. up(MongoDb, MongoClient):
This method applies all pending migrations. It takes two arguments, MongoDb and MongoClient, which are the instances returned from the database.connect() method. The method returns an array of the names of the migrated files. If an error occurs during migration, the promise will reject and won't continue with the rest of the pending migrations.

7. down(MongoDb, MongoClient):
This method reverts (only) the last applied migration. It takes two arguments, MongoDB and MongoClient, which are the instances returned from the database.connect() method. The method returns an array of the names of the reverted files.

8. status(MongoDb):
This function checks which migrations are applied or not in the database.

9. client.close():
This function closes the database connection.

MongoDB Migration Tools

The 7 MongoDB Migration Tools:

1. MongoDB Atlas Live Migration Service

This is a service offered by MongoDB Atlas, a cloud-based database service, that enables you to transfer your data with the least amount of downtime from an existing MongoDB setup to Atlas. It manages every step of the migration procedure automatically, including data copying, schema validation, and verification.

2. AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS)

You can move data to MongoDB from a variety of sources using this managed service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It offers capabilities like continuous data replication, schema conversion, and automatic data validation and supports both homogeneous and heterogeneous migrations.

3. Mongock

An open-source library called Mongock is used to control database migrations in MongoDB. The migration scripts are executed using Java and MongoDB's native API, and capabilities like version control, rollbacks, and schema validation are available.

4. Liquibase MongoDB Extension

MongoDB is supported by Liquibase, an open-source database migration tool, through a specific MongoDB extension. It offers capabilities like rollbacks, rollforwards, and database diff reports, and it employs XML, YAML, or JSON files to express database schema modifications.

5. MongoSyphon

MongoSyphon is an open-source tool for migrating data between MongoDB instances or to/from other databases. It supports both real-time and batch migrations and provides features such as data filtering, transformation, and validation.


SYNC is a commercial tool for migrating data to and from MongoDB. It supports various data sources, such as Oracle, SQL Server, and MySQL, and provides features such as schema mapping, data validation, and performance optimization.

7. IRI NextForm

IRI NextForm is a commercial tool for data migration and integration. It supports various data sources and targets, including MongoDB, and provides features such as data mapping, data validation, and data cleansing.

MongoDB Migration Steps

1. Back up your data:
Before starting the migration process, it is essential to back up your data to ensure that you do not lose any important information during the migration process. You can back up your data using MongoDB tools like mongodump.

Syntax of mongodump

  • -h, --host <hostname[]>:
    Specifies the hostname and port number of the MongoDB server.

  • -u, --username <username>:
    Specifies the username to use when authenticating with the MongoDB server.

  • -p, --password <password>:
    Specifies the password to use when authenticating with the MongoDB server.

  • -d, --db <database>:
    Specifies the name of the database to be backed up.

  • -o, --out <directory>:
    Specifies the directory where the backup files will be saved.

2. Choose your migration method:
MongoDB migration can be done using various methods like mongodump and mongorestore, mongoimport and mongoexport, or using third-party tools like Robo 3T or Studio 3T. Choose the method that best fits your requirements based on the specifics of your migration.

3. Export data from the source database:
If you are using mongoexport to export data, use the following command to export all collections from the source database:

This command exports data from the source_db database and the collection_name collection to a JSON file named export_file. The --jsonArray option ensures that the data is exported as an array of JSON documents.

4. Import data into the target database:
If you are using mongoimport to import data, use the following command to import data into the target database:

This command imports data from the JSON file named export_file to the target_db database and the collection_name collection. The --jsonArray option ensures that the data is imported as an array of JSON documents.

5. Test the migration:
Once the data has been imported into the target database, it is important to test the database to ensure that all data has been migrated successfully. Test the database using a set of queries that verifies that the data has been successfully migrated and the application is functioning as expected.

6. Update your application configuration:
Update your application configuration to point to the new target database to ensure that your application is using the migrated data. Update the configuration files to reflect the changes made in the new target database.

7. Clean up:
Once you have verified that the migration was successful, remove any unnecessary code or data that was used during the migration process. Update any relevant documentation or configuration files to reflect the changes to your database schema or data.

Automating Database Migration in MongoDB

Automating database migration in MongoDB involves using tools or libraries to manage changes to the database schema and data and automate the process of applying those changes to the database. This can help to reduce the risk of errors and inconsistencies, save time, and improve overall productivity.


Q. How do I manage multiple environments using migrate-mongo?

A. You can manage multiple environments using the "migrate-mongo-config.js" configuration file. This file allows you to define different database connection strings and settings for each environment.

Q. Can I use migrate-mongo with a database hosted on a cloud service?

A. Yes, migrate-mongo can be used with databases hosted on cloud services such as MongoDB Atlas or Amazon Web Services (AWS). You will need to provide the appropriate connection string and authentication details in the configuration file.


  • migrate-mongo is a tool for managing MongoDB database migrations.
  • It uses the concept of "migrations", which are scripts that define how the database should be changed.
  • To use migrate-mongo, you need to install it via NPM and create a migration directory where you can store your migration scripts.
  • A migration script should have two functions: up and down. The up function defines how the database should be changed to apply the migration, and the down function defines how the changes should be undone to revert the migration.
  • You can create a new migration script using the migrate-mongo create command.