Find Documents using Single Field

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Finding documents in MongoDB based on a single field involves querying a collection to retrieve documents that have a specific value for a particular field. This is done using the find method in MongoDB, which allows you to specify a filter document that contains the field and value to match.


In MongoDB, you can use the find method to retrieve documents from a collection based on a single field. This is one of the simplest and most common use cases for querying data in MongoDB.

To find documents using a single field, you can pass a filter document as a parameter to the find method that specifies the field and its value. The filter document should have the field name as the key and the value to match the value. MongoDB will then return all documents in the collection that have the specified field value.

What is the find Method in MongoDB?

In MongoDB, the find() method is used to query a collection for documents that match specific criteria. It is the primary method for retrieving data from MongoDB collections.

Types of Find Methods


The find method is used to retrieve documents from a collection that match a specific set of criteria. It is one of the basic and most commonly used methods for querying data in MongoDB.



The find method takes two parameters:

filter: This is a filter document that specifies the criteria for selecting documents from the collection. It is similar to the WHERE clause in SQL and uses a JSON-like syntax to specify the filtering criteria. Documents that match the filter criteria will be returned in the result set. If no filter is provided, all documents in the collection will be returned.

projection: This is an optional projection document that specifies which fields of the selected documents to include or exclude from the result set. It is similar to the SELECT clause in SQL and uses a JSON-like syntax to specify the fields to include (1), exclude (0), or include conditionally (elemMatch,elemMatch, meta, $slice, etc.).

Return Value

The find method returns a cursor, which is a pointer to the result set. The cursor allows you to iterate over the documents in the result set and retrieve them one by one. You can use cursor methods such as forEach, map, toArray, etc. to retrieve the documents from the cursor.


Consider a collection named "users" with the following documents:

To retrieve all documents from the "users" collection, you can use the find method without any filter criteria as follows:

To retrieve documents that match specific filter criteria, you can provide a filter document as the first parameter to the find method. For example, to retrieve all documents where the "city" field is "New York", you can use the following filter:


The findAndModify method allows you to atomically modify and retrieve a document from a collection in a single operation. It is often used for scenarios where you need to update a document and retrieve its original or updated state in a single operation, ensuring that no other concurrent operation can modify the same document in between the update and retrieval steps.



The findAndModify method takes three parameters:

query: This is a query document that specifies the criteria for selecting the document to be modified. It is similar to the query parameter in the find method and uses the same syntax to specify the filtering criteria.

update: This is an updated document that specifies the modifications to be applied to the selected document. It uses the same update operators and syntax as in the update method in MongoDB. For example, settosetafieldvalue,set to set a field value, inc to increment a numeric field, etc.

options: This is an optional options document that specifies additional parameters for the findAndModify operation. Some common options include sort, fields, and new.


Consider a collection named "users" with the following document:

To update the "age" field of the document with a "_id" value of 1 to 35 and retrieve the original document in a single operation, you can use the findAndModify method as follows:


The findOne method is used to query and retrieve a single document from a collection that matches the provided query criteria. It is similar to the find method, but it returns only the first matching document, unlike find which returns a cursor that can contain multiple documents.



The findOne method takes two parameters:

query: same parameter as mentioned in the find method and findAndModify method.

*** Projection (optional):*** This is an optional projection document that specifies which fields of the selected document to include or exclude in the result. It uses the same projection operators and syntax as in the find method in MongoDB. For example, { field1: 1, field2: 0 } to include field1 and exclude field2.

Return Value

The findOne method returns a single document that matches the query criteria. If no document is found, it returns null.


Consider a collection named "users" with the following documents:

To retrieve the document with a "_id" value of 1 from the "users" collection, you can use the findOne method as follows:

You can also use the projection parameter to specify which fields of the selected document to include or exclude in the result. For example, to retrieve only the "name" field and exclude the "_id" field, you can use the following:


findOneAndDelete is a method that allows you to atomically find and delete a single document from a collection in a single operation. It is often used when you want to delete a document and retrieve its content in one atomic operation, ensuring that no other concurrent operation can modify the same document in between the find and delete steps.



The findOneAndDelete method takes two parameters:

filter: This is a filter document that specifies the criteria for selecting the document to be deleted. It uses the same syntax as the filter parameter in the find method to specify the filtering criteria.

options: This is an optional options document that specifies additional parameters for the findOneAndDelete operation. Some common options include sort and projection.

Return Value

The findOneAndDelete method returns the deleted document by default. However, you can specify the projection option to specify which fields of the deleted document to include or exclude in the result.


We already have the collection named "users" with the following document:

To delete the document with a "_id" value of 1 from the "users" collection and retrieve its content in a single operation, you can use the findOneAndDelete method as follows:

You can also use other options such as sort to specify the sorting order of documents before deleting, and projection to specify which fields of the deleted document to include or exclude in the result.


The findOneAndReplace is a method that allows you to atomically find and replace a single document in a collection in a single operation. It is often used when you want to update a document with a new document in one atomic operation, ensuring that no other concurrent operation can modify the same document in between the find and replace steps.



The findOneAndReplace method takes three parameters:

filter: This is a filter document that specifies the criteria for selecting the document to be replaced. It uses the same syntax as the filter parameter in the find method to specify the filtering criteria.

replacement: This is the replacement document that specifies the new content of the document to be updated. The replacement document must have the same _id value as the original document, as _id is immutable in MongoDB.

options: This is an optional options document that specifies additional parameters for the findOneAndReplace operation. Some common options include sort, projection, and upsert.

Return Value

The findOneAndReplace method returns the original document by default before it was replaced. However, you can specify the return original option to false in the options document to return the new, replaced document instead.


We already have the collection named "users" with the document _id: 1 and name: John.

To replace the document with a "_id" value of 1 in the "users" collection with a new document and retrieve the original document in a single operation, you can use the findOneAndReplace method as follows:

Note that the findOneAndReplace method is irreversible, as it permanently replaces the selected document with the replacement document in the collection. Be cautious when using this method and make sure to back up your data before performing irreversible operations.


The findOneAndUpdate is a method that allows you to atomically find and update a single document in a collection in a single operation. It is often used when you want to update a document with new values in one atomic operation, ensuring that no other concurrent operation can modify the same document in between the find and update steps.



The findOneAndUpdate method takes three parameters:

filter: This is a filter document that specifies the criteria for selecting the document to be updated. It uses the same syntax as the filter parameter in the find method to specify the filtering criteria.

update: This is the updated document that specifies the changes to be made to the selected document. The updated document can contain operators such as set,set, inc, and $push to specify the update operations to perform on the document.

options: This is an optional options document that specifies additional parameters for the findOneAndUpdate operation. Some common options include sort, projection, upsert, and returnOriginal.

Return Value

The findOneAndUpdate method returns the original document by default before it was updated. However, you can specify the return original option to false in the options document to return the updated document instead.


To update the document with a "_id" value of 1 in the "users" collection and retrieve the original document in a single operation, you can use the findOneAndUpdate method as follows:


  • The find method returns a cursor, which is a pointer to the result set, and provides flexibility in handling large result sets.
  • MongoDB provides several types of find methods, including find, findOne, findAndModify, findOneAndUpdate, findOneAndReplace, and findOneAndDelete.
  • The findOne method is used to retrieve a single document from a collection that matches the specified criteria and returns the document itself, rather than a cursor.
  • The findAndModify method is used to atomically update and retrieve a document from a collection in a single operation, making it useful for implementing operations that require both update and retrieval.
  • The findOneAndUpdate method is similar to findAndModify, but specifically designed for updating a single document and returning the updated document as the result.
  • The findOneAndReplace method is similar to findOneAndUpdate but replaces the entire document with a new document instead of updating specific fields.
  • The findOneAndDelete method is used to find and delete a single document from a collection based on specified criteria in a single operation.