Limit in MongoDB

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The Limit in MongoDB is used to limit the number of documents returned by a query. It takes a single argument that specifies the maximum number of documents to return. The Limit in MongoDB can be used with the find() method to limit the number of documents returned from a collection, or with the aggregate() method to limit the number of documents returned by an aggregation pipeline. The Limit in MongoDB is useful for improving query performance and reducing network overhead when working with large datasets.

Limit in MongoDB

In MongoDB, a limit is a query parameter that specifies the maximum number of documents to return in a query result set. It is similar to the LIMIT clause in SQL. The limit parameter can be used in conjunction with other query parameters, such as sorting and skipping. In MongoDB, several types of limits may apply, depending on the context:

Size limit: MongoDB has a maximum document size of 16 megabytes (MB). If a document exceeds this limit, it cannot be stored in MongoDB. Similarly, a MongoDB database cannot exceed 64 terabytes (TB) in size.

Index limit: MongoDB imposes a limit on the number of indexes that can be created for a single collection. The exact limit depends on the size of the indexes and the available memory on the server.

Cursor limit: When querying large amounts of data, MongoDB may limit the number of documents that can be returned in a single query. This limit is controlled by the batchSize parameter and can be adjusted to balance performance and resource usage.

Connection limit: MongoDB imposes a limit on the number of concurrent connections that can be made to a single MongoDB instance. This limit depends on the available memory and CPU resources of the server.

Collection and database limit: There is no hard limit on the number of collections or databases that can be created in MongoDB, but the practical limit depends on the available resources and the workload of the server.

It's important to note that some of these limits can be adjusted by modifying configuration parameters or changing server resources, while others are inherent to the design of MongoDB.

cursor.limit() Method

The Cursor.limit() method is a method provided by MongoDB's cursor object to limit the number of documents returned by a query.

When querying a MongoDB database, you can use the find() method to retrieve a cursor object that allows you to iterate over the result set. The maximum page count that should be retrieved by the query may be set using the limit() function on this cursor object.

In this example, db.collection.find({ "field": "value" }) retrieves a cursor object for all documents in the collection with a specific field value. The limit(10) method is then called on the cursor object to specify that only the first 10 documents should be returned. Finally, the for loop iterates over the limited cursor to process each document.


The cursor.limit() method is a MongoDB method used to limit the number of documents returned by a query. The syntax of the Limit in MongoDB is as follows:


Here, the cursor is the MongoDB cursor object that represents the result set of the query, and the limit is an integer that specifies the maximum number of documents that should be returned by the query.

For example, to limit the results of a query to the first 10 documents, you would use the following syntax:


This would return a cursor object that contains at most 10 documents. If the query would return more than 10 documents, the remaining documents would be discarded.

It's important to note that the Limit in MongoDB should be used in conjunction with other methods such as find() or aggregate() to apply the limit to the query result set. For example:


This would limit the results of the find() query to the first 10 documents.


The Limit in MongoDB works by adding a limit parameter to the query. When the query is executed, the MongoDB server will stop returning results once it has reached the specified limit.

Here are some key behaviors of the cursor.Limit in MongoDB:

  1. The Limit in MongoDB can be used with find() or aggregate() queries.
  2. The limit parameter must be a positive integer.
  3. If the Limit in MongoDB is not used in a query, MongoDB will return all matching documents.
  4. If a query returns fewer documents than the specified limit, the Limit in MongoDB has no effect.
  5. The Limit in MongoDB can be chained with other query methods such as skip() to implement pagination.

Here's an example of using the cursor.limit() method in a find() query to limit the number of documents returned to 5:


This query will return at most 5 documents from the collection. If the query would have returned more than 5 documents, the remaining documents will not be returned.


In this example, db.collection.find({ "field": "value" }) retrieves a cursor object for all documents in the collection with a specific field value. The limit(10) method is then called on the cursor object to specify that only the first 10 documents should be returned. Finally, the for loop iterates over the limited cursor to process each document.

$Limit (Aggregation)

In MongoDB, the $limit aggregation pipeline stage is used to limit the number of documents that pass through the pipeline. It takes a single numeric argument that specifies the maximum number of documents to return.


In MongoDB, the $limit aggregation pipeline operator is used to limit the number of documents that are passed to the next stage in the pipeline. The syntax of the $limit operator is as follows:

{ $limit: <positive integer> }

Here, <positive integer> specifies the maximum number of documents that can be passed to the next stage in the pipeline. The $limit operator should be used as one of the first stages in the pipeline, as it reduces the number of documents that are processed in subsequent stages.

For example, the following aggregation pipeline uses the $limit operator to limit the number of documents to 10:

In this example, the pipeline first filters the documents that have a status of "active" using the $match operator. It then sorts the documents by the balance field in descending order using the $sort operator. Finally, it limits the number of documents passed to the next stage in the pipeline to 10 using the $limit operator.


The $limit aggregation operator in MongoDB is used to limit the number of documents passed to the next stage in the aggregation pipeline. When used, it restricts the number of documents passed to the next stage to the specified limit.

The $limit operator can be used at any stage in the aggregation pipeline, but it is typically used towards the beginning of the pipeline, after the $match stage. The $limit stage can improve performance by reducing the number of documents that need to be processed by subsequent pipeline stages.

Here are some key behaviors of the $limit aggregation operator:

  1. The $limit operator takes a single parameter, which must be a positive integer.
  2. The $limit operator can be used with any aggregation stage that outputs documents.
  3. If the $limit operator is not used in an aggregation pipeline, all documents will be passed to the next stage.
  4. If an aggregation pipeline returns fewer documents than the specified limit, the $limit operator has no effect.
  5. The $limit operator can be used in conjunction with other aggregation operators, such as $sort and $skip, to implement pagination.


Here is an example:

In this example, we're using the $match stage to filter the documents where the value of the field is equal to "value". Then we're using the $sort stage to sort the remaining documents by the field2 field in ascending order. Finally, we're using the $limit stage to limit the number of documents returned to 10.

Limiting Sorted Documents

In MongoDB, you can limit the number of sorted documents returned by using the Limit in MongoDB along with the sort() method. Here is an example: db.collection.find().sort({field: 1}).limit(10)

In the example above, db.collection is the name of the collection you want to query, the field is the name of the field you want to sort by, and 1 is used to sort the field in ascending order. You can use -1 instead of 1 to sort the field in descending order.

The Limit in MongoDB limits the number of documents returned to 10. You can change the number to any value you want.


Q. What happens if the limit argument is set to a value greater than the number of matching documents?

A. If the limit argument is set to a value greater than the number of matching documents, the query will return all matching documents.

Q. Can the Limit in MongoDB be used with the update() method in MongoDB?

A. **No, the Limit in MongoDB cannot be used with the update() method in MongoDB. It can only be used with read operations like find() and aggregate().

Q. Can I skip some documents and return the next N documents using limit()?

A. Yes, you can skip some documents and return the next N documents using the skip() method in combination with the Limit in MongoDB. For example, db.collection.find().skip(10).limit(5) will skip the first 10 documents and return the next 5 documents.

Q. Is there a maximum value for the limit argument?

A. Yes, there is a maximum value for the limit argument in MongoDB. The maximum value is 2147483647 (2^31 - 1). Any value higher than this will result in an error.

Q. How does the Limit in MongoDB affect query performance?

A. Using the Limit in MongoDB can improve query performance by reducing the number of documents that need to be processed and returned by the query. However, it's important to note that the Limit in MongoDB should be used judiciously, as using it excessively can result in slower query performance due to increased query complexity.


  • In conclusion, the Limit in MongoDB and the $limit aggregation pipeline stage in MongoDB are powerful tools for limiting the number of documents returned by a query or aggregation operation.
  • The Limit in MongoDB can be used with the find() method to limit the number of documents returned, while the $limit stage can be used in the aggregation pipeline to limit the number of documents processed.
  • When using these methods, it is important to remember that they should be used carefully, especially when dealing with large collections. Proper indexing and query optimization can help improve performance, and it is recommended to use the $sort stage before the $limit stage when ordering is important.
  • Overall, the Limit in MongoDB and the $limit aggregation pipeline stage are useful features in MongoDB that can help you manage large datasets and improve the efficiency of your queries and aggregation operations.