How to group Aggregation

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This article provides a detailed explanation of how to group Aggregation in MongoDB. Here we will see how to utilize the Groupby Aggregation method in MongoDB to the group and analyze data present in a collection. We will see various aspects, such as the general syntax, parameters involved, and conceptual examples of using the group aggregation method in MongoDB and MongoDB aggregation framework. The article underscores the significance of giving careful consideration to the parameters utilized and their order in the aggregation pipeline. Furthermore, it highlights the immense value of utilizing the MongoDB aggregation framework method to carry out intricate data analysis tasks and obtain valuable insights from data present in a collection.


MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that allows developers to store and manipulate large volumes of data in a flexible and scalable manner. One of the key features of MongoDB is its ability to perform aggregations on data, which allows for advanced querying and analysis. In this article, we will discuss how to group aggregation in MongoDB.

Grouping aggregation allows you to group data based on certain criteria and perform various operations on each group, such as summing, counting, averaging, or finding the maximum or minimum value. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced MongoDB developer, this article will help you understand the power of grouping aggregation in MongoDB and how to use it effectively in your projects.

How to Use the MongoDB Groupby Aggregation Method?

The MongoDB Groupby aggregation method is a powerful tool for grouping and summarizing data in MongoDB. MongoDB aggregation framework allows users to group documents by specific fields and perform aggregation operations on those groups. Now coming to our topic of how to group aggregation in MongoDB, you can follow these steps to use Groupby aggregation:

  • Connect to your MongoDB database using your preferred method.
  • Select the collection that you want to perform the groupby operation on.
  • Define the fields that you want to group by using the $group operator.
  • You can use the $group operator as follows:

Here, $group specifies the name of the operator. _id specifies the field or expression used to group the documents. This can be a field name or an expression that evaluates a value that can be used for grouping. , and , are optional fields that you can use to specify additional fields to include or perform calculations in the output grouped documents. , are the expressions used by the accumulator operators to perform calculations on the grouped documents. These expressions can be field names, literals, or complex expressions that use other operators.

  • After you define the fields that you want to group by using the $group operator. The operator takes a set of key-value pairs that define the grouping criteria. For example:

In this example, the documents in the collection are grouped by the value of field1, and the $sum operator is used to calculate the count of documents in each group.

**sum:1isanexpressionusedwiththesum:1** is an expression used with the sum accumulator operator to calculate the sum of a set of values. When used as $sum: 1, it essentially counts the number of documents in the group.

  • Define the aggregation functions that you want to perform on each group using the appropriate operators. For example:

In this example, the documents in the collection are grouped by the value of field1, and the $avg operator is used to calculate the average value of field2 for each group.

  • Use additional operators like sort,sort, limit, and $project to further refine the output of the Groupby aggregation method as needed.

Overall, the MongoDB aggregation framework is a flexible and powerful tool for grouping and summarizing data in MongoDB. By following the above steps, you can easily perform complex aggregation operations on your MongoDB collections and derive valuable insights from your data.

General Syntax of MongoDB Groupby Aggregation Method

The syntax of the MongoDB Groupby aggregation method is as follows:

The above syntax has _id which is a required field. The _id expression specifies the group key. If you specify an _id value of null, or any other constant value, the $group stage returns a single document that aggregates values across all of the input documents. Apart from it, the field is an optional entity. It is computed using the accumulator operators.

The Groupby method of the MongoDB aggregation framework is highly flexible and allows for complex grouping and aggregation operations on collections. By using the above syntax and combining it with other operators like match,match, `sort, and $limit`, MongoDB users can perform data analysis and reporting tasks on their data.

Parameters Involved in MongoDB Groupby Aggregation

There are several parameters involved in the Groupby method of MongoDB aggregation framework. These parameters determine how the aggregation operation is performed and what the output will look like. Let's take a closer look at each of these parameters:

  1. **group:Thisparameterisusedtogroupthedocumentsinthecollectionbyoneormorefields.Thegroup**: This parameter is used to group the documents in the collection by one or more fields. The group parameter takes a set of key-value pairs that define the grouping criteria. The _id field is required and specifies the field to group by.

  2. _id: This field specifies the grouping criteria. It can be a field name or an expression that evaluates a field value.

  3. Accumulator Operators: Accumulator operators perform calculations on the documents within each group. MongoDB provides a variety of accumulator operators such as sum,sum, avg, min,min, max, first,first, last, push,andpush, and addToSet. Following is a detailed explanation of the accumulator operators:

    • $sum - Calculates the sum of all numeric values in a group of documents.
    • $avg - Calculates the average of all numeric values in a group of documents.
    • $min - Returns the minimum value of a field in a group of documents.
    • $max - Returns the maximum value of a field in a group of documents.
    • $first - Returns the first value of a field in a group of documents.
    • $last - Returns the last value of a field in a group of documents.
    • $push - Appends a value to an array field in a group of documents.
    • $addToSet - Adds a value to an array field only if it does not already exist in the array.

Accumulator operators are used in the $group parameter to calculate aggregate values for each group.

  1. $project: This parameter is used to reshape the output of the aggregation operation. It takes a set of key-value pairs that define the output fields and the expressions to calculate them.
  2. **match:Thisparameterisusedtofilterthedocumentsinthecollectionbeforetheyarepassedtothematch**: This parameter is used to filter the documents in the collection before they are passed to the group stage. It uses MongoDB's query language to select the documents to include in the aggregation pipeline.
  3. $sort: This parameter is used to sort the output of the aggregation pipeline. It takes a set of key-value pairs that define the sort order.
  4. $limit: This parameter is used to limit the number of documents returned by the aggregation pipeline.

Now you might have an understanding of using these parameters in combination and knowledge of how to group Aggregation in MongoDB.

Example: Using MongoDB Groupby Aggregation

Let's walk through a conceptual example of using the MongoDB Groupby aggregation method to better understand how it works. Suppose we have a collection called "orders" that contains documents representing orders from an online store. Each document in the collection has the following structure:

We want to analyze our sales data and find out the total revenue generated by each customer in the last month. We can use the MongoDB Groupby aggregation method to achieve this. First, we use the $match operator to filter the documents in the collection and select only those that were placed in the last month:

Next, we use the groupoperatortogrouptheremainingdocumentsbycustomerIDandcalculatethetotalrevenueforeachcustomerusingthegroup operator to group the remaining documents by customer ID and calculate the total revenue for each customer using the sum accumulator operator:

In this example, we use the multiplyoperatortocalculatethetotalrevenueforeachorderbymultiplyingthequantityandpricefields,andthenweusethemultiply operator to calculate the total revenue for each order by multiplying the quantity and price fields, and then we use the sum operator to calculate the total revenue for each customer. Finally, we use the $sort operator to sort the results by revenue in descending order and limit the output to the top 10 customers:

By using the MongoDB Groupby aggregation method, we can quickly and easily analyze our sales data and gain valuable insights into our business.


Here are the key points covered in this article on How to Group Aggregation in MongoDB:

  1. Aggregation in MongoDB is the process of processing and analyzing data to obtain meaningful results.
  2. The $group operator is used in MongoDB to group data based on one or more fields in the collection.
  3. The $match operator is used to filter data in the collection before grouping it.
  4. MongoDB provides several accumulator operators such as $sum, $avg, $min, max,max, `first, last,last`, `push, and $addToSet` to perform calculations on grouped data.
  5. The $project operator is used to reshape the output of the aggregation operation.
  6. The $sort operator is used to sort the output of the aggregation pipeline.
  7. The $limit operator is used to limit the number of documents returned by the aggregation pipeline.
  8. When using the MongoDB Groupby aggregation method, it is important to carefully consider the parameters used and the order in which they are applied in the aggregation pipeline.
  9. MongoDB aggregation framework allows for complex data analysis tasks and the derivation of valuable insights from data.
  10. With the MongoDB Groupby aggregation method, you can perform tasks such as calculating the total revenue generated by each customer or analyzing data across multiple collections in a MongoDB database.